View Full Version : BAD BAD day....My Dane attacked my Boxer.

09-11-2003, 10:04 AM
I don't know what we are going to do, My Great Dane attacked my Boxer today. He went right for the neck. I belive that if someone wasn't home to break it up, Brock would have killed Tuffy. We had to pull and kick him off, he was not going to let go.
Tuffys hurt, but he will be ok. Brock is fenced off in anotherr part of the yard and Tuffys here with me.

My husband say Brock has to go, this is the second time he' done this to Tuffy. I don't want to have to give up my Brock, I love him so much. But Tuffy shouldn't have to suffer also.

They grew up toghter and were best buddys for 3 years and then last year Brock attacked Tuffy, BAD. We hoped it was a one time thing and have done everything to keep them appart, just in case. We rotate the dogs in the yard so they each get their time with us and house yard time. Brock been fenced off in one area for the past year and Tuffy another, hoping they out grow this or something. Today though Brock dug under the fence and my poor meter reader lady had to get caught up in the middle of it.

Brock is a great dog and does wonderful with all the other dogs, male and female, just not Tuffy. He even like the chickens and never harms them. Something about Tuffy though.

I had to contact Dane rescue today, just in case we have no other chose. It killed me to do it, I can't stop crying. But what can I do? It's not right for Tuffy to have to suffer because of Brock. But to give up a loved one, how can anyone do it. I have never giving up a pet before, I'm the the one people come to when they need to give up their pets. I just don't know what to do.

Tuffy looks so bad laying here, his neck all tore up. No big wounds that goodness but he will be sacred, i'm sure.

09-11-2003, 10:08 AM
That is so sad to hear and I don't know what to tell you. I can't imagine having to give up a dog that I loved. Do you think he might need to be in a household where he's the only dog? I know you must be really upset. I would be, too.

Kona & Oreo's mom
09-11-2003, 10:15 AM
This is such sad news. I will be thinking of you and hoping that you will be able find a solution to this awful situation.

09-11-2003, 10:18 AM
I am so sorry to hear this.

I'm glad there are no serious injuries, but it's still awful that their had to be such a bad fight.
Would a behaviorist be able to help you at all? Maybe he or she could see Brock and asses him for you. I would try to pull out all the stops first, but if it is rehoming him that you have to do, I know how hard it will be, but you are doing the unselfish thing for both dogs.

09-11-2003, 12:11 PM
Are both dogs fixed?

Can you look into a behaviorist?

09-11-2003, 12:46 PM
Originally posted by ramanth
Are both dogs fixed?

Can you look into a behaviorist?

Tuffy hasn't been fixed, but he not the attacker, and the vet seem to belive that fixing Tuffy won't help. Honestly if we thought that would help, we do it in a sec. But Tuffy is a Stud dog for a breeder in our area, main reason he hasn't been fixed yet.

As for the behaviorist, first I can't even see my husband going for that idea, he thinks they are all nuts. Then theres the money part, awhile back ago we where on vaction and someone broke into our home cleaned us out and then damamged the house, we are still trying to catch up on those bills, repaires replacing items etc. Insurance didn't even cover half of what was done to our home. I have no idea how much a Behaviorist would cost but I'm sure it's not cheap.

As for Brock being in a home where he the only dog, we have 5 other dogs and Brock is great with them. He even puts up with my MinPin nipping at his feet, so I don't belive that is the problem. He really is a gentle dog, except when it comes to Tuffy.

I don't know how some people can do this so easy, just give up a dog. All day I've been tied up in knots about just the thought of giving him up. Who knows what it going to be like if and when it really happens.

09-11-2003, 02:04 PM
Fox, I am so sorry about your predicament. I have been there twice, so I totally know how you feel.

