View Full Version : What do you think?

09-09-2003, 07:50 AM
Do you know how many people have asked me this at my work lately? Oh, about 4 or 5.
What do they want to know?
Things like...
How old should my dog be before I breed it?
What do you think about me breeding my dog?
And in general just telling me about wanting to breed their dogs!

I am just sick & tired of hearing about it:mad:
I tell them exactly what I think & it upsets them *boo hoo*:rolleyes: or they just ignore what I say because it's not what they want to hear.

Do people not understand that they shouldn't breed their dogs, for money, because they're cute, or the newest reason...because they have a bad rap & I want to change that. Yeah right:rolleyes:

I wish I knew how to change their minds, but I'm running into a brick wall.

Any suggestions?

09-09-2003, 08:07 AM
Keep preaching, Anna! There are so many people who simply don't know better. Make them aware of the numbers of animals that die in shelters each day. Tell them about rescues that are out there. You never know who might hear you! I remember having a friend tell me she wanted to get an adult Lab and she was so frustrated. I asked her if she had done a search on the computer for Lab Rescue. She said she didn't know there was such a thing! A few weeks later, she had her Savannah, a three year old Yellow Lab, who needed a home. You just never know! If you get one person to listen, then imagine if they tell one, etc etc etc. I know it gets old, but you're handling it perfectly!!!


09-09-2003, 09:07 AM
I agree!! Keep on preaching!
People will hear you, and at first may not like to hear what you say (because it's the truth) but I'm sure after they've have a few hours or days to think about everything you've said to them, it will start to sink in!

Your doing a great job!!

09-09-2003, 09:17 AM
I have to third that--keep on preaching!!!

When I picked Riley up from the vet last week, a friend of my husband's was at his office when I brought Riley over. He is from Turkey, and he said he just doesn't understand why us Americans have our dogs fixed. I explained fully to him, that not fixing them leads to puppies, which leads to dogs in shelters, whick ends up in dogs being put down. He honestly didn't know that, and understood after I explained it to him. Some people just don't know.

09-09-2003, 04:29 PM
Anna- Just remember People are stupid and keep trying!

My friend at work (the one with the Shepherds), is going through the same thing with a friend of hers, only in horses. Her friend has a really good barrel racing horse, so of course she has to be bred. Now these people have only been in horses about 2 years, and have never trained a foal, had a foal, etc, etc, etc. But Hey Lucy is agood horses, we should breed her....

And of course, peopel always say stupid things too...
Last weekend we had Sadie at the Pet Store. There was a couple there with their two small children. The little boy says "Daddy, can we get a dalmation?" His dad says, "no, they bite kids" Great, now this kid will grow up tinking Dalmations hate kids. I happen 2 have two that love them!

09-09-2003, 04:35 PM
LOL. MORONS! "Because they have a bad rep" ?!? HELLOOO. How is that going to help if you'd just bringing more in, which you're probably going to sell to billy bob down the road who knows jack $h!t about training!

The only way they can change that "bad rep" is to work with the dog they have now. making it the best it can be. Not worry about breeding and bringing more dogs in that will probably end up in the pound anyways.:rolleyes: :mad:

09-09-2003, 04:40 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
LOL. MORONS! "Because they have a bad rep" ?!? HELLOOO. How is that going to help if you'd just bringing more in, which you're probably going to sell to billy bob down the road who knows jack $h!t about training!

The only way they can change that "bad rep" is to work with the dog they have now. making it the best it can be. Not worry about breeding and bringing more dogs in that will probably end up in the pound anyways.:rolleyes: :mad:

KayAnn excellent points! I know you are a teen, but gosh you are so much more knowledgeable than so many adults on this planet!! If every Pet Talker could enlighten one fellow human maybe things could begin to change. Anna keep on keepin'on!

09-09-2003, 05:24 PM
Some people will just never learn. There should be a law saying that all dogs have to be spayed or neutered, unless you have a license to breed them. You shouldn't be able to license your pet unless it's sterilized, then if you're caught with a pet without a license the fine should be much higher than the price of the surgery.

Do any states already have laws like that? If not I don't know why - it would help the problem so much.

09-10-2003, 07:10 AM
Thanks everyone. I'll keep trying!