View Full Version : My GIFTS!!! Thank you, Rottieluver45!!!

09-09-2003, 10:27 AM
There it was, a HUGE box sitting on the steps to my porch at lunchtime. Because I wanted to savor the moment, I waited to open it after work, when I had time to enjoy things. I am glad I did!!

First, Binx got a PERFECT SOFT toy bone, the same colors as he is, and immediately got busy making it squeek! He tried to take it with us on our walk this morning, too!!! Then, I saw what I thought were little chocolate milk jugs...Binx told me I was wrong, when his big sniffer went crazy. LIVER TREATS!!! And, boy does he ever love them. They are just the right size and consistency for my toothless wonder. He loves them, and now knows the shake of the jug.

THEN, I noticed Allie looking a little silly with half her body in the box, and a TOTALLY cool little blue fuzz toy. They are really silky, like feathers, but, not. She loves them (there were TWO of them). I took her and the toy to the bed, and let her play 'rescue' in the pillows. Then, Dakky got in on the action, and I gave him the other one. I tried to snap some photos, but, my camera doesn't move as fast as two little kitties playing with their new toys!!! (Note to self, put the toys up at bedtime....3 am playing is NOT funny :D ).

THAN, I told Georgia she now has SIX new mousies to play with, her absolute favorite toy! She goes NUTS batting those things around, absolutely nuts. I told them we were opening the mousies in a few days...I don't want kitty toy overload, AND, it makes the thrill last longer.

Tex nearly FAINTED when he saw his very own NEW! place mat. See, Tex eats on the counter top, and we had been using this old mat, made of cloth, that was ripped. So, I put down his lovely white cat mat, and he sniffed it a few times, then plunked down to eat. It goes with my kitchen which has white cabinets.

I have never seen the cool cat treats that you got me. They look so dern yummy, that I might even try a few! I know Tenny and Dakky will LOVE the treats, love them!

I also got a couple more cat toys, all catnip filled, which sounds like my cats will be CHILLING this weekend, when I bust them out!

And, the lovely note pad will be just purrffect for making notes to myself (like, put cat toys away before bed). They are shaped like kitties, and of course, look just like my tuxies.

Perhaps my FAVORITE part of the package? The LOVELY handwritten note you sent with the package. That was soooo sweet, and well written. Writing notes and letters seems so oldfashioned, now that we are all on the internet, but, that note meant alot to me. I have it saved on the fridge:)

Thank you for my gifts, we all absolutely love them!!!

PJ's Mom
09-09-2003, 10:57 AM
She'll be so excited to know you got them. :D I'll have to point her to this thread when she gets home from school. :)

09-09-2003, 11:19 AM

ok for the long winded post Jo, but where are the pics!! And definately pics when the cats are chillin on cat nip!

;);) :p:p

PJ's Mom
09-09-2003, 05:37 PM
Bumping for Rottie :)

09-09-2003, 06:33 PM
YAY!!! I`m so happy you all like the gifts!! I wanna see pics too! LOL! I know what it looks like and stuff but still, w/ the pet playing and stuff! I`m gald you liked the noyte pad and letter!! I thought you`d like the note pad cause of the tuxie on it. :D YAY!!!!!

09-09-2003, 06:38 PM
Sounds like she did very good! And yes, we need to see pics! love to see cats acting funky

09-10-2003, 02:50 PM
A whole lotta fun being had by all. :D :D Sounds like all the best choices, Rottielover.

09-10-2003, 03:19 PM
What a great package!!!! :D

In my signature is a picture of Butter, going for his catnip from the last gift swap. Rosemary took care of each and every one of them!!! And Butter absolutely LOVED his toys!! Should say "loves" because he is still enjoying them!! :)