View Full Version : How many dogs

09-05-2003, 06:44 PM
I was just wandering how many dogs everyone had owned in their life.

09-05-2003, 06:45 PM
I only have one but would love to have more!

09-05-2003, 07:02 PM
in my life I have had 3 dogs seperatly, fisrt was Scooter, a hound mix, then Katie my schnauzer mix, then Brodie, another beagle/rat terrier mix. '

But right now I only have 1 katie!~

09-05-2003, 07:06 PM
Just Mickey but I'm looking forward to owning many more..:)

09-05-2003, 09:16 PM
Max is my second dog.

My first dog was put to sleep at the age of 2. She had the worst case of a nervice pee'er, & she was distroying the carpet, & she was becoming too hard to feed, she didn't want to eat anything, not even ppl food.

My parents were terrified she would be beaten, or left out doors, if they gave her away. She was a good little dog, with too many problems. It killed my parents to do it.

We still keep photos of her. We did love her very much, & she was soo good with kids.

09-05-2003, 09:24 PM
me personaly the 5 I have now, but my mom has had alot, I dont even know how many, umm my mom had several shelties, puli, 2 german sheperds, a rottie, and some really big mix, and another one that she said was so stupid he could not find the end of the drivway. and my dad had cocker spanials, heeler mixes, not sure what else :p

09-05-2003, 11:22 PM
If I counted right I have owned 28/29 dogs in my life. Boy that seem like alot but there has been a dog/dogs in my life sense the day I was born. Sence I not a young woman anymore I guess thats not alot after all. :)

09-05-2003, 11:28 PM
Dutch was first he was a keeshound and was with me 18 yrs. I got Sooner a week befor Dutch passed, Sooner was a Belgiam Shepard and was 1 1/2 and he bit the mail lady so my parent let him join the Air Force, he became a bomb sniffer. Now I have Rex he's 3/4 German Shepard and 1/4 Lab and is 10 yrs old. I have Lucky who is a Black Lab and is only 1 yr old. Cheif is a mix of Shepard and who knows what else. He's a yr old also. Dutches I lost 2 months ago due to parvo at 4 1/2 weeks old . Warlock was Dutches brother who is now 3 months + and he is a mix as well.

09-05-2003, 11:36 PM
I've had 4 dogs in my life so far.

First was Todo (pronounced Toe-doe) he was a Dachshund. Next was Bandit, he was an aussie/pit mix. Then was Molly the collie, and then my baby Daisy. ;)

09-05-2003, 11:45 PM
Just one (and I think i'm doing a damn good job!) LOL. Could you imagine how much more I'd know/experienced when I'm at my 10th+ dog??? LOL

09-06-2003, 01:52 AM
omg this should be long...

1.We first got a terrier mix, named BengY..(he ran away)

2. was a mixed breed golden named Rebel. (he ran away)

3. Was a mixed breed lab named Sadie,(she lives on a farm now)

4. Sadie had 8 puppies. (all at good homes)

So that is..... 11 dogs... +

5. We got a pure bred cocker named Candy kisses. (gave away to some rich ppl)

6. Candy kisses was a breeding dog, 8 still born pups, and 2 live puppies. One was blonde named Salt *we sold her*, the other was black named Pepper, We kept him... (pepper is now at a rich home showing for CKC.) (Salt got hit by a car soon after we sold her :(:( )

7. Then we got our malamute named Jagger, as well as his sister* we sold his sister later on*.

8. then we got a companion for Jagger who was a malamute as well named "Teekah"(abused dog) she had 4 female pups named "Winter, Blue eye, Long tail, and Coon"(all pure bred malamutes) We sold all 4 pups and Teekah had to be later put down because she had distemper :(:(. *Then jagger had to be put down because the pound is stupid*

9. Then we got Tikeya,

10. then Makieya, who we ended up giving away due to too much dog fights between her and Tikeya.

11. then we got Oscar :)

Now we just have Oscar and Tikeya, and they are happy as can be :).

So in total I have owned 24 dogs in years !!!! :eek:

09-06-2003, 02:01 AM
Originally posted by tikeyas_mom

4. Sadie had 8 puppies. (all at good homes)

6. Candy kisses was a breeding dog, 8 still born pups, and 2 live puppies. One was blonde named Salt *we sold her*, the other was black named Pepper, We kept him... (pepper is now at a rich home showing for CKC.) (Salt got hit by a car soon after we sold her :(:( )

8. then we got a companion for Jagger who was a malamute as well named "Teekah"(abused dog) she had 4 female pups named "Winter, Blue eye, Long tail, and Coon"(all pure bred malamutes) We sold all 4 pups and Teekah had to be later put down because she had distemper :(:(. *Then jagger had to be put down because the pound is stupid*

Taken from YOUR signature...

