View Full Version : The new "Trend"

09-08-2003, 06:08 PM
Oh god, I'm not sure if you've all heard of girls slitting their wrists? Well at my school it's become the new "style", almost every girl has done and/or still does it. They proudly show off their scars and talk about it openly *without* even trying to keep it a secret. People carve their Boy or Girl friends initials into their arms too.:( A few of my friends have cut themselves(Thankfully *none* of my Close friends have) and they just show me their scars all the time like they take pride in destroying their body. It's so weird though, it all started at the end of last year when the Book "Cut" came out, after that a few girls started cutting themselves, then a few Popular girls tried it. Now everyone does it, this girl came in today and just told the whole class " I finally tried it" and showed us all about 5 slits all down her wrist.:eek: Then all the girls were like "Oh cool, do you only do one arm or both? I only do my left arm"*Jaw drops* Oh god You couldn't pay me to cut myself, I would probably faint in the process of trying.

What's your Opinions?

09-08-2003, 08:10 PM
Young girls cutting themselves is not cool at all. It can lead to serious problems later in life. It's sad that the "cool girls" are doing it and everyone wants to emulate them.

I'm glad to read that you are one of the smart ones.

09-08-2003, 08:43 PM
I feel sorry for them too though, I mean they could really hurt themselves, and they all act like it's some neat thing, I was also wondering if this is going on at other Schools?....................

09-08-2003, 08:43 PM
It's not just girls, guys too.

Some people, do it for fun. Some people do it because they think it's "cool". Some do it just because it their way of letting things out.

Whichever reason they have, I think it's dumb and I'd never do it.

09-09-2003, 02:38 PM
I have never heard of slitting their wrists for the fun of it but I did know of carving your boyfriends/girlfriends' name in your arm. I think they are both ridiculous and stupid. It's dangerous.

I'm glad you decided to back out on this "trend". You're doing yourself a HUGE favor. :)

09-09-2003, 03:51 PM
I think it is all stupid. I remember that stuff in highschool, and my brother went through it. Both my brother and his wife have scars from when they were in highschool. It was really frustrating for me to see them go through that. Luckily, they both grew out of it. Just on my brother's wedding day, my dad (he doesn't know about any of it) asked my brother's wife what happened to her leg. It has scars all the way down it. She lied to my dad and said a dog at the vet had done it. My dad being clueless got into this whole conversation on how could a dog make such odd scars. It was uncomfortable because I didn't want to say anything, and I just wanted my dad to shut up. I kept trying to change the subject to keep her from being uncomfortable.

It is as if it is trendy to be depressed and negative. And I think depression is contagious. If you hang out with a bunch of sad angry people, it's hard for it not to rub off. I am so thankful that my brother got past all that. I don't think it is truly about being cool. These people obviously do not love themselves. I think they have deep issues and need help.

09-09-2003, 03:53 PM
My friend did it... it really scared me. I told her never to do it again... she hasn't, thank God, but it's not cool.

09-09-2003, 06:37 PM
My friend carved her name into her arm last year. When she showed us, i was like woah :eek: why would you do that????
Luckily her name was only three letters long...
She hasn't done it again...i hope:(

09-09-2003, 08:29 PM
I agree this is plain dumb, I cannot believe kids today do this, what on earth for? so silly, sure hope it does not become a trend in nz.:(

I Love Brian, Forever <3
09-09-2003, 09:38 PM
yeah, i got involved in that sh*t in the 8th grade. I regret it, every last one. too many to count and just on my left arm. i look at the scars every damn day and i'm reminded of how retarded i am, oh yeah and i sometimes get help reminding myself from my mom. i hate the scars.

09-09-2003, 09:39 PM
I have one very close friend with depression problems who cuts herself up, sticks pins into herself, all sorts of things. I don't think she's worn a short-sleeved shirt in several years.

I have another, also with depression problems, who I recently found out cuts up her chest/torso area so that it doesn't show...

I could never bring myself to do something like that, and I think it's pathetic that people would do it just to look "cool".

09-09-2003, 09:41 PM
I must admit, I have thought about doing it. I was going through some MAJOR depression a few months ago..2 of my close friends had past away, and I didn't know what to do. My cousin's friends has done it, and regrets every bit of it.

09-09-2003, 10:04 PM
I know that teenage years are hard. I hope that none of your guys have to suffer from depression, but if you do, get help. No one should have to feel that way. GoldenRetrLuver, I am glad to hear that you didn't hurt yourself. I hope things are looking up.