First, I had Rosco, a sharpei-pit mix. Rosco was the gentlest sweetest dog towards everything and everyone. I picked up a queensland heeler pup off of the side of the road and decided to keep him instead of rehoming him. I named him Ricki. I had Ricki until he was probably 7-9 months old. I totally loved him, but he was so cruel to Rosco. No matter what I did or tried, he intimidated Rosco so bad that Rosco wouldn't eat even separately. When they were together, Ricki "guarded" the toys, the dog houses, the pee spot on the lawn...etc... Ricki's qwest all day long was to attack Rosco if Rosco came near any of that stuff. My heart ached, but I rehomed Ricki to a farm. Once Ricki was in a single dog home with lots of running space, he was a different dog. I honestly believe that Ricki was lashing out because he was unhappy. All though it hurt, I do not regret rehoming Ricki.

Rosco wound up having bum luck. He had a broken leg, Parvo, ear and skin problems all by the time he was two. I don't know what happened, but he became extremely aggressive and uncontrollable towards boys. He was so strong that he would go through all costs to attack a child. It was such a horrible feeling because this dog was so wonderful and gentle to my family and our small pets. He was so mellow. -Even 95% of the time, he would be gentle towards boys. But he was unpredictable. There were about 8 attempted attacks all spaced months apart. The first and the last attack actually caused injury. After behaviorists, extensive TLC, and training, I was in the process of rehoming him. I was being really picky and undecisive about his new home because it'd been like 6 months since Rosco had shown any sign of aggression.

One day, we were getting ready to go somewhere. I had Rosco tied up to a tree with a huge chain and a pinch choke collar on while I was loading up the crate in the truck. Rosco broke the tree, broke through the fence, and took off running. I was calling Rosco and walking towards him. (I didn't want to run and scare him. I knew he was in one of his psycho spells, which I hadn't seen in months.) Right then, the neighbor kid whom Rosco had been nice and played with all of his life came outside. This was one of the only kids that I still allowed Rosco around. (With my supervision, of course.) Rosco stopped in his tracks, ran straight towards the kid and I. I could see that Rosco wasn't himself. Rosco went straight for the kid's neck and knocked the child on the ground. I was able get Rosco off of the child before any permanent physical damage was done. Of course, this child will always be emotionally scared. Rosco was so muscular that it took all of my strength. As soon as I pulled him off, he knew he'd done wrong and was a sweet doggy again. After taking care of the child, I sat in the house with Rosco and bawled. Rosco laid in my lap and licked my face for hours while tears streamed down my face. I can't even tell you how much pain I felt. I was so scared. It is such a horrible feeling to love and trust your dog, and then see this monster come out. I decided that I did not want to rehome Rosco. I was afraid that someone might not take me seriously. Rosco was so wonderful most of the time, that they might trust him to much. I put Rosco to sleep that day. To this day, it hurts so bad. And I am not sure if it was the right decision.

Gosh, I wrote a novel and got totally off track. I'm sorry. Your situation just brought up alot of feeling that I have. Anyways, I feel your pain. I feel that you should do something about it before it gets out of hand. You'll feel horrible if something happens to your other dog. I believe that if he's attacking the other dog, that he obviously isn't happy about something. If some TLC can't fix it, I bet he'll be happy in a single dog family. You just might be lucky enough to rehome him with some folks that'll allow you to keep in touch. I still see Ricki all the time. Good luck in your decision. -Tonya

09-11-2003, 02:57 PM
Originally posted by Fox-Gal
Tuffy hasn't been fixed, but he not the attacker, and the vet seem to belive that fixing Tuffy won't help. Honestly if we thought that would help, we do it in a sec. But Tuffy is a Stud dog for a breeder in our area, main reason he hasn't been fixed yet.

Actually, fixing Tuffy might help. Right now Brock may see Tuffy as a threat.

Sorry if you have to give Brock away. :(

Samantha Puppy
09-11-2003, 03:03 PM
Wow, Tonya... your story made me tear up. I'm sorry sorry to hear about your problems, but I do think you made the right decision regardless of how hard it was to do. :( I don't know what else to say besides I'm sorry and to offer you a long-distance hug.

09-11-2003, 03:38 PM
Thank you, Samantha.

Actually, fixing Tuffy might help. Right now Brock may see Tuffy as a threat.

I agree, Fox. I would try that before I gave up if I were you.

09-11-2003, 03:40 PM
That's really sad. I hope you can find a loving home for Brock. I wonder what sets him off like that?

