View Full Version : Kittens with fleas

Diamond Clouds
09-05-2003, 08:41 PM
Hi everyone. I just joined here. A few days ago, a cat and 4 kittens (their age was estimated at 3 weeks or so) were dropped off at my animal shelter. I volunteer there, and I knew the shelter was no place for the kittens and Momma to stay, so I agreed to foster them until the kittens are ready for homes. My problem is, I noticed that there are black specks covering all of the kittens, but I can't find any on the Momma. I'm fairly certain they are fleas. I'm afraid the kittens are too young to treat safely, but if anyone has any ideas on how to rid them all of the fleas, I would greatly appreciate it. Their bedding was clean, but now I'm sure the fleas are in the bedding, too. Can anyone help? Sorry for the "long-windedness". Thanks so much!

09-05-2003, 09:30 PM
First, I'd wash all of their bedding thorougly.

You can give the kitties a gentle bath with either Johnson's baby shampoo or Lemon Dawn dish soap. Make sure the water is warm, but not too hot. Lemon Dawn works better at killing the fleas. Just get some good suds going, then wrap the kitten in a washcloth and let the Dawn sit on there for a couple minutes. Then rinse the kitten off and towel dry. I always hold my foster kittens until they are BONE DRY after a bath so they don't get chills or have any chance of getting sick.

If possible, you might want to try to bath the mom too.

By the way, welcome to Pet Talk !!!!!!!! :)

Diamond Clouds
09-06-2003, 03:07 PM
Thank you so much for the advice!! I will wash the bedding ASAP. I have a question, though... you said to use Lemon Dawn dish soap... well, would orange Dawn dish soap (Ultra) work as well? I already have this kind, but if it is the Lemon that does the trick, then I will go to get some of that as soon as I can. Thanks again!

09-06-2003, 03:08 PM
Its the lemon that does the trick of killing the fleas. I know baby shampoo works too, but there is something about the lemon.

09-06-2003, 04:13 PM
Welcome to pet talk. Above and beyond the washing, using a flea comb is also good. No flea products are safe for kittens that young and very few are even safe for kittens under 12 weeks of age. And that goes for nursing moms, too. Good luck with those babies (and Mom)