DoGs CaNt AdD, bUt ThEy SuRe CaN MuLtIpLy! SpAy Or NeUtEr.

09-06-2003, 02:02 AM
Simba and Nala are the only dogs my family has owned while I've been alive. They have owned many more though.

09-06-2003, 02:09 AM
Originally posted by Kfamr
Taken from YOUR signature...

hey It wasnt MY choice to breed thoughs dogs, it was my parents. and When we bought Candy kisses he breeder wanted to keep her breeding because she was so beautiful and she wanted to make the breed better, we had a coownership with Candy kisses breeder.

Sady got out of the yard and bred with some dog, and she got impregnanted. She jumped a 6 ft fence to go breed. And my parents didnt know you could spay a dog at a year old. *they were dumb*

Jagger, and Teekah bred because my parents LOVE malamutes, and my family had been doing it for years (with malamutes). They shouldent have bred Teekah, but they did. and I was only 10.

Shoot me for being young and not having a choice in the matter. :rolleyes:.

09-06-2003, 02:09 AM
Wow, TM that list is very........disturbing.

:( :( :(

Since I've been alive and can remember we've just had the 3...Smokey since I was 2, Reggie since I was 10 and Nebo for about a year now. My parents did have some dogs before I was born also.

09-06-2003, 02:12 AM
Originally posted by wolf_Q
Wow, TM that list is very........disturbing.

I loved all thoughs dogs very much, so did my parents. they were nieve though, and stupid you could say. But I dont think it is desturbing.. you can think what you want, they are all in better places now. .... . Thats is what matters.

09-06-2003, 02:14 AM
With them running away and all, how are you sure they are in good places?

If any dog of mine "ran away", I wouldn't stop searching until I died.

09-06-2003, 02:19 AM
Originally posted by tikeyas_mom
\ stupid you could say. But I dont think it is desturbing.. you can think what you want, they are all in better places now. .... . Thats is what matters.

Did you just give me permission to say stupid? :D

How is running away "in a better place?"

And how can you know FOR A FACT that all of those many puppies really are ALL in GOOD homes?

And "some rich ppl" how does that imply it's a good home? Do you keep in touch with any of them?

Not saying you had total control over this as you were a child.....just curious as to how you seem to know all of your former dogs are now all happy and loved.

09-06-2003, 02:27 AM
So Far i've had 3 dogs that i noe of

1) Cee-Cee a sheep dog cross (now lives on a farm)

2) Oreo a Border Collie (15 months)
3) Kayla a Border Collie (Puppy)

Right now i have Oreo and Kayla they are great beautiful dogs! Very Smart

09-06-2003, 02:29 AM
I have never owned a dog, but I plan to have many when I'm older.

Tikeya's Mom - this is not aimed at you, but what you claim had your parents lose, breed, or give away so many dogs - in my opinion being naive and stupid is not a valid excuse after 24 animals. Surely after Benjy ran away they should have been extra careful in seeing Rebel safe from doing something similar?

If I was you I would not be defending what they did as 'nieve' mistakes of people who 'love all their dogs very much'.

09-06-2003, 02:31 AM
Originally posted by wolf_Q
Did you just give me permission to say stupid? :D

How is running away "in a better place?"

And how can you know FOR A FACT that all of those many puppies really are ALL in GOOD homes?

And "some rich ppl" how does that imply it's a good home? Do you keep in touch with any of them?

Not saying you had total control over this as you were a child.....just curious as to how you seem to know all of your former dogs are now all happy and loved.

I dont that is just what my mopm told me and my brothers as kids.

09-06-2003, 02:33 AM
Originally posted by zanzanfergie
I have never owned a dog, but I plan to have many when I'm older.

Tikeya's Mom - this is not aimed at you, but what you claim had your parents lose, breed, or give away so many dogs - in my opinion being naive and stupid is not a valid excuse after 24 animals. Surely after Benjy ran away they should have been extra careful in seeing Rebel safe from doing something similar?