09-09-2003, 10:10 PM
Thanks Tonya. :) It's slowly getting better for me...

09-09-2003, 10:17 PM
A friend of mine did that once, while I was staying the night at her house. I had to take the razor blade out of her hand, and wrap a hand towel around her wrist. I did have a very long talk with her and her parents about it. She swore to me that if I told her parents what she did then she would never talk to me again. My response to her was, if you don't want to talk to me after this that's fine but at least I will know you are still alive. Her parents ended up putting her into a mental hospital for 2 weeks. Which was the best thing for her. No medication would help her at that time of her life. And I would listen to her as long as she could talk to me. I would try to help her in any way I could. Even if it was to yell at her for cutting her wrists. Which I learned you should never do, it just makes them want to cut their wrists even more. She wanted to, but good thing I already had the razor in my hand and wasn't letting go of it for nothing. I had to put it in my pocket, (not a good idea by the way) but that was the only place she couldn't get it from. She would dig it out of the trash or what every. So when her parents got home I gave it to them.

I am so happy I was there when she did it so I could at least stop the bleeding. And try to talk some sense in to her about what she was doing to her self and her friends and family. If I wasn't there she would have cut her self alot more and I know she would have.


09-10-2003, 04:13 PM
Wow, last night on the bus ride home from our Cross Country meet, this subject got brought up. This Boy said that he likes to cut his legs and ankle:eek: I told him he should stop, but he just said, "it feels so good though":eek: Gosh just reading some of these posts makes me cringe and makes my wrists weaken, I hate blood *shudders*

09-15-2003, 04:04 AM
Strange, very strange. Why that would be considered cool is beyond me.

09-15-2003, 09:35 AM
Yes, it is a problem everywhere. I see it more with the boys than the girls here. Lots of them use pens to do it. I have never understood self-mutilation and never will...I have a friend (an adult) who burns herself, although it has gotten better since her father died. She had been molested. I am not a fan of pain, so, that would never be my choice, but, for some people that's their outlet, but, they desperately need to seek help. My friend did and continues to see a couple of counselors.

09-15-2003, 10:40 AM
huh? do these kids have parents?

09-18-2003, 01:10 AM
My sister did that for attention. She carved her b/f's name in her arm & she was all proud of it until she showed it to me.

I know calling someone stupid is very mean, but thats the only way my sis will stop doing bad things is when I freak out & call her stupid about a thousand times. My sis really looks up to me & wants my approval & when she does horrible things to her self I call her stupid enough & she stops. She slit her wrists once & had to deal with me, she never did it again. She tried poisoning herself & volunterred to assist & she freaked out, saying I was trying to kill her. Its taken a few yrs, but she has really really really cleaned up. & I have told her how proud I am of her & she tells me how she needed to hear me call her stupid to get through her thick skull. She does weed maybe once a month, she almost never ever drinks.. but I'm having a hard time getting her of off shrooms. I'm trying to make her think of the baby & how horrible a mother she would be if she was drinking/smoking/drugging herself up infront of the child, whaty if he got hold of something!! Thats cut her drinking & smoking way down, but she just wont stop using shrooms...

How do I get her to see the daylight about doing shrooms???

09-18-2003, 01:54 AM
ummmmm is she pregnant?

If she is, go with her to a doctor's appt, take the dr. or the nurse aside and tell them to suggest it b/c you have heard of adverse side effects. I am not telling you to right out tell them that she is doing it, that could result in her baby getting taken away.
Deceitful ---- yes
Effective ---- hopefully

09-18-2003, 09:05 AM
gosh! i dint even konow that was "cool" these days...(i've only been in the states for a month or so) nobody at my school does it...i dont think...geez! kids today.......thats just sick

09-18-2003, 10:48 AM
shais_mom: ummmmm is she pregnant?

Not THIS time....

Her b/f knocked up his ex. just before he went to jail 2 yrs ago. & the baby is his.

But she did get pregnant when she was 14 or 15 (don't remember), & she killed it!!!! She found out & drugged her self almost to death & drank & smoked untill it died... Nows shes all messed up inside, shes bleeds, gets lost of nasty infections down there & more then likely will never beable to have kids. & the dr. told her she'll be on an air tube before she turnes 35 if she doesn't stop smoking, her lungs r rotting away...

