View Full Version : Look what found us!

09-13-2003, 01:32 PM
All this week I have been watching some of my mom's dogs ( which I have lots of pictures of, just not uploaded yet), so with 6 outside, I'm used to more barking. Well, last night about 5:40 or so, the dogs were going nuts...more than usual. I went outside to see what was going on and there stood a new dog.

My first was reaction was to get a collar and leash. Then I didn't know what to do...I had 6 dogs here, all the kennels are full!! He was not neutured either and even though all mine our, he seemd to want to hump my leg...I didn't want to expose the rest of the dogs to that. Hmmm...so I tied him to the front porch hoping some owner would dome by and find him. No luck.

Ralph got home and we started making phone calls. Of course everyone closes at 6 or earlier, so there was no one willing to help. Can you believe no where inthe city of toledo is a night drop off? Are we just supposed to let people's lost pets roam the streets? Finally, the Humane society would take him, but not until today.

So, on our front porch he sat. Then we had to leave, so we took him to our neighbors back yard....and barked and barked and barked. Finally we got home just before 11pm amd realized we had to do something else. We moved one of our kennels to the garage and put him in there, got him some water, a chew toy and he was happy to be inside!!

This morning we took him to Burger King, got him a burger, and left him, tail wagging with the friendly people at our Humane Society. I feel bad that we couldn't keep him here, but honestly I don't have room for another dog, that I know nothing about. My dogs couldn't go outisde when he was, andt was just not going to work.

He is obviuosly someone's dog. He was been groomed recently, he knows sit, lay down and walks well on the leash. I guess if they deserve him, they will think to call the Humane Society. And if not, he is such a happy, friendly guy he should find a home fast.

Here's a picture of "My Buddy"

09-13-2003, 01:57 PM
What a cutie!!!!

Thanks for taking care of him!! I hope his owners find him soon!!

09-13-2003, 10:48 PM
He is cute! One time a while back a neighbor a couple streets away found a black dog with a white spot on her chest wandering the neighborhood and was convinced it was my Sadie so he put the dog in my backyard. Sadie and I were pretty surprised when we got home. According to her tag she was Sadie too (that added to the confusion) but thankfully she had a number to reach her owner that missed her a lot.

I hope Buddy finds his home!

09-14-2003, 12:25 AM
What a cutie! I hope his owners find him, or he finds better owners.

09-14-2003, 12:33 AM
Oh he's a cutie! You know he fits into your "black and white" them? ;) Just kidding. Hope he finds his owners soon!

09-14-2003, 07:27 AM
Thanks for helping the little guy in need! Fingers and paws will be crossed that he may quickly be reunited with his humans. I am sure they must be frantic.

By the way, Emily I LOVE your new signature with beautiful Jada included! :)

09-14-2003, 08:36 AM
I'm so glad you helped this sweet looking guy out! If he's nearly as good as you say, the owners should come for him:)

Dakota's Mommy
09-15-2003, 10:07 AM
He's a cutie! Hopefully his parents will get him soon!

09-16-2003, 09:10 AM
He's adorable! Hope he finds his owners.

09-16-2003, 10:33 AM
pardon me for butting in like this but I just had to say - Angus is beautiful - oh he looks just like my niki - I had to put her down about 2 months ago - he is soooo cute!

09-16-2003, 11:43 AM
He was cute!!!
And he fit your theme!!
But I can definately understand the dilema!!
You did what you could!

09-16-2003, 12:06 PM
you're kitty is so pretty - I used to have one almost like her - even had the same eyes -And your dogs are gorgeous!