View Full Version : In need of ideas

09-12-2003, 10:10 AM
Hello all,
I am in need of suggestions. I belong to a dog obedience club. Our dues are $20 per year. In return the club provides a pro trainer twice a week for the club members at no charge and club members receive 50% off the price of public classes. Even though we only have club meetings once a month, we are having trouble getting people to attend them. We are also having a problem getting people to help us with our dog shows and obedience and dog safety demonstrations at schools, parades...etc (everyone in the club receives a newsletter that states where we need help). I have been trying to think of ways to get people to participate more but I am at a loss of ideas. I think that I am too close to the situation. It isn't fair that the same few people are doing everything for the club and others aren't doing anything. If anyone has any suggestions it would be greatly appreciated.

09-12-2003, 10:33 AM
I would say advertise the club more. The more members that the club has, the better the odds for volunteers are. Good luck.

09-12-2003, 11:08 AM
yep advertising is a great way to get more interest in your club :) maybe your local radio station could mention it on air and any local newspapers would be great aswell, also going to you local pet supply store and talking to customers, handing out flyers etc

also you could discuss with the people in charge about having fun day obedience trials and socialising days for the dogs.

well good luck with everything, and by the way welcome.

please come back and tell us about your dogs and pics would be great *we love puppy pics here*

09-12-2003, 11:18 AM
Thanks for the input! If anyone thinks of anything else please post! I figure the more ideas I can get the better chance we will have at fixing the problem.