View Full Version : Daisy's Mom...

08-14-2001, 01:55 AM
I thought of you the other day! lol

On a tv show, they were showing a home-video clip of a basset, Sam. The owners stated that they had originally bought Sam to keep rabbits, etc out of the yard; and he was pretty good at that.

However, in this clip, there was a fawn and the basset was TERRIFIED of it! It was so cute/funny! Sam would take a few steps toward the fawn, sniff the air, and then howl. The fawn would take a few steps to sniff the dog and ol' Sam would take off running & barking!

I couldn't help but think how embarrassed Miss Daisy would be to see ol' Same acting like that! lol :D

(In all fairness to Sam, the announcer did state that the dog had a right to be scared. Fawns don't have a scent; thus, Sam couldn't smell the intruder. ;) )

Daisy's Mom
08-14-2001, 02:39 PM
LOL oh thanks for thinking of Daisy and me :) I bet that was so cute! I know that behavior well: running towards something scary, howling, and scampering away! Daisy does it all the time, mostly to the cats that visit my backyard to taunt her. She goes flying (you'd be surprised how fast she can run on those short pudgy legs!) towards them, and then when she gets a few feet away, howls, and scampers back. It's so cute! Thank you for sharing that!

08-14-2001, 02:53 PM
Bridget, I thought of you and Daisy today, because I stopped at a friend's house at lunch today, to meet her beagle and her newly-adopted 1-year-old Bassett, Bella. Bella was so funny! When I first walked in the door, she howled and howled at me, so I crouched down, and put my hand on the floor for her to sniff and lick. As soon as she realized, "hey you smell like dogs!", she was all over me - it's a good thing I don't mind doggy kisses!
Bella's howl was so deep and masculine - does Daisy sound like that too?

Daisy's Mom
08-15-2001, 07:24 PM
I am so flattered that you guys think about me when you see a beautiful Basset baby :o :)

Yes, Daisy's howl is verrrrry deep and masculine. If you listen closely to it, they are saying "Rooo!" We call Daisy 'Daisy Roo' when she is howling for us :) The Basset howl is one of my favorite sounds. It's so comical! Daisy can howl on command and we do it every day. She sits down, points her snout to the sky, and "Roooo"s her little heart out :) Someday I'll have to record it and find a way to show it to you guys :)

08-15-2001, 08:32 PM

Let us know as soon as you figure out a way to post that! It sounds tooo tooo cute. Once you figure it out, maybe we could get Angel to post it on the K9 Komedy page!

08-16-2001, 01:50 PM
ha.. ha.. bridget I say "I love that hound dog howl" all the time and people think Im crazy. Its a sweet sweet sound one I'll never get tired of hearing :)

I notice that Copper's howl is alot deeper and slower then Hannah's that must be the basset in him.

08-18-2001, 04:51 AM
Lol I bet that would be really cute to hear that deep howl! My dog, Reggie, a schnauzer, also loves to howl. Except his usually is high pitched, like a puppy howl, it's so cute! He does it when he is happy, and when we howl with him. I've recorded it a few times, I'm sure I have some files around here somewhere. I have only heard Smokey (poodle) howl a couple of times, when he is very sad....it is a strange, deep sound, that you would not expect from a little poodle. :) Anyway, to record Daisy's howl, just get a microphone, and go to accessories, entertainment and sound recorder. You can record about a minute, hopefully it will work!~~Amy :)