If I was you I would not be defending what they did as 'nieve' mistakes of people who 'love all their dogs very much'.

the stuff I posted about my 24 dogs is only what my parents had told me about. The only dogs I actually remeber ever owning is..

Jagger, Teekah, Tikeya, Oscar and Mikeya....

09-06-2003, 02:37 AM
Originally posted by tikeyas_mom

8. then we got a companion for Jagger who was a malamute as well named "Teekah"(abused dog) she had 4 female pups named "Winter, Blue eye, Long tail, and Coon"(all pure bred malamutes) We sold all 4 pups and Teekah had to be later put down because she had distemper :(:(. *Then jagger had to be put down because the pound is stupid*


So were you and your parents not aware that you can vaccinate against distemper, or just didn't bother but bred her anyway? Why was Jagger put down?

09-06-2003, 02:56 AM
Originally posted by wolf_Q
So were you and your parents not aware that you can vaccinate against distemper, or just didn't bother but bred her anyway? Why was Jagger put down?

Well she bit my lil brother and he was 3 at the time I think... and she got distemper AFTER she had pups and We gave her all the shots at the vets, I think .... My parents would know that, I would aksk them but they are sleeping considering it is 1:00 am here.

It is a VEYYYY long story on why Jag was put down.. I dont feel like explaining it all... it is sad :(:(. Jag didnt do anything this lady lied and said that jagg attacked her dog, but he didnt and the pound took him away because they had no choice, and we going to goto cort about it but Jagger was put down befor we could :(:(:(. my dad cryed for almost 3 years every night because he missed jag so much... Tikeya was only 5 months old when jag was put down, and she was very sad as well.. poor baby. So we got her a companion a couple years later That was Makieya, they fought like all the time and I couldent even pet one dog without the other one getting jelouse, so Mikeya got giving to these ppl that live close by, we dont see her much because it hurts so bad to let her go.....

then a year later we got oscar and now we have had oscar and Tikeya ever since, it has been almost two years in jan ...

Toby's Mommy
09-06-2003, 04:51 PM
I have kinda had two. We had Toby for a trial run and it didn't go well so he had to go back so kinda only one.

09-06-2003, 07:02 PM
I only have Foxy but i am hoping to get another one soon.

Aspen and Misty
09-06-2003, 07:50 PM
5 dogs in my life time.


09-07-2003, 08:06 AM
the dogs i can remember are

Scruffy a border collie samoyed X, he died when he was about 15 yrs old

then there was kellie the blue heeler X and she lived to a good age *not sure exactly*

and then Tyson the Rough Coated Collie, he was re-homed on a farm and spent his days as a farm dog *we saw him often after re-homing him*

then Penny the JRTx *still with us*

and Clover *still with us*

and Theodore *still with us*

and soon to be Border Collie pup *flyball/companion dog*

09-07-2003, 11:10 AM
I have only had 2.

Muffy - my RB miniature schnauzer

and Ruby :)

09-07-2003, 11:45 AM
I have only had two dog's,A husky named Sarah,we could not have her anymore so my mom took her to the animal shelter and they found out that she was pregnate and put her down,my mom was so sad.She would not have took her there if she new that they were going to do that..:( Then we gt Sully,my brother picked him out,we still have him!He's a Chow,Lab,Husky mix.I'm getting a Golden retriever pup soon!:D

09-07-2003, 12:19 PM
My mom was one of those people who would up and decide that an animal wasn't working out for her and drop it off at the shelter while I was at school. :mad: So, I'll just name the dogs that I had long term that "worked out" for my mother.

Christy, Alaskan Malmute-Timber wolf. She was the most beautiful and loving dog. We had her the longest. I had her from kindergarten/preschool until about 20 years old

Scooter, llapso alpso-poodle. He had the coolest personality. He was an escape artist and he finally got hit by a car. He was 5 years old.

Kaiser, American Eskimo. He was really rough with Christy and her hips were going bad, so we had to rehome him.

Ricki, queensland heeler. He was unhappy in town, so I rehomed him as a pup.

Rosco, pitbull-sharpei. I had to put this beautiful boy to sleep. I miss him like crazy.

and my current doggies:
Roxy, a wooley husky.
Dusty, australian shephard-husky
Teddy, pomeranian

09-07-2003, 05:25 PM
We had a Spike, a beagle, while I was growing up--he was so lazy--my dad would take him out hunting, but he would turn around and go home.
Then there is Max, who is 15 or 16, and still lives with my parents.