Oh ya she's 18 & hes 24, she's been off & on with him since she was 15!!!! its sick... hes sooo dirty, he looks & smells like a hobo & he dumber then a post & hes missing his front teeth cause of all the fighting he does... sadly he's alot better then her last guy... what on earth is wrong with kids like her???

09-18-2003, 03:28 PM
My best friend is like this. She isn't very depressed like she was when she started, but slitting is as addictive as smoking. She can't stop. She said the only way she can explain it is: You know when you really have to pee? And you've been waiting forever, and then you finally get to pee, and you know the relief you feel, all the stress that has been lifted off your shoulders, and you can finally relax? That's what it's like with slitting. You are anxious and uptight until you cut yourself, then it's pure relief.

Doing it for a "trend" is discusting. Some people have real problems and need real help, but when people just do it for attention, that is just dumb.

09-18-2003, 04:10 PM
I never knew this stuff. I am so sad for these kids. Kingrattus, I hate to sound like the typical adult, but, is there a trusted female adult you could turn to for help with your sister?


09-18-2003, 06:06 PM
Kingrattus, I feel horrible for your sister. At just 18, she has gotten herself involved in too many dangerously bad things. Do your parents know about this? In my opinion, they should, and if I were them I would put some serious restrictions on a child like that. Please find her the help she deserves, as her loving sister, before its too late. :(

09-18-2003, 09:47 PM
Nothing can be done, she moved out months ago... & my mom did jack.. I was the one calling the police every week...

My mom did jack when my sis & her b/f & their friends were threatening to kill me. this threatening went on for about a year until she attacked me one night. My sis thought she had the upper hand because I'm a couch potato & over weight (I'm 5'5 150p).. she also forgot that all I did when I was younger was play fight with my bigger guy friends (I was a tomboy).. that night she learned the hard way to never punch me in the face (she would have hit me on the nose, but I'm very fast when I'm in danger, she ended up hitting my ear & then air). Saddly my temper over took me & I beat the day lights out of her. I ripped out her lipring, split her lip, gave her a big dark black eye, her gums were bleeding & her lower lip was 3 times normal size.

The next day was monday & we both went to HS. She told the teachers that I beated the poo poo out of her & I was called into the office & yelled at for 20 mins on how bad a person I was to doing that to my younger sis. They were even gonna call the cops on me for assaulting!!! I demanded them to call my mom & ask her what happened & thank god for once in my life mom came through for me.

But non my sis & her friends stay the hell away from me.. I distroyed my sis reputation as a bad @$$ & a good fighter. Since that fight I haven't heard her blab about her beating a 6'6 200p girl...

To this day I still hate that night, I don't like fighting, more so I don't like getting mad... horrible tempers run in my dads side of the family & my dads on meds for it (it works great!!).. but I scare myself sometimes... Now when I get upset at something I start shaking, because its so hard keeping the anger beast locked up....

My family was know as the most perfect family going (poor but perfect)... I loved my family & felt safe there.. now its a horribly broken family, all because of my mom & sis... At least dad shows he loves me & wants me around.

I'll stop blabbing now, this is no place to say bad things & upset ppl...

09-18-2003, 09:53 PM
Cataholic, I tried to get her help, I called the cops & begged for help... nothing they could do until she commited a crime worth pumishing (just another reason SF police were fired & the OPP moved in & good cops replaced the SF police)... My first Rat mike suffered becuse I tried to get help & help her.. my sis & her b/f cut Mikes wiskers off!! oh & the drugged Max & I had to drag him up 15 stairs to the bath tub to cool him off, he had a bad feaver & was barfing every where... Thats when I kicked Max out of the house & made him live with dad.... I stoped helping her after they drugged Max.. that was it.. I had given up, Max was more important to me then she was (sad I know).. Max didn't have any say in getting high, she does, her choice, I give.

09-24-2003, 05:55 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
It's not just girls, guys too.

Some people, do it for fun. Some people do it because they think it's "cool". Some do it just because it their way of letting things out.

Whichever reason they have, I think it's dumb and I'd never do it.

I would never do it either, I think it is dumb, and sad.:(

Originally posted by lovemyshiba
Young girls cutting themselves is not cool at all. It can lead to serious problems later in life. It's sad that the "cool girls" are doing it and everyone wants to emulate them.

I'm glad to read that you are one of the smart ones.
Agreed. It is NOT cool.