View Full Version : Rainbow Bridge

12-07-2000, 10:38 PM
Does anyone have a copy of "The Rainbow Bridge" poem? I have misplaced mine and would like another copy. Of course, I'll just cry all over it -- that is one of the NEATEST poems I've ever read. Someone sent it to my mother when she lost her two-year-old Border Terrier (Flyball Dog Excellent and 2 points from AKC Champion) and it just seemed so appropriate. Thanks in advance.

12-08-2000, 07:33 AM
It's online many places - here's one:

[This message has been edited by Karen (edited December 08, 2000).]

karen israel
12-08-2000, 08:04 AM
How appropiate! My friend at work has a 15 yr old Cocker who has been very very ill. She had planned to take Beamer to the vet just this morning to end her misery. During the night Beamer climbed the stairs for the last time, laid on her pillow in their bedroom and passed away in her sleep! I was going to send my friend this poem later today..and here it is! Of course we both have been sobbing, a combination of relief, sadness and happiness that Beamer spent her last few hours safely with my friends. Sniff, sniff.

12-08-2000, 09:56 AM
No disrespect intended, but a huge PetLoss / Rainbow Bridge site can be found at:

That's where I went when I lost Shadow...

12-08-2000, 10:46 AM
Phred, Me too. I have both Bailey, my black cockapoo, and Tizzie, her daughter listed on the Bridge List. Even though I have both their ashes here at home, it seemed like visiting their names on the Bridge List was more like visiting their graves.

12-09-2000, 11:08 PM
Thanks for the postings. I printed off the story and poem and read the story of Della and her kittens on the Petloss site and it was a two tissue story. This is going to sound odd, but I'm not ready to spend much time at either site -- in some ways, the pain is too new. It brings to mind all the beloved pets the family has lost the past couple of years -- three for my parents and two for my kids and I. Of those, two went suddenly and young (2 & 5) and the other three had to be put down for age and cancer and arthritis. The elder dogs were 12, 15, & 16, so we had time with them and were able to "prepare" for their deaths. The two younger ones were shocks and then there is the guilt, "If I had only....." So, I try to remember the best times with my girls and look at the endings a little at a time. Someone first introduced us to the Rainbow Bridge when Mother's Border Terrier CC died of virulent pneumonia a couple of years ago. It was so good to read such a sensitive poem that really made you feel that the pet IS waiting and, perhaps, watching over us. Well, this is threatening to get REALLY emotional -- thanks for letting me share and thanks again for the sites. One day I'll go spend some time at each one and learn the candle ceremony.

12-12-2000, 01:25 AM
I love the Rainbow Bridge Poem - but I too find it so painful after having lost Daisy just 6 months ago. Have you ever read "The Last Will and Testament of an Extremely Distinguished Dog" written by Eugene O'Neill? I cry whenever I read it but it is so true and poignant. I found it in the Sunday paper many years ago here in San Jose. I have no idea how I might get it to you other than snail mail - it is pretty long to type but I have many photocopies and would be happy to send you one. Maybe the Pet of the Day people will help - maybe by providing you with a way to contact me personally. If not I could mail it to them and they could send it to you.

12-12-2000, 06:27 AM
The Internet is a wonderful place!
"The Last Will and Testament of an Extremely Distinguished Dog" is already online, here: http://world.std.com/~ltm/will.html

12-12-2000, 12:04 PM
Thanks, Karen; but that was a little tough to read...

Reminds me of some Really Great FurKids!

12-12-2000, 02:40 PM
That was such a great poem