Of my own, I now have 4--Kito, Abbey, Riley, and Jada:)

09-07-2003, 05:32 PM

Mickey and Simon were my parents dogs when I was born.

Then we got Oreo when I was 14 (She still lives with my parents)

Now my husband and I have 3 of our own- Sadie, Cincy and Spot

09-07-2003, 08:38 PM
Well my family had pets before I was born so don't know any of them. The ones that I knew however were:

Sam the Samoyed
Roper the BC/Cocker (my aunts, but she lives next door so)
and Coco Lab/Pointer

other then that I personally have only had the three. Smudge, Winter and Tama

09-07-2003, 10:09 PM
TM next time you or your parents want to get another pet, DON"T!

Growing up I had a few dogs.

Lacy I don't remember her to well other than I was deathly afraid of her, my parents had to give her away because I was so scared.

Mona was my first chow, I loved her so much I must have been around 4 when we got her and she died when I was 7.

Reba we got from a BYB we didnt know better at the time. She ended up having so much mental damage that she had to be put down.

Murray was another chow he was my baby, I got him a few months after Mona died, he was 6 when he died. He devleoped some strange form of cancer and we and on all sorts of experimental treatment but he didn't make it.

Then we moved onto my grandparents property when I was around 16 and it was out in the country so since then there have have been tons of dogs that are strays that have been dumped.

But I was always around tons of dogs because I spent everyday at my grandparents and they always had lots of dogs because like I said people would just leave them there.

And now I have joint custody of Missy, I visit her as often as I can. She lives with my friends mom and her three dogs.

09-07-2003, 11:48 PM
Originally posted by tikeyas_mom
omg this should be long...

1.We first got a terrier mix, named BengY..(he ran away)

2. was a mixed breed golden named Rebel. (he ran away)

3. Was a mixed breed lab named Sadie,(she lives on a farm now)

4. Sadie had 8 puppies. (all at good homes)

So that is..... 11 dogs... +

So in total I have owned 24 dogs in years !!!! :eek: How did your dogs run away? Did they not have licenses and tags on? How do you know they ran away and your parents didn't get rid of them like all the others? Why did you have so many dogs and get rid of almost all of them? Why wasn't Sadie spayed?

5. We got a pure bred cocker named Candy kisses. (gave away to some rich ppl)

6. Candy kisses was a breeding dog, 8 still born pups, and 2 live puppies. One was blonde named Salt *we sold her*, the other was black named Pepper, We kept him... (pepper is now at a rich home showing for CKC.) (Salt got hit by a car soon after we sold her :(:( )

7. Then we got our malamute named Jagger, as well as his sister* we sold his sister later on*.

8. then we got a companion for Jagger who was a malamute as well named "Teekah"(abused dog) she had 4 female pups named "Winter, Blue eye, Long tail, and Coon"(all pure bred malamutes) We sold all 4 pups and Teekah had to be later put down because she had distemper :(:(. *Then jagger had to be put down because the pound is stupid*

9. Then we got Tikeya,

10. then Makieya, who we ended up giving away due to too much dog fights between her and Tikeya.

11. then we got Oscar :)

Now we just have Oscar and Tikeya, and they are happy as can be :).

Why did you give Candy Kisses away? Why did you give Jagger to the pound and his sister away? This is VERY disturbing! Why did you breed Teekah if she was a rescue? Was she not vaccinated against distemper? Why do you guys get animals and just get rid of them? Your parents I mean.

09-08-2003, 12:24 AM
Ok here is my list, it is fairly short but means a lot!

The first dog I can remember is Tess. She was a Alaskan Malamute/Husky mix and the most beautiful dog ever! She was the bravest dog in the whole world! Once our neighbors house next door had a burglar sp?, and she broke through our BRICK fence, jumped into the neighbors yard and held the guy captive on top of the house until the cops came! :D At least that's the story my dad and mom gave, and knowing what I do about her, in my memories I wouldn't doubt that one bit. When I was four my parents divorced and I remember I was in the car and we were leaving our apartments/condo thingy, or maybe it was a house, I don't know since I was four :p , and I remember me asking where Tess was. They had to rehome her because where we were going didn't allow dogs. I remember being so sad, with my family breaking apart, and losing Tess. :(

When I was elementary school I would always bring strays home but my mom never let me keep them. Although I remember them all very clearly. :) When I was 18 I got Pooka, my deer chihuahua. :D She was a rescue who was abused. She was an older girl, around 8 at that time. She was deathly afraid of skateboards and would try to bite anyone who came near her with one as her previous owners beat her with skateboards and who knows what else. She has a broken tail, and scars on her body. But she was the best dog ever, and my FIRST real dog of my own. I miss her SO SO SO SO SO SO SO much!!!!!

