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View Full Version : Progress (Jim and Sterling update)

09-13-2003, 06:11 AM
Well, the 2 boys who were caught spraying around my house have been out of their jails for almost a week now. The house remains dry. I am not 100 % certain which factors are contributing to this success, but having the success is what matters the most.
-They get medicated 2 times a day with the kitty "Prozac".
-I am spraying Feliway EVERYWHERE
-The fosters are separated from them (this is the sad part. I'd like for them to have more freedom)

Sterling is not really acting like my OLD Sterling which saddens me, but they are supposed to be able to be weaned off this medicine, so maybe then I can get my baby back.

I personally do not think Jim will be able to come off the medicine. I think he needs to be in a home with less cats, but HOW? There are so many cats who already can't find homes. I'd hate to burden the system with yet another cat looking for a home.

Ally Cat's Mommy
09-13-2003, 06:28 AM

I'm really glad that you have good news regarding the spraying! Maybe Jim will continue to improve if you keep the fosters separated from the "main herd" - I know it's not ideal, but a recuring theme in all the threads regarding fosters is that the first priority must be the health and welfare of the existing cats!

I don;t know what else to suggest - although it would be a real pity to be in a situation where you have to rehome Jim - I suppose adult cats are much more difficult to home that cutsey kittens!

09-13-2003, 06:29 AM
First of all - it's good news there were no further peeing attacks!

Then again, if it's only due to the medication, it will probably only work temporary. And for the fosters it's not the best solution either. :(

Jen, I know you're doing what you can for your cats (and probably even a bit more... :)) and when you come to the decision Jim would be happier in a place with not so many cats, I'm sure you thought about it very well and see no other option. I know it's a hard decision though, and you have to be sure it's a good home. I don't envy you for this situation, but I wish you the best of luck!

And I'm sure Sterling will be back to normal as soon as he's off medication! :)


09-13-2003, 06:42 AM
I am glad to hear of the progress, but see your dilemna. Maybe the meds will help long term with Jim. Maybe he won't go back to spraying. Maybe you won't be able to foster for awhile. Time will tell.

Good luck, and congrats on the dry house!

09-13-2003, 09:36 AM
Jen, have you ever considered to pick up the idea with the animal communicator again?!

However I hope you'll find out how to bring back the peace into your home...
Good luck!!!

And hugs to Sterling and Jim!!!

09-13-2003, 09:46 AM
Congatulations on the Dry House! And it must hurt , having Sterling there , but not his old self. I went through that when Pouncer was ill , she just laid there , barely breathing , and she wanted to lie in front of the fridge.Sterling I hope will conme back to you! And if I could take Jim in , I would! I think that the Lost Cats woul be graced by his presence!

09-13-2003, 11:31 AM
Originally posted by Cataholic
I am glad to hear of the progress, but see your dilemna. Maybe the meds will help long term with Jim. Maybe he won't go back to spraying. Maybe you won't be able to foster for awhile. Time will tell.

Good luck, and congrats on the dry house!

I agree with Cataholic ... I think that once this lot of fosters are re-homed that you should go for a little while without the fosters to see how Jim goes. It needn't be forever ...

09-13-2003, 04:13 PM
For the moment I think it's just great that everything is dry at your hosue. that must be a huge relief. :)

So, I would recommend you enjoy this weekend and look further later. (That's what I would do -it's good to give yourself a little break in between:) )

09-13-2003, 05:53 PM
I'm so glad to hear that both Jim and Sterling have stopped spraying. :) Hopefully this will continue even after the kitty prozac is stopped. I also agree that you may want to take a break from fostering for a while and see if this helps your situation. Good luck. :)