View Full Version : Dogs and flooring

09-07-2003, 09:35 PM
We have carpet in our house right now. My husband wants to put in that Pergo flooring. (The laminate that looks like hardwood.) Everywhere I read says it is so much better then hardwood and that paws won't scratch it. ...BUT if we spend a few thousand dollars on the floors, and it DOES scratch; I know my husband...he won't let the dogs inside. Which would be devastating to me and would wind up being a huge fight. What kind of flooring do you all have? Anyone have experience with the Pergo and pets?

09-07-2003, 10:11 PM
We have carpet in all of the rooms and living room/dining room. We have ceramic tile in kitchen and oen bathroom. Lenolium(sp?) in another bathroom and the entrance way.

I have no idea was pergo is so sorry, can't help you there.

09-07-2003, 10:23 PM
Tonya, Try calling the manufacturer.
They should be able to tell you the pro's and cons
of Pergo.

I have had a mixture of carpet, tile and wood, but
not Pergo.

I remember my husband would have a fit when the
dogs scratched up the wood.
I use to use a oil stain for wood, and wipe it on the scratch marks.
It gave the wood an antique look where the scratch
marks were and nobody new it was from the dogs. :)

09-07-2003, 10:25 PM
We have carpet in this house, which is all coming out soon. We probably can't afford to put in wood right now, but the carpet is going. I'll live with plywood floors for awhile! Never having carpet again.

In our last house, we had maple hardwood throughout, not a scrap of carpet anywhere. It's was great. Easy to clean. When it was installed we had an extra layer of sealer put on. The dogs could scratch the sealer if they got playing hard, but they couldn't damage the wood. It held up very well.

09-07-2003, 11:00 PM
In the one hallway and bedrooms upstairs we have real hardwood, it's got scratches and stuff on it but that would be because the flooring is over 30 years old. In the Dinning room and living room we have the faux hardwood. The tounge and groove stuff and the dogs have yet to put a scratch on it...they slip alot but no scratches.

09-07-2003, 11:05 PM
That's exactly what I am talking about, Crikit...The tongue and groove faux hardwood. So, no scratches what so ever? No matter what? It'd be a disaster if I put it in, and then my dogs scratch it. My husband will insist that they stay outside.

09-07-2003, 11:19 PM
Well if there are any scratches I haven't seen them and the floor goes through hell with the dogs running around on it and bones and stuff. You do have to watch out for water though, because if it seems in to the floor it will make the flooring bubble.

09-07-2003, 11:22 PM
How about pee accidents? Will it seep in the cracks and leave an odor?

09-07-2003, 11:32 PM
I'm not so sure about that Tama has the odd accident but we usually catch it in times. The odd time that we haven't it didn't seem to seep in. But if you don't glue the floor planks to one another you can rip the floor up and fix any parts that need it when stuff happens to it.

09-07-2003, 11:42 PM
I have had Pergo (well, Wilsonart, actually, but basically the same thing) in my house for two years now. I have ten dogs, five of which are males, four of which mark in the house sometimes. :mad:

I have NO scratches, NO damage from toenails or pee. Pergo is HEAVENLY for dog owners. I HIGHLY recommend it!!!!

09-07-2003, 11:52 PM
Thank you, Twister. I am happy to hear that!

09-08-2003, 07:48 AM
My sister has Pergo and 4 dogs. She loves the stuff. Swears by it especially with doggies. They've even had accidents and still no damage. Says it's easy to clean, looks good and no scratches.

I'd put it in, but Dick is a wood purist. We are in the process of removing carpet one room at a time and putting in real wood flooring. I don't care, I just want to get rid of the carpet.

09-08-2003, 07:59 AM
I'm so glad to hear this. We are also going to be taking all the carpet up in the living room & getting Pergo. I think it would be sooo much better to take care of!

09-08-2003, 09:41 AM
We have it in the kitchen and have had no problems. No scratches or marks other than me dropping a full can of coke which hit at just the right angle to cause an indention. :rolleyes: Other than that we've had zero problems. We are also wanting to put it though out the entire house. It's soooo much cleaner! Our dogs slip and slide on it though, so we're planning on a large (removable, so therefor cleanable) rug in the living room and runners down the hallways.

09-08-2003, 09:59 AM
I HATE carpet. :mad: I really, really do.

Our old house had all hardwood floors (Oak), and with as many as four big dogs, they never scratched it. We had it refinished when we bought the house and it had a very hard finish on it. It was perfect!

This house is almost all carpet, with one room (my office) with a wood floor, and the kitchen and hallway are Pergo. My only problem with the Pergo is that it seems to be much more slippery than hardwood was. But it is certainly durable and easy to clean up. When I have the funds, carpet will be coming up in the whole downstairs and hardwood installed. With multiple dogs and kids, I think it is the best way to go.


09-08-2003, 12:42 PM
Them being slippery is one downside I hear. I just talked to a guy who's rot has hip problems. He said the pergo is horrible for his dog to walk on. It makes the hip problems so much worse. But all my dogs are young, so I have a long time before I have to worry about that.

09-08-2003, 12:56 PM
You just don't want to cause an injury, Tonya. And I worry about that too! Zipper was slidding so badly in his haste to follow me, that I put down a rug at every corner so he wouldn't slide!!! They look terrible, but at least he isn't slipping anymore!

09-08-2003, 01:39 PM
My sister says they can be slippery, but it's cheaper to get some inexpensive throw rugs to put down to keep the dogs from falling. The rug can be washed or tossed if they get too bad and she couldn't do that with carpet. Said it was much cheaper in the long run.

09-08-2003, 02:07 PM
We have pergo.. Its like the stuff **i think** thats kinda like a puzzle? i dont know im not perfectly sure.. I love it because its easy to clean messes on.. It doesnt *seep through the cracks* because there arent any.. And it doesnt scratch.. I personally like it but someone may have a different opioion (sp).. So yeah i think pergo would be your best bet.. here is what it looks like:

09-08-2003, 03:51 PM
I had Pergo in the bedroom at my other house. Murph and
Maddie weren't able to put any scratches on it and they were
able to, on the hardwood floor I had in the foyer. Maddie is very
slow moving so she never had any issues with walking on the
Pergo. In fact, she loved it because it was nice and cool to lay on.

Murph on the other hand, use to look like a cartoon character.
He'd take off running at full speed. There'd be a blur of paws
churning, but he wouldn't actually be going anywhere. Just
couldn't get any traction with the slippery floors. He, also had
trouble jumping up and down off the bed. I bought throw
rugs and that helped the problem somewhat.

I also had a plant leak onto the floor and that caused a corner of
the top layer to curl up. So if you have a dog that's not
housebroken and you can't get the pee up right away, that
could be an issue too.
