View Full Version : UGH! Just a rant!

09-09-2003, 03:30 PM
My mom just told me this--I'm so upset! :mad:

My mom's cousin just bought a little puppy for their two daughters. (It was actually this girls' mother in law) At first i was so happy to hear this but then my mom was like, "Liana this is going to upset you." The puppy is a Shih tzu that came from a pet store. Not only that but this poor puppy is 1 MONTH OLD! :mad: How freaking stupid of them! The poor puppy just opened it's eyes and it's being brought to this new home. He is most probably from a puppy mill and the poor little guy never even got socialized with its mother and littermates. Not that it would have made a big difference in a puppy mill where there food and poop probably goes in the same bowl. :mad:

If he had been in the pet store and bought at a month old how old was he when he was taken away from this farm?? :mad: :mad: I honestly wouldn't care if this dog came from a shelter or not. A responsible breeder would have been so much better. Not this--the very worst place. :mad:

My mom's aunt got really upset and my mom's other cousin (the new dog owners' sister) really lectured her on puppy mills and so forth, so at least someone in the family is educated. I wouldn't be surprised if he will end up at a shelter. Poor thing. And the daughters are still young, they will treat him like a toy and ignore him in a few months. The whole situation is so sad and terrible and....UGH! :mad: I can't even go see the pup or talk to them because they live so far away.

Anyways, just a vent. Sorry about that.

Samantha Puppy
09-09-2003, 03:35 PM
Awwww... that's really too bad, but I feel sorry for the puppy too. It isn't his fault he came from a puppy mill... I hope he doesn't end up in a shelter. :(

09-09-2003, 03:36 PM
Yes that's who I actually feel sorry for. It isn't his fault but still - the mill is still being supported. :( Hopefully they can give him a good forever home.

09-09-2003, 03:52 PM
I understand your frustration, Liana!!:mad: Poor little pup:( I hope the kids treat her kindly. I feel awful that this poor little creature was taken from it's Mom and littermates so young:( Hopefully your Mom's cousin now understands what retched places those puppymills are. As you say, better they had gone to a reputable breeder! A good breeder CARES about her/his pups and puts in all sorts of conditions to assure the health and well being of the puppy. And they are a great resource of education/advice for the family. I pray the defenseless, helpless little pup doesn't end up in a shelter.:(

I've ranted many a time about puppymills, pet stores that sell dogs. I had an applicant last month (for the Lab rescue group I work with) who wanted a dog NOW!! I told her we work hard to place the right dog with the right family, to please be patient, it would be worth the wait etc. Well, last week I heard from her. She BOUGHT a Lab at a pet store for $800.00!!!!!!!:mad: I started to rant about puppymills and she was CLUELESS! She said, "Oh, no, he came from a breeder in Missouri!!! I told her that "breeders" in the midwest ( or anywhere) who ship their puppies to the east coast ARE puppymills! Ugh!!!! Anyway, she had no "papers," she hadn't yet taken the dog to the vet for a well baby check up, gotten his boosters, even thought about the idea of spay/neuter, etc. The pet store said she had 2 weeks to get him checked for medical issues and she let that time pass!!:( She was feeding him ONCE a day! Anyway, we had a nice long talk and I gave her a lot of useful info. She seemed genuinely upset. I just hope the puppy is healthy:(

09-09-2003, 04:21 PM
I know that its a bad thing but somebody had to buy him so lets just hope that hes got a nice forever home!

09-09-2003, 04:27 PM
It's true, the pup was there and needed a good home. But until people stop buying from these stores, the puppymills will continue to exist!!:( The gov't really needs to step in to shut down these shops of horror!!

09-09-2003, 05:30 PM
Grrrrrrrrrrr! :mad: