View Full Version : questions for the ohio bark park

09-06-2003, 05:29 PM
For the Birthday gathering at the ohio bark park I have some questions my mom wanted me to ask you all:

Ok, Do we have to bring a record of our dogs shots?
Do we need to bring something to pick up after our dog?
What if the dogs fight?

We never been to a dog park before and before we make any plans going we need to know this first. Thanks :)

09-06-2003, 05:50 PM
I haven't been to any pt meetings/the ohio bark park but around here, you don't need shot records. But it's a smart thing to have (the shots..not the records lol) because dogs will be meeting and greeting other dogs. In dog parks, owners MUST clean up after their dog's waste. No one likes stepping on dog do-do. If you know that your dog is dog agressive..it's not a smart thing to let the dog off leash with other dogs around. The dogs would be closely watched I'm assuming...so any fights can be broken up.

09-06-2003, 05:53 PM
I'm not sure about the record part.
We didn't bring Simba's or Nala's.

They have brown plastic bags as well as a garbage can to pick up and throw it away in.

If the dogs "fight" which they all basically got along when I went, everyone watches out for everyone else's dogs. We just break it up or tell them to knock it out if they get rough.

09-06-2003, 05:56 PM
Thanks for the avice I have a another question..

Does your dog need a lisence? I never new a dog needed a lisence until my mom informed me about it..She said we never got Katie Lisenced.

09-06-2003, 06:00 PM
You never knew you dog needed a lisence?!!?!? :eek:

I'm not sure if you need them at the park but I believe it is a law down here.

I can't believe you don't have one. :eek: :eek: :eek:

09-06-2003, 06:03 PM
I know, I dont know what they are...This is new to me

Why do we have to have them?
Where do you gfet them?
How much are they? ect...

09-06-2003, 06:05 PM
It's just like a human's ID card. We got ours when we adopted them. You can probably get them from the vet.

If Katie gets her shot, the vet should have probably asked about her not haveing lisences.

I'm not sure how much they are, but you have to get them renewed every year.

I still can't believe you don't have them.:eek:

09-06-2003, 06:08 PM
I know, I cant believe it either. Right now we need to get Katie's shots soon and when we go ill have my mom ask them

We didnt adopt katie from a shelter so we never got one and when we got Katie's shots in the past they never asked about a lisence..
I feel like a bad owner

09-06-2003, 06:36 PM
Hmmmm....I am unclear. Do you mean you have never had rabies shots for your puppy? Or, any innoculations? That sounds very irresponsible to me. Are you sure you aren't just confused?

As to the bark park...if your dog is not up-to-date on its shots, then, you shouldn't bring him/her to the park. It isn't fair to those of us that do keep our puppies up-to-date. You don't need to bring anything else, just yourself. The park provides poop bags.

If your dog is aggressive, it shouldn't be brought to the park. Why risk your dog's health, or another's, by doing so?

09-06-2003, 06:42 PM
I think in most (if not all) states a license is required. When I got Nebo licensed, they did it down at the firestation at the beginning of the year. We had to have proof of a current rabies shot, if not, they did them for you. It was also less expensive if the dog was spayed/neutered. I think it was only around $8.

This obviously varies in different parts of the country...

I'd contact your city animal control, I'm sure they can give you some good info. :)

The first rabies shot your dog gets (usually around 4 months) lasts one year. After that they last 2-3 years, I think they have different kinds. If you are going to have your dog around other dogs, its a good idea to have *all* of the shots done as to prevent the spread of disease (to your dog and others).

I had Nebo's shots done about a week before we went to the park, and they weren't even due for another month...I'm paranoid and just wanted to have proof. I never did actually bring the papers to the park though, but he was wearing a rabies tag.

I think most dog parks DO require that your dog has current shots, they just don't have somebody sitting at the gate all day checking.

09-06-2003, 06:42 PM
Im confused too, Katie is up-to date with her shots and everything shes a healthy dog. She insnt aggresive with other animals, She just doesnt have a lisence do we need to have one if she goes?

09-06-2003, 06:44 PM
Okay Thanks for the info! ill have my mom get her llisence
I reslly wonder why she never was in the first place

09-06-2003, 06:46 PM
I'd make sure they are current....I've had so many people at work tell me their dog has current shots and they expired months ago. Call the vet you had them done at and make sure. You may even want to go over to the vet and have them print out the info. It's a good thing to have.

I don't know if a license is required to go into a dog park, but it is required by the law so you should get it done anyway. You will have to have proof of current shots to get a license.

09-06-2003, 06:46 PM
If she is up-to-date with her shots, then, you would have been given a dog tag, saying"rabies vac"...I just looked at Binx's and I can't make out what it says...it has already wore off...

What county do you live in? I am going to check what Hamilton County requires....brb...

09-06-2003, 06:48 PM
The vet gives us new tags everytime we get their yearly check up. :eek: It still amzes me you had no idea aobut them , lol

09-06-2003, 06:54 PM
(A)(1) Except as otherwise provided in this section or in sections 955.011, 955.012, and 955.16 of the Revised Code, every person who owns, keeps, or harbors a dog more than three months of age, shall file, on or after the first day of the preceding December but before the thirty-first day of January of each year, in the office of the county auditor of the county in which the dog is kept or harbored, an application for registration for the following year, beginning the thirty-first day of January of that year. The board of county commissioners, by resolution, may extend the period for filing the application. The application shall state the age, sex, color, character of hair, whether short or long, and breed, if known, of the dog and the name and address of the owner of the dog. A registration fee of two dollars for each dog shall accompany the application, unless a greater fee has been established under division (A)(2) of this section or under section 955.14 of the Revised Code.

According to Ohio law, all dogs must be registered. This is different from all dogs requiring a rabies vaccination. I don't have Binx registerd i.e., he doesn't have a dog license tag.
:eek: :eek:

09-06-2003, 06:59 PM
katie is all up to date with shots and rabies, she does have some rabie tags some where but she isnt wearing them. My mom said she will get her lisence. I have no idea about them because my mom takes care of all of this.
for some reason I feel terrible about this when Cataholic said *That sounds very irresponsible to me.* make me feel bad.:(

09-06-2003, 07:01 PM
Amber- I was saying it when you said there weren't any shots!!!!! Not anything else...and then, you clarified that your dog WAS up-to-date on all the shots.......sorry.

09-06-2003, 07:03 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
The vet gives us new tags everytime we get their yearly check up. :eek: It still amzes me you had no idea aobut them , lol

KA- maybe it is different in Ohio. When we get our rabies tags..that is all they are, rabies tags. That doesn't mean your dog is licensed/registered. In Ohio, you have to send in to the bd of health to get that....

09-06-2003, 07:04 PM
Ohhhh Im sorry too! I mis read it, sorry I put it that way. :o

09-06-2003, 07:06 PM
Originally posted by Amber
Ohhhh Im sorry too! I mis read it, sorry I put it that way. :o

No, I am sorry. I didn't really read your post, or the way I responded, and I see why you took it that way. BUT I didn't mean it like that. Sorry, sorry, sorry. :o

09-06-2003, 07:08 PM
We get a new colored dog bone shaped tage and a rabies each year. We have to send in for the colored bone one.

09-06-2003, 07:11 PM
no no Dont be sorry, I wasnt reading it right anyway!

09-06-2003, 07:18 PM
When I go to the vet for their yearly check ups, they ask me if I want to register with the city. It costs 5 bucks if they are spayed/neutered, and like $12 if they aren't. They give me the tag right there (an ugly red one that looks like a stop sign).

09-06-2003, 07:19 PM
OMG soo confused, When we got Ringo the Breeder said we could AKC register him but we didn't HAVE to( But that was also AKC registering). He IS Up to date on all his shots Rabies and everything, he has finished with the puppy shots they need like every 2-4 weeks or whatever they are called. He has been Dewormed twice and takes heartguard every month. He has rabies tags he wears on his collar and he is not agressive lol. When we first took him to the vet the had us fill out this info about him and stuff. But Liscenced? uhh how do you do that I don't think Ringo is liscenced either but I'm not sure, really confused:confused:

09-06-2003, 07:23 PM
Kai isn't licenced either. At first I was really confused about the rabies tags, regular dog id tags, licences, shots...and all that. Kai has all except the city licence thing. It's about 50 bucks here for an unneutered male. EEks..he's getting neutered very very soon though..so I might as well just wait until it's done.

09-06-2003, 07:38 PM
We always have our shot records with us and the tags on them when they go to the park.

If anyone gets crappy there is a time out kennel, but, it very rarely gets used.

You should bring whatever records you have even if you don't have a tag.

09-06-2003, 08:34 PM
Findlay ( and most dog parks) do require that the dogs are licensed ( this is handled by each county ), up to date on shots (Rabies every 3 yrs, all others yearly). AKC registration is something totally different...that is a registration for papered, purebred dogs.

Each county covers their own licensing. In Lucas County (where we live) each dog is $20 per year, and "governed" through our county auditor's office. They are each given a tag with a number that is linked to our name and address. Should they get lost, the humane societies, the Dog warden, etc. all have access to this database and can easliy find out who the dog belongs to. We actually were able to find a lost GSD's owners using this number last October. In Lucas county, if the warden finds out you do not have your dog licensed, you can be fined ( and think it is $60 or more!)

If you don't have a license yet, i'm not sure I would worry forthis year. Licenses run from Jan-dec, and new forms are usually sent out Nov/Dec. At thispoint, might as well wait til next year!!

09-06-2003, 08:44 PM
I will be licensing Binx come January! I never realized.....:o

09-06-2003, 08:54 PM
I have another question- My mom said she will call about the lisence thing on Monday. Who should she call? the vet?

09-06-2003, 09:35 PM
Your vet should know who to contact. I would guess it would be the county auidtor, or the dog warden.

09-06-2003, 09:47 PM
About licencing..I don't know if this is the same thing or not. We needed to get a tag from the HS when Rufus ran away once and they got him..they charged us like 60 or more bucks for not having one :X:X:X And they only had him for a hr..

Cinder & Smoke
09-06-2003, 09:52 PM
Annual Dog LICENSE:
Also called "County" License or "Tags"...
Cataholic cited the Ohio Law that REQUIRES ALL Dogs Living in Ohio to be REGISTERED (Licensed) with the County Auditor (or Dog Warden) of the County where the dog resides.
The legal term the Law uses is "registration" - but when you "register" the dog you get a metal tag that most folks call their dog's "License".

Cinder & Smoke wear Mahoning County license tags; which make them "legal" in ANY county in Ohio; and most other states we might visit. In our County, those tags now cost :eek: $15 per dog each year - and our county gives no discount :mad: if they are spayed or neutered. A few counties do offer spay/neuter discounts on license fees.

The Application can often be filled out and the license paid for at some stores in the county; the Dog Warden's Office; and at the County Auditor. YOU need to check with your County for where you can obtain a license.

And NOTE: Most counties sell the licenses for the face value ONLY during December and January - any other month they say you're "LATE" buying it and most DOUBLE the price! :eek: OUR Dog Warden is a Nice Lady - she gave us Smokey's tag at regular price when I said I'd just adopted him (off the front porch). ;)

IF YOU plan to buy a license for Fido NOW - I'd suggest you argue the point that you *just* found, adopted, rescued, or WHATever you want to say - and plead that you shouldn't be charged the Penalty Price for being late. And don't forget - the License you buy right NOW - is only good till the end of this coming January (2004). Folks who walk in and voluntarily buy a dog license in mid-year often get the regular price - the Wardens are just Happy that you bought it! The Penalty (double) price is usually charged to folks who had an UN-licensed dog that was picked up by Animal Control... they pay a hefty FINE; AND have to buy the license, too!

OUT of State (Dog lives OUTSIDE) of Ohio?
Ohio still demands that the dog BE LICENSED by the municipality, county or state where the dog lives.
A properly Licensed Out of State dog is welcome in Ohio!

The great advantage of having your dog properly Licensed and WEARING it's License TAG is ~ IF it wanders off and is *arrested* by Animal Control - they HAVE to search the license records for the Owner, attempt to contact the owner; and HAVE to hold the dog longer than if it had no license.

RABIES Shot / Vaccination:
Ohio STATE law doesn't require them;
but Most Ohio County HEALTH Departments DO require them for dogs living in their county. And without a current rabies vaccination - if Fido *bites* a human - Fido could wind up in quarnatine for up to 6 months - paid for by the owner!
The FIRST rabies shot is good for ONE year;
then the dog gets a Second (booster) that is good for Three years; and gets another booster every three years thereafter.
Agin - Fido MUST WEAR the rabies "tag" to be safe from immediate impound and quarantine if a *bite* happens.

Hancock County Parks - The Bark Park ~ *RULES*

Rule # 1 states: "An Annual Dog Park PERMIT IS REQUIRED to use the area"!
(more on this - later)
# 2: A Vet's "annual health certificate" is required.
# 3: Dogs Must BE LICENSED and wear tags.
Now we *break the heck* outta Rule #1 EVERY time we invite non-registered dogs (and their Humans) into the Park! But the Parks Department IS aware that we are bringing "a few" VISITING dogs in - and has been willing to look the other way; thinking we'd only be doing it once or twice!
And - we DO contribute Quite a Bit of Money to the Parks - $30.00 EACH Time we rent Pavilion #7; and MANY/MOST of us are Permit-Carrying Members of the Bark Park!

All that said - Parks doesen't want to and won't *hassle* us for a few Visiting Dogs...
BUT (there's alluz a BUT!) ~
Parks is fearful of an *incident* - a BITE :eek: that will involve the Hancock County HEALTH Department. And Health EXPECTS to be able to *see* the Vet Records of ANY Dog inside the Park!!

THIS need to have VET RECORDS for all the "visiting dogs" is WHY we're asking ALL the UN-registered (no Hancock PARKS Permit) doggies to
Bring Along on EACH Visit:
1) Copy of the Last Vet Visit Receipt showing Fido had "shots"...
2) Copy of the Current Rabies Vaccination receipt.
3) and have Fido WEAR his/her County Dog License,
4) and have Fido WEAR his/her Rabies Vaccination TAG.

