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View Full Version : Oh my, sad news story!

09-12-2003, 05:09 PM
This was in our local news recently. It seems this woman was found lying next to a pair of dog nail clippers. I bet this dog just went ballistic when she attempted to cut his nails. What a sad, sad thing. :(


09-12-2003, 05:11 PM
OMG :eek: :eek: :eek:

How awful, and sad:(

09-12-2003, 05:25 PM
Oh - that's just terrible. I can't imagine a dog allowing somebody to handle its paws and then just going crazy and killing her. Maybe her boyfriend did it and tried to frame the dog (hehe). What's really awful is that now the breed is going to have an even worse reputation. I'll bet that now animal shelters will stop adopting out animals which have bitten.

09-12-2003, 05:35 PM
At the shelter where I adopted Ripley there was an area where "bite cases" were housed. I don't think they were available for adoption.

This may sound heartless, but a previous vet of mine had once told me that he felt that once a dog had bitten it should be put down. He said there are so many lovable dogs being put to sleep each day that he felt it was just wrong. He felt that if putting down a dog that had bitten allowed a nice dog to be adopted it was worth it. I have to agree with his thinking. For this woman it is too late to matter. :(

09-12-2003, 05:37 PM
That's the way it is with our shelter, too. Bite dogs aren't allowed to be adopted. Now this will just make the breed look worse. I believe it's how the dog was raised and not the breed. Poor woman.

09-12-2003, 06:20 PM
What a terrible thing to happen. That poor lady.:(

That dog was never properly evaluated by the Humane Society
that adopted it out to her. What a terrible shame.:(

09-12-2003, 08:18 PM
That is just to sad.:( The poor lady. No afense but I think people who oun dogs like that are just trying to show of, you know like act like they are tougf. Oh by the way Pam I love your Poodles!;)

09-12-2003, 08:44 PM
How Terrible!!!
I feel So Bad for the Lady...But also for the poor dog....His last Human Owner MADE him that way!!!:mad:
and then Passed him on...Poor Baby was probably so confused!!!
My Vet once wrote a Book..."There are No Bad Dogs"...Only Bad Owners.....Dr. Daniel Denoff....
This Phrase couldn't be more true....

09-12-2003, 08:49 PM
I had trouble with the tape, but I get what happend
by your posts.
Very sad, and I also do not understand how this
dog was adoptible.

FROGSnDOGS, not to disrespect your opinion, but
a well breed and socialized Doberman can
make a fantastic pet. It really has nothing to do with showing off. They are very intelligent/beautiful breed. :)

09-12-2003, 10:06 PM
This may sound heartless, but a previous vet of mine had once told me that he felt that once a dog had bitten it should be put down. He said there are so many lovable dogs being put to sleep each day that he felt it was just wrong. He felt that if putting down a dog that had bitten allowed a nice dog to be adopted it was worth it. I have to agree with his thinking. For this woman it is too late to matter.

I agree with this also. There are tens of thousands of nice, friendly dogs dying every day. There are not even close to enough homes for them all. To fill a home with an unevaluated and/or aggresive animal is a terrible disservice, to the people, the dogs, and the other dogs that had to be euthanized.