View Full Version : More Katie and Hubby

09-05-2003, 09:43 PM
It's me again. Here are some more pics of Katie and Alden. I couldn't resist taking some more. I think they are just so adorable. If anyone doesn't know, Katie is a 5 month old Akita and as of today she is weighing in at 44 pounds. She is growing up so fast!!

Robin :)




http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid77/pa30fb7878552621c2a6344cf9e24ea3a/fb2c3285.jpg http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid77/p7c694422fc0601a2ca75f75e0d60d060/fb2c328c.jpg



09-05-2003, 09:55 PM
Very cute!! Thanks for sharing.

09-05-2003, 09:57 PM
Ok...lol...here are some more. Hope you aren't getting too bored...lol

Robin :)

Katie checking out the camera:

Katie being lazy in the kitchen:



09-05-2003, 09:59 PM
Oh my goodness TOO CUTE!! Katie is a gorgeous Akita!! It looks like they are very close to eachother! :D

09-05-2003, 10:18 PM
Wonderful pics! My hubby won't let me post any pics of him. :rolleyes: He's no fun! :D Your Katie's sure a pretty gal!

09-05-2003, 10:25 PM
Hey Micki, My husband doesn't know yet and will probably kill me when he finds out...lol...so if you don't hear from me for awhile, you can probably guess what happened...lol.

:) Robin

09-06-2003, 04:44 PM
Well, hubby wasn't too mad...lol..whew! I think he likes showing off his pup too!

09-06-2003, 04:58 PM
Mine probably wouldn't mind were it not for his *ahem* luv handles. But, really it's his fault. He shouldn't go shirtless, especially when I have the camera out! LOL!

09-06-2003, 08:25 PM
Great pics!! Thanks for sharing...i love to see everyone's pups and the family too!!

Dale is 4 months old and 31ish pounds (havent weighed him lately) :) he was the smallest of the litter, so he may only get to be around 100-110, where his dad was 140 :eek: How much will Katie weigh full grown? With all that fur, i bet she looks even bigger that 41 lbs.


09-06-2003, 08:48 PM
Your husband is a good sport.
Mine would have been pissed for shure. hehehe
I love the pictures, especially the picture of Katie
and your husband looking up at you taking
the picture.
Katie is sure a pretty girl.
I think Rocky has a crush on her.

09-06-2003, 09:46 PM
wow she is so white what a beautiful pup !!!

09-07-2003, 02:25 AM
Beautiful. Katie has really grown since last time you posted pictures! :)

09-07-2003, 07:16 AM
What a gorgeous dog! Thanks for sharing the pictures. It will be fun watching her grow.

Originally posted by KYS
I think Rocky has a crush on her.

I was hoping Rocky would get to see her. I thought he would be smitten. :)

09-07-2003, 09:05 AM
I just can't belive how fast Katie is growing! I bet she'll be quite a bit bigger at the next park meeting (you are coming right?)!
And Alden is such a great sport;)

09-09-2003, 08:54 AM
Thanks everyone for all the nice comments!!

Robyn (Christiansmommy): I think female akitas can weigh anywhere from 70-100 pounds and of course males are larger, over 100 pounds. At first we thought Katie was going to be a little on the small side. She was a little on the scrawny side and was sick when we first got her home, so she was off to a slow start. I'm not so sure now. She just keeps growing and growing and growing...lol. We'll just have to wait and see.

Anna: I'm not for sure if I'm going to make it to the next dog park meeting. I sure would like to. I loved meeting everyone. The next one falls right at the end of my radiation treatments and I'm just kind of waiting to see how I will be feeling. Also, Alden starts his vacation that week and if all goes well with me he is determined to take me away somewhere relaxing and peaceful. Just the 2 of us. No doctors, hospitals, needles, cat scans or xrays. I think I can handle that...lol. If I don't make this meeting I will make sure I am at the next one!

Have a great day everyone....Robin :)

09-09-2003, 12:48 PM
Great Pix!
She is soooo cute!

Samantha Puppy
09-09-2003, 01:00 PM
Beautiful girl! Does Katie just absolutely adore your husband? Because while Samantha loves me, the way she acts around her daddy (my fiance) is just disgusting! She moons over him, follows him everywhere, even sometimes jumps up in between us when we kiss. She simply adores him. Just wondering if that was normal behavior for female dogs to male owners or if Samantha is just a skank. ;)

09-09-2003, 01:47 PM
LOL @ SamanthaPuppy....Yes, Katie does love her daddy. When we are sitting together or in bed, sometimes she has to crawl up in between us. I think she just wants to be the center of attention though. I do think she hangs out a lot with hubby when he is home, but I am with her all day long and she doesn't get to see him as much. He is also her biggest playmate. He plays with her alot harder than I do. They really play hard and wrestle and she just loves it. Also when he sits in his chair she always has to go over and sit on his feet for awhile. It is so cute!

09-09-2003, 02:45 PM
Great pictures! Katie is so gorgeous!!:)

My Peanuts
09-09-2003, 03:29 PM
Katie is so cute! I will never get bored of seeing pictures of her :D She looks like she is going to be a pretty big girl.

Dakota's Mommy
09-09-2003, 03:36 PM
Very cute pics!

09-09-2003, 05:48 PM
Great pictures Robin~! Katie is growing soo fast~!!! She's soo beautiful~! Colby is just 4 months(5 months the 13th) n' well he weighs more than your girl. He's such a pig~! LOL

Thanx for sharing~!:D