NEXT Year (2004) we're going to TRY to convince Parks to adopt a formal Visiting Dog Policy - charge a couple bucks for a day visit; and have a way to turn in the Vet Records for their files. And I'm going to ask if we can obtain one or two Pet Talk Park Permits - just FOR Visiting Dogs.

But anyone who plans to attend what we hope will be another series of Pet Talk Gathurinz at the Findlay Bark Park - can EASILY JOIN - and get Their OWN Bark Park Permit for the whole year.
It's purdy *CHEAP* = $10.00 One Time Fee lets you register 3 whole Dawggies for the entire 2004 year! (I'll try to have a buncha Bark Park Applications with us for the October B-Day Bash.)

And PLEASE! Do NOT think that we're *pointing finnerz* at ANYone! We had NO idea these PT Gathurins were going to be so popular - or that we'd have so many of em!! And drag in Dawggies from all over the USA...
If you're not already a Bark Park Member/Permit Holder -
CONSIDER it for Next Year.
If you only plan to attend 1 or 2 Gathurinz - don't sweat the permit; just bring along Fido's Vet Records.

ANY Questions: ?? PM me at "Cinder & Smoke" or Post em here!

There's a LOT of information in this post...
PLEASE! PRINT this out and SHOW it to your parents!

Auglaize County Dog Warden = (419) 738-7808
Auglaize County Auditor = (419) 738-2511

/s/ Phred

09-06-2003, 10:00 PM
Originally posted by Cinder & Smoke

And NOTE: Most counties sell the licenses for the face value ONLY during December and January - any other month they say you're "LATE" buying it and most DOUBLE the price! :eek: OUR Dog Warden is a Nice Lady - she gave us Smokey's tag at regular price when I said I'd just adopted him (off the front porch). ;)

IF YOU plan to buy a license for Fido NOW - I'd suggest you argue the point that you *just* found, adopted, rescued, or WHATever you want to say - and plead that you shouldn't be charged the Penalty Price for being late. And don't forget - the License you buy right NOW - is only good till the end of this coming January (2004). Folks who walk in and voluntarily buy a dog license in mid-year often get the regular price - the Wardens are just Happy that you bought it! The Penalty (double) price is usually charged to folks who had an UN-licensed dog that was picked up by Animal Control... they pay a hefty FINE; AND have to buy the license, too!

When we got Spot in March, I didn't even offer to pay the late fee...I called the auditor's office, told them we had added another dog to our family and they sent out the form, and I mailed them back the Regular price. I think they were happy enough I called and got the license, they didn't care about when or how we got the dog :)

09-06-2003, 10:01 PM
Thanks for the Great info!

I do have 1 question. Since this is the first we are coming to a dog park should we bring Katies Shot records?

09-06-2003, 10:04 PM
Originally posted by Amber
Thanks for the Great info!

I do have 1 question. Since this is the first we are coming to a dog park should we bring Katies Shot records?

It's a good idea...that way if something happens everyone knows your dog is up to date and not transmitting any diseases

( Not trying to scare you, nothing has ever happned...it is just to make sure eveyone is coverd, just in case)

Cinder & Smoke
09-06-2003, 10:05 PM
Originally posted by Amber
Since this is the first we are coming to a dog park

should we bring Katies Shot records?


Please bring the shot record AND the Rabies Shot Record or receipt.

/s/ Phred

09-06-2003, 10:08 PM
okie dokie! Thanks Ill show this to my mom~

09-07-2003, 09:36 PM
Gee look it, 5dogdad is posting again,yeah right. Here in Hancock County the dog licenses were $10 if your pet was neutered/spayed and $15 if not. However, they have now decided it is too hard to prove whether the dogs have been spayed/neutered or not so they are all going to be $15 this coming year. Here if Findlay, you can buy the licenses several places like the Humane Society, Pet Supplies Plus and I think a few others. Also once you have them licensed they will send a form each year and you can do it by mail (actually I think you can do it on line now) but anyway when we have added a dog (Like we got Snoopy the end of October of last year and Dazzi the end of the August the year before. It is the County Auditor's office that collects the fee so you can call your local auditor's office to find out.

I called them not too long ago when someone mentioned that they thought there was an Ohio law about the number of dogs you could own. Since I had added my fourth then they thought I was reaching or going beyond my legal limit. In calling, the lady informed me that there is no official limit to the number of dogs you own as long as you keep them licensed and are not using them as a business (as in selling them meaning a kennel or I would imagine even backyard business if you did that on a regular basis). She said there were a few people in Hancock County that had four, five and six dogs and I wasn't the only dog crazy person in the county. (what a relief!)