09-11-2003, 04:15 PM
What a tough decision to be in...but ultimatly you have to do what is right for the dogs. It isn't fair to keep on dog in jepordary and sometimes rehoming is the right answer.

I was just talking to a friend yesterday about a friend of hers that had 3 dals. All 3 gre up together and got along for many years. Suddenly the no longer did. They tried behavorits, etc, etc, but ultimately had to split the dogs up.

09-11-2003, 04:17 PM
WOW, this is a very hard situation. It really appears to be something about Tuffy. I (as an amature) believe that it COULD be the hormones associated with the fact that he is not neutered. Could Tuffy live elsewhere until a time that he can be neutered and then at least TRY to see if the 2 can get along?

09-11-2003, 05:03 PM
I would suggest a behaviorist and training before you get rid of him. I wish you the best. Having had to find a place for 9 of my dogs just a month ago I truly feel your pain. Good luck.

09-11-2003, 06:09 PM
Tonya, that must have been horrible to have to go through. Giving up something you love like that is very hard. I know it's not the same situation but I had to have my cat put to sleep a while back and that was hard enough.

09-11-2003, 08:03 PM
Originally posted by jenluckenbach
WOW, this is a very hard situation. It really appears to be something about Tuffy. I (as an amature) believe that it COULD be the hormones associated with the fact that he is not neutered. Could Tuffy live elsewhere until a time that he can be neutered and then at least TRY to see if the 2 can get along?
That's exactly what I think. The amount of testosterone Tuffy is distributing could greatly affect Brock's behaviour. Brock may see him as a threat to be rid of. I would think that neutering Tuffy would be the best idea.

09-11-2003, 09:19 PM
Tonya, your story really got to me, I'm so sorry that you had to go through that. Just the though that I might have to give up Brock kills me. But if the time comes where we have to give Brock up, I will remember your story and belive it will help, some. Thanks for sharing, just knowing that someone else feels my pain helps.

Thanks to everyone for the kind words and advice.

This is where we are at as of tonight..... Husband broke down and says he can't get rid of Brock, thats his baby. Good news for me, I've been a basket case all day. So we are coming up with other ideas, so far we plan to put in another fence about a foot and half away from the one fence. This way Brock or Tuffy can't be close enough to reach each other. The second fence will be in the ground a foot, he says to help with the digging Brock does. And it looks like Tuffy will get fixed, in case that does have anything to do with it. Both dogs will get muzzles (for training only) and we will try to retrain them to get along. But I don't belive we will ever let the two be toghter alone as long as we have them....just in case. We just stick with the rotating of them,one in, one out as we have been doing this past year.

Any other advice/ideas, I will galdly take.....Thanks

Our pets are our children and we just can't get rid of one of our babies without tring what ever in our means to do. I guess in the heat ofthe moment my husband forgot that. Your children are not throw aways. I'll will go without, before them, thats what parents do, right.

Wish Brock and us luck, we really want this to work. We did decide that if it ever happens again after this, there will be no other chose, Brock will have to go.

09-11-2003, 09:32 PM
I know this may sound harsh, but why not try an invisable fence? Do not buy the ones inb the store, the wire is too thin & will break with 1-3 yrs. The private invisible fence r good ones, the wire is much thicker & lasts much much longer. Also get Brock the heavey duty one.

The fence may act as a correction aswell. Everytime Brock wants to dig or attact the other dog, he will be warned & then zapped.

It just might work.

09-11-2003, 09:34 PM
Fox-Gal, I would like to salute you and your husband for going to the extra effort to make this work. I'm sure there is loads of information out there on things like this, in books, on the internet, etc. Research, ask questions and follow through with your plan, and maybe it will all work out. I do hope so. I don't think either of them could ask for more caring "parents" (after all, you said they were your children).