She looked just like the Taco Bell chi, and that unfortunately is what caused her to be stolen, and a week later our neighbors purebred chi, which was bought for his wife as a Valentines present was also stolen. She was taken from our porch, and I am pretty sure I know who did it as a few days earlier this man whom I never saw before approached me while we were at Taco Bell (right down the street from my house. I used to think it was so funny taking her to Taco Bell since she looked just like the TB dog lol) and offered to buy her. We saw him "scouting" the neighborhood later that night.

I can only hope and pray that Pooka and the neighbors chi have a good life. I am STILL looking for Pooka. My friend in California goes to the pound every weekend to look, and goes to different ones in the surrounding cities, and I always have posters and ads in the paper still. What saddens me is that when I left my ex who was abusive I couldn't take anything with me as I left in a big hurry. He has all of Pookas pictures, my baby pics etc. The only pic I had of her was chewed up by Max, who I will mention next.

If anyone sees Pooka, she is an older long legged deer chihuahua, with a scar on her shoulder blade, the top of her ears are a little scabby, and she has bad arthritus in her feet and a crooked/bent tail. She has been missing for about 4 years from the Knott Avenue/Orange intersection (nearest streets) on Mungall Drive in Anaheim/Cypress borderline in California. If you ever see her PLEASE contact me at [email protected]

And yes I am serious! I love and miss her so much. :(

And now for Max..........lol, geez this was the most neurotic dog ever lol. He ate half my bed, shampoo, new slippers I got for Christmas that I only had about a day, almost my whole cd collection etc. He was on my part a mistake. I was not ready to take on the responsibility of another dog at that time, and I totally regret the decision in a way, although he was a very sweet even tempered doggy. He was adopted from the Orange Animal control in California as an older puppy. He was a German Shepherd Corgi mix, and was the funniest looking doggie, but oh so cute.

I had him for awhile and then I went on vacation and left him with my roomate to take care of, which I thought he would do, it isn't that hard! Well when I was away he neglected to tell me he got lose and ended up at the shelter. He was adopted before I could do anything, although when he was being adopted I made it to the shelter, AFTER they signed the paper work but there was nothing I could do. I talked to his new "owners" for a few hours and kissed my boy goodbye. He went to a huge farm in Temecula, with horses and all that and got the life he deserved. I still keep in contact with them, although I was very upset about this and my friend having not told me what happened until after I got home. I remeber him missing me so much when I went to the shelter and whining to see me, wanting me to hold and kiss him. I cried when I had to let him go, it was very sad, but at the same time I new he had a great home, and still does. God this is emotional for me. Trying not to cry while Dan is here. :o

Then there is Morgan, my RB girl. My most recent addition and my most recent heartache. She was a Golden whom we adopted and was an older girl. She was healthy, very healthy on the outside, but little did we know she was fighting intestinal cancer and we said goodbye to her while still under anesthesia, and kissed her goodbye. That is all I can say about her without bursting into tears!

Now there is a little girl next door who is owned by some dipsh$ts! Her name is Sorraia and I am so in love with her, I guess part of that is having to do with losing Morgan so recently. I am hoping to persuade them to let me take full custody of her, and still praying I can change their mind. She deserves so much better than what she has now.

Edited to include Wolfy and Tess_

When I was living with my ex his nieces got a puppy named Tess, who they grew tired of in one day. The next day they brought Wolfy home, Tess's brother. They were German Shepherd/Chow/Golden mixes. Well my ex wanted to keep Tess so we did. I considered her my dog since I cleaned up after her and fed her etc. Although both dogs are still living there, shudders, I really felt like they were my dogs and I loved them just as I would any other pet. I miss them so much, but it would be extremely dangerous to go visit, considering the reason why I left is my ex tried to kill me. As far as I know Tess still isn't spayed or vaccinated, and neither is Wolfy, who they are trying to get rid of, recently bit a person, and is kept in a small kennel full of crap for almost all his life. The only reason why I know this is because my exes brother happens to be my best friend.................long story lol. :p I am thinking of sending money to get Tess spayed and vaccinated!

Hope this wasn't too long!