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12-11-2000, 10:51 PM
I am surprizing my daughter with a tiny toy poodle for Christmas from Santa, (she thinks). I was just wanting to get the best advice on how to train her. She is already paper trained, but I would like her to be completely house broken. HELP!!!! I want her to be a good pet for the next 10 years or more for my 4 year old daughter. And I would like any names that would be good for a Black, Tiny Toy ( Under 5 lbs.) Poodle. Thanks!!!

12-11-2000, 11:02 PM
How about Thumbalina? Or Tiny Tina (sorta like Tiny Tim....)

Housebreaking is not a difficult thing, but everyone in the family must participate -- including the 4 year-old. When you first get her home, confine her to a small area such as in an ex-pen and cover the area with papers. Once she seems to establish a "favorite: spot reduce the number of papers available. To move the "potty" outside, take a soiled newspaper with you and place it on the ground where you want her to use the potty. Put it down and encourage her to use it and then praise her a lot when she does. Stay consistent with this and everytime she has to go, take her to the same area either with another paper or leave the old one out there for a while. As an alternate method, you could move a few of her poops to the area you want her to use and she will soon get the idea this is the spot.

No punishment unless you catch her in the act, and even then, just a sharp "No" and take her to her outdoor spot and then praise her. Use the same door to exit everytime and she'll soon go to the door. Also, keep an expecially sharp eye on her when she plays, it seems their bladders shrink then. My rule-of-thumb is: If the nose is to the ground for more than two seconds -- outside we go. Congratulations on your upcoming addition and we'll be interested in how it goes.

12-12-2000, 06:35 AM
How exciting! I'm sure they will be best friends for years an years to come! Poodles can be very very smart, so as long as everyone is involved, and consistent in her training, she should be completely housebroken in no time! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

Hey, and let your daughter help with her name - though at least your dog will be small - my niece named their puppy when she was four, and Princess was a very large, typically clumsy Great Dane mix, which made for some funny looks, but she WAS a princess to her girl!

12-12-2000, 06:57 AM
Congratulations on your soon to be new family member! I know you will absolutely ADORE her!! Never met a poodle I didn't fall in love with (I've had four)!! All of my dogs were trained straight to the outdoors first (didn't use paper) so I think Ktreva has given you excellent advice for some good steps for housebreaking your little sweetie from papers to the yard. One of my toys "got the picture" in just one weekend. She was the exception, though you will find that your little poodle will learn very quickly and their main goal in life seems to be to please their "people." My poodles were Peaches and Pumpkin (toy apricots), Ashley (miniature silver) and Whitney (standard black). I am doggieless right now (my last baby died 6/4/98) and there are two cats living with me now. I really would like to have another dog but am concerned about "peaceful co-existence" at this point. I'm still thinking about it though!!! For now I will be content to share your joy. Please let us know what name you select and give her some hugs from me!!! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif

12-12-2000, 08:30 AM
Everyones' comments on housebreaking were good ones. As for the naming, Karen suggested letting your daughter help with the name. I think that's a wonderful idea. The kids I used to babysit for got 2 toy poodles and the kids got to name them....the boy named "his poodle" Rockey (it's a boy thing http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif ) and the girl named hers Lady. The kids really enjoyed that. I think the names were goofey but they were though up by these sweet kids and it made their names special.

As for little names, I don't know how well this would fit for a dog, but I had a newborn lizzard whom I named Tweezer, because he was so teeny and cute. Bitzie is cute. I think tiny names are cute for tiny dogs. Thumbalina, as Christy suggested is real cute.

Maybe come up with a few that you like and present them to your little girl and see what she thinks.

Best of luck, and have fun with your new little pocket pup http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

karen israel
12-12-2000, 12:00 PM
Your daughter may decide on a name the second she sees the pup. First impressions are best! Two of may aunts had poodles, and surprise! they picked French names, tho I'm sure your little one won't do that! Congratulations on your "new arrival"! Keep us posted but most of all..ENJOY! Life's not the same without a dog (or animal),,it gets BETTER!

12-12-2000, 01:37 PM
Maybe this advice is too late, but are you sure that a tiny (and delicate) toy poodle is the best choice for a 4 year old? Your supervision of their interaction would have to be constant. Without any intention, the child could injure such a bitty dog. That would in turn create the dog being fearful of the child and that would not be a very rewarding relationship for either of them.

12-12-2000, 02:32 PM
Ya know what would be funny is if you named it a BIG dog name like Brutis,butch, or something like that.

12-12-2000, 09:05 PM
To the person who said that it might be wrong for a 4 year old to have a toy poddle. My 4 year old acts as if she is 10, she was raised with a very small animal that she has never hurt or even tried to. My husband and I had to watch at first but now they are fine. I feel she will do great with the new puppy. And as for names, the puppy is solid black, I am leaning towards, Stormy, or Sable. But I think I am going to take some of your advice, I am going to let her name it. Thanks everyone. And don't worry, I will never let her hurt it.
Originally posted by Christy:
I am surprizing my daughter with a tiny toy poodle for Christmas from Santa, (she thinks). I was just wanting to get the best advice on how to train her. She is already paper trained, but I would like her to be completely house broken. HELP!!!! I want her to be a good pet for the next 10 years or more for my 4 year old daughter. And I would like any names that would be good for a Black, Tiny Toy ( Under 5 lbs.) Poodle. Thanks!!!

12-13-2000, 05:54 AM
Christy, Both of my kids grew up with toy poodles. I guess you have to know your children and you know your daughter better than anyone. A four year old girl is often very much a "little mommy in the bud," and tend to be very gentle and loving with small pets and respectful of their size. That's how my daughter was with our two. Best wishes on the adoption! Keep us posted on Stormy or Sable or ????? http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif

12-13-2000, 08:01 AM
I agree it depends on the child. My son has always had a gift of understanding and compassion where animals are concerned. My daughter on the other hand had to be watched ALL the time as she had no natural understanding at all. All the animals came through fine and she now understands how they should be treated but she was a constant worry when she was younger!!