Best of luck.
Logan :)

Dixie Belle
09-11-2003, 10:02 PM
I will say this, been there. When Mama Dog and Dixie Belle met, it was hell on earth. Mama Dog was a coyote mix (or so our vet assumed) Dixie Belle is a St. Bernard. They would start fighting, and my husband and I would run out there and break them up. We knew that Belle could really hurt Mama, because Mama was already well up in age. But the fighting never stopped. One night the two of them got into so bad that there was no way we could break it up without getting hurt ourselves. So we had to stand there and let them fight. Mama Dog lost a big chuck of her ear. But after that fight, they were the best of friends.

No, I'm not saying just let them fight. That always does not lead to happy endings. I would see about getting Tuffy fixed. Our vet recommened it to us with the Belle and Mama case. Belle was not fixed and Mama was. Usually it was Mama that started the fights. The vet office felt that getting Belle fixed might would help, but they ended up handling the problem on their own before we could decide anything.

I really hope that ya'll can find a way to keep both dogs. I never could have chosen between mine. Good luck!

09-11-2003, 10:28 PM
Originally posted by kingrattus
I know this may sound harsh, but why not try an invisable fence? Do not buy the ones inb the store, the wire is too thin & will break with 1-3 yrs. The private invisible fence r good ones, the wire is much thicker & lasts much much longer. Also get Brock the heavey duty one.

The fence may act as a correction aswell. Everytime Brock wants to dig or attact the other dog, he will be warned & then zapped.

It just might work.

Doesn't sound harsh at all. We have done that, Our whole place is surrounded by electric fencing as well as the other fence. We live out in the country and we felt we had to do that so no wild animals gets into our yard. Had to make sure my ducks and chickens were safe.

Problem is Brock doesn't care. :eek: It did work for awhile but I guess Brock just got use to it. He just goes through it shock and all. There are stronger ones, but that just seem too cruel. Good idea though, if I didn't have a hard headed Dane.

09-11-2003, 10:43 PM
BTW: This is Brock....you can see he's just a big baby.

And here's Tuffy


09-11-2003, 10:44 PM
Beautiful dogs! Is Tuffy boxer? Just curious...what part of California are you in?

09-11-2003, 11:05 PM
Yes Tuffy a Boxer, we are Boxer people when it comes right down to it. We have 3 Boxers right now, you can kind of see them on my sig, not the best pictures.

Wrong sunshine state....I live in Florida. ...Forgot there was 2. LOL

I don't belive it as i'm tying this, my husband come in and tell me Brock free again, he dug a new hole out. :mad: :mad: Doesn't he know I'm trying to save him....he could at least help some. :rolleyes:

09-11-2003, 11:07 PM
Try burying chicken wire. They can't dig through that nor do they like how it feels on their paws. My dad has a boxer. His name is Sloppy Joe cause he drools so much. He got him from the pound, and he is one of the greatest dogs I have ever met.

09-11-2003, 11:21 PM
This guy out in PEI, bought the strongest shock collar for his B/C cause she was so darn hard headed. He said before he put it on the dog, he wore it to see how powerful it was. He said it gives a nice zap, so he put it on his B/C & she tried once to get through, & never again did she try it. One zap was enough for her.

The guy said he uses it, because he has a big yard & a very active dog (who can climb fences), & doesn't want to tie her up. He said it works great with her.

Maybe u can just try it? Remember it take alot to hurt a big dog, ok most big dogs.

u can ask a pet store to see if it'll work & if not return it. might be worth a shot, since hes still diggig holes & getting out.

OHHHH!!! I just remembered, A lady 1/2 burried cinder blocks & tree trunks(big ones), all around her fence, so her hound would stop digging holes. She said it worked. It was on tv.

09-12-2003, 12:27 AM
Tonya, Chicken wire sounds like a good idea. maybe between that and the second fence it could work.
Sloppy Joe, I love that name and it suits a Boxer with all their drool. You should try being around here....3 drooling Boxers. After you get done playing with these guys, it's time to hit the shower. ;)

kingrattus, we where just talking about a shocker collar, to help. It can't hurt to try. Mybe we can borrow one, I can't see really needing it forever, just long enough to see if it works.

