View Full Version : The impossible..possible?

09-09-2003, 04:39 PM
Well..I gave Zeke a bath today..I never knew a dog could be SO afraid of water! He bunched himself up at the very back of the tub and tried to get out. Then after a bit he just put his head in my lap the whole time (still hunched at the back) which made it very difficult to wash him..so, we had our bath..I say we, because I was probably just as wet lol. He was very good though for being afraid. I just kept telling him he was so good and gave him a treat every now and then. So he pretty much just stood there. When we first got him I gave him a bath and it was impossible without my brother holding him..so he's come a little ways anywho :) Now he just won't stop licking..Does that mean there is still soap or something? Josie never does that..I rinsed for the longest time

09-09-2003, 04:47 PM
Aww, Zeke man!!:) Sounds like he's getting better, Audrey! I'll bet he feels good too! When my girls get their baths, they lick and lick and lick afterward!!:rolleyes: I don't dry them completley with a dryer, so they're probably just drying off and styling their fur, doggie style! :D Sounds like that's what Zeke's doing!:) And pics???

09-09-2003, 05:02 PM
That must be it then, I just towel dry him cause, of course, hes also afraid of the hair dryer..lol. I don't have pics..I'm lucky I made it out alive just with the bath!

09-09-2003, 05:03 PM
Escaped with your life, eh??:D Hugs to Zeke, the bravest boy in the world!:)

09-09-2003, 05:27 PM
slleipnir u can buy a special thing that'll suction to the bottom of the tub (u might even be able to stick it to the wall) & u tie a leash to it (unless it comes with one), it stops the dog from bunching up & running away.

I know just how hard it is trying to get a scared dog into a tub & keeping him there.

my ex-friend & I need to wash her 200p rotti. Well had no truble getting him into the bathroom, but the tub was a no no. we pushed & pulled & commanded & shuved & lifted. But the darn dog wouldn't get in. So we got Max to hop into the tub & sit & we gave him a treat. Well Rocky loves Max & will fallow max anywhere, so he slowly got into the tub with a bit of help. Then we tied him to the bar in the tub & got rid of Max. hehe then gave him a bath. Max was very upset at us because he could hear Rocky crying & we wouldn't let Max in the bathroom.. hehe What a baby Rocky is...

09-10-2003, 07:11 AM
I know how it is giving them a bath. Huney hates me for the rest of the day & Roxey acts as if I'm sending her to the electric chair:rolleyes:
I'm glad you escaped with your life:p

Samantha Puppy
09-10-2003, 07:54 AM
Samantha acts much the same way when I bathe her. My brother has to pick her up and put her in the tub because she'll just back out of the bathroom if you try to lead her in. When she's in the tub, she hunches over and shivers and gives me a really sad, soulful look. We talk soothingly to her the entire time and she gets a treat when she gets out, but it doesn't seem to help. Really surprised me at first being as she's got Lab (or some other water dog in her) that she was so afraid.

Speaking of which... I really should give her one more bath before winter sets in...

09-10-2003, 08:28 AM
My Carly was abused by her previous owners. They used to throw her in the pool they had. She has NEVER gotten over her fear of water. In fact, if she hears the word bath - she runs and hides under the bed.

We couldn't bathe her without Dick and I both getting clawed badly. She became so stressed that we were really worried about her. We talked to the vet about it and he gave us mild tranquilizers for her. He said to not use them often, so we only bathe her about every 3 months. That's enough trauma for the poor girl.

09-10-2003, 05:16 PM
I bet Zeke looks incredibly handsome!!!!

I think he's probably just styling himself, lol. Kito licks himself a lot after a bath (which he also hates)--I don't understand how licking can help, but they seem to love doing it!!

09-10-2003, 05:18 PM
heh, he did it all night :x Maybe he doesn't like being clean ;) lol I'll have to get some new pics of his new due ;)