View Full Version : Trampolines

09-12-2003, 11:18 AM
We have a big 15 foot trampoline in our backyard. Dusty and Roxy use it more then my son. They jump on it all day long and take naps on it.

My mom's three dogs also use her trampoline. Two of the dogs are small so she built stairs for it. They play the funniest game...there is a hole in the middle of the trampoline. Bitsy (a mini mutt) and Mila (beautiful red husky) will put a toy on the trampoline. Skeeter (cocker spaniel mix) will go under the trampoline and hit the toy with his nose. He'll keep bouncing it towards the hole. The two dogs will keep moving the toy away from the hole if it gets to close...finally, they'll let Skeeter win, he'll bounce the toy all the way to the hole and catch it. We always worry he is going to damage his nose, but it is hilarious.

Does anyone else's dogs have trampolines?

09-12-2003, 10:21 PM