Thanks for the ideas

Poor Brock is in the pen right now for the first time ever, he's not a happy boy. It killes me to hear him out there. For tonight he has to stay there till we fix the hole he dug. I got the pen for my rescues when they first come here to adust. I never thought my Brock would have to be in it. I got 8 dogs and Brock and Tuffy are the only 2 that where not a rescue, they where ours, and they are the 2 dogs we are having problems with. What I can take care of others.....but not my own! :confused:

Oh well tomorow is another day...maybe it will be better, fingers crossed.

09-12-2003, 04:59 AM
Oh Dear Foxgal!!!
I am in Agony just reading this thread!!!!!!
I support all your efforts...I hope you can find some resolve here...
Everyone has sent all the suggestions that I would have...
I hope that Brock and Tuffy are alright.....They are both So Beautiful.....

Good Luck

We ran chicken wire and wrapped it around metal conduit rods.. on the bottom to weight it down,to anchor it.....
that helped with our 3 digging

09-12-2003, 07:22 AM
i'm sorry to hear of your situation, sounds like the boys have a periodic go at it to establish or re-establish who is the alpha dog of the house. Male dogs may be best friends one day and fighting the next but it is extremely rare that one will kill the other. Generally they only want the other dog to submit to them and will stop when that happens. i agree the wounds can look horrible and it looks like they were trying to kill each other but that's probably not the case.

09-12-2003, 07:24 AM
Foxgal, sounds as if you and your hubby are doing everything possible to keep Brock. I hope you do find something that works. Don't give up & Good Luck!

09-12-2003, 09:05 AM
If the shock collar dosent work! let them fight it out they just want to establish the Alpha role and each time u prevent it they will try again!
when i moved i got my first GSD ex police dog and then the next one came and they would fight like mad! i tryed everything! till one day i can home and there was blood was everywhere, inside outside on the walls the ceiling! the dogs where no-where (i thought they had killed each other!). so i searched the flat and pushed the bedroom door open and they were on my bed licking each others wounds. they were best friend since and they share food cuddles and all now!!
Ps they will hardly ever kill each other (unless they are hot killers)
you could allways supervise from inside and if it gets to the stage of death then intervene!

09-12-2003, 09:30 AM
That sounds so demented but I bet it would work. I don't think I could bear watching my dogs fight though. I would have to break it up.

09-12-2003, 01:44 PM
I know i hated when they fought!! thats why i allways stoped them!!! till they fought when i wasnt there i had no choice but they stoped (thank god).
at one stage i was going to have one put down (not rehomable) but i just couldnt do it, i had taken the dog on so i had to make it work!!! and now their fine together, and none of the other editions have bothered them!

09-12-2003, 02:44 PM
Thanks for the advice....it means a lot.

I don't belive I can let them fight it out, the first fight they got into...both dogs needed stiches, Tuffy almost lost one eye. Brock had him completely up in the air holding on to his neck. My husband had to beat Brock off with a 2x4. and even with that he got a chunk of his arm tore out. Even when it looked like Tuffy wasn't putting up a fight, Brock still went at it. I don't think I could ever watch something like that happen again. We were lucky, this fight was not as bad and they where easier to break up, so i'm hoping that might be a good sign. It only took 2/3 hard kicks and Brock let go. Then Brock went his way and Tuffy went another.

They need to work this out though....I want a happy home. :)

Last night Brock got out of the pen, he chewed a hole in the chainlink. He's never been pened so I guess he was telling us what he thought about that. I got up this morning and there was Brock sleeping on the front deck. And I was just getting ready to let Tuffy out to pee, thinking it was safe. :rolleyes: So for now Tuffy will stay with me at all times, he going to be happy about that. Hope that doesn't make him think it's worth getting into fights, fight=mommy time. ;)

Tuffy is going to be fixed, no more daddy job for him. I was told it could take up to 6 months for the testosterone to get out his system, so we will still need some good fence work to keep them apart. And of course theres that chance that it might not work.

Thanks everyone for the help.

09-12-2003, 04:44 PM
Where it is good, to not bud in and let dogs
solve their own tiffs for Alpha status etc.
I am not a big fan on letting dogs
fight it out.
Not only can that lead to a big vet bill, but
the drag out fight sometimes can back fire where
the dogs will never get along again and must
be separated.