View Full Version : Update on how classes are going

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
09-05-2003, 05:39 PM
Hi everyone :)

As you can tell by my scattered posts, I've been lurking, just not posting much and yes, that is because school has started in a big way. We didn't get back from the weekend until Tuesday night, so I wasn't able to log in to my classes until Wednesday morning - and I also had a ton of work-work to do because of it being the end of the fiscal year and having to close everything out before starting the new year and.....I won't bore you with the details.

Anyway, I finally get logged in, and there is soooo much information thrown at us that I didn't even know where to begin! With one class there were two books supplied. Over the weekend I thought I'd get a jump on things and I started reading one of them. They looked the same to me, so I blindly grabbed and started reading. Well, undoubtedly the one I started reading is the one that is not being used. At first :mad: , now just <sigh>.

Anyway, after getting a lot of work-work done on Wednesday, I basically took all day Thursday to try and figure this all out. Figured some of it out during the day, worked on more at night. By the time I went to bed I was totally exhausted and whipped. I was so frustrated with the whole thing I was near to tears and nearly broke down when Terry asked me what was wrong. I told him and I also told him I was thinking about dropping one of the classes because there is no way I would have enough time to give each class 100% - and that's the only way I would be able to live with myself. I couldn't do one just half-*ss just to do it, so this morning I filled out the paperwork to withdraw from one class. I've just started and I already feel like such a failure. :(

But I know it'll be for the best in the long run. There is no way I could have even a semblence of normal life had I stuck with the two classes. The one class is still going to be a lot of work, but that I can manage. I really feel the guy I talked to in the beginning misled me about how much time would be needed. He said "Oh, you only need to log in 3 times a week." Well, it's three times a week per "threaded discussion" and there are 5 threaded discussions for one class!

I'm sticking with the "Programming Basics" class, and now that I'm figuring it all out, it's kind of fun, so hopefully things will start looking up as the class goes on and I get more comfortable with how the whole online thing works and with what is expected of us.

Anway, just wanted to let you know how it's all going....basically because I need the support you guys provide. :)

So far not so good, but things are looking up. :)

09-05-2003, 05:53 PM
You have my admiration for even attempting this. Sounds like one class this semester will be a good start for you. Good luck both at school and at work. {{{hugs!}}}

Russian Blue
09-05-2003, 06:20 PM
I took 3 online courses last year, and I really enjoyed this type of learning environment. You have to be very dedicated and make sure you set up a schedule and stick to it!! The time can slip away quickly if you don't! ;)

I would totally recommend starting out with only one course, until you get the feel for the course load, readings and schedule. My suggestion is to give it a full week and examine how much reading is required, how much online time is required, how much assignment time is required. Break that into 4 sections over the week and stick to your schedule.

As an example, I always did my readings and started assignments on the weekends, did my online thread contributions by Wednesday and then did my hand in assignments by Friday. Don't be afraid to email or call your teacher or tutorial assistant. You are paying for them, so you should use them as much as possible.

I also found the textbooks quite expensive, so if you don't want to pay full price, check some online discount book websites. I usually paid 25 - 30% less for the same textbooks.

I found the independent nature of online courses very enjoyable since I usually would fall asleep during lectures in university classes!

Don't be discouraged this early on. It takes some time to adjust to this new form of learning. Like I mentioned, just give it some time since anyone would feel overwhelmed by such a new adventure!


Tubby & Peanut's Mom
09-06-2003, 10:18 AM
Originally posted by Russian Blue
Don't be discouraged this early on. It takes some time to adjust to this new form of learning.

Thanks so much Russian Blue and Amberlee. :D I knew I could count on you guys to boost my moral. :D

I'm feeling much better about things now that I know I don't have to worry about that other class - takes a load off my mind. I still have a ton of work to do today and tomorrow to get the first assignment handed in, but now at least I feel it will get done properly.

And thanks RB for the advice on allocating time. Since the amount of time I can spend on this at work is significant, but not consistent, I'm going to have to work on some sort of schedule like you mentioned.

Thanks again guys, it means a lot. Oh, and I had Terry take a pic of me studying last night with T & P helping. I'll have to post it a little later. Right now I'm off to take Tubby to the vet for his 6 month check-up. :D

09-06-2003, 11:02 AM
Debbie, don't feel bad about withdrawing from one class, you'lll get so much more out of the other class and be less stressed. :) I've never taken any online courses, but I can imagine how much work it is - and on top of your job!! You should feel proud! :D

I agree with what Russian Blue says, break it into sections, make a scedule and stick to it! Also give yourself some breaks in between, so you don't get totally exhausted.

I admire you for doing this, having a job also.

All the best of luck, Debbie!! :)

I'm sure we all understand if you don't post. ;)

09-06-2003, 04:07 PM
Debbie you should never feel bad only because you couldn't do 150%!

I could not imagine doing something like this besides my job! Yoiu must be very dedicated and full of energy!

I wish you all the best (and know you will make it).

Kissies to T + P and {{{hugs}}} for you.

09-06-2003, 05:38 PM
You are most certainly NOT a failure!! You've gotten so much good advice and many helpful suggestions!:) Sticking with the one course, being able to give it your all, will give you such satisfaction and peace of mind! I'm a professional student of sorts and know how difficult it is to juggle home, work and school! My last degree was obtained through independent study...it was just me, the syllabus, the text books and assigned papers and tests! It was tough and took a lot of self discipline; I'm sure taking a class on line takes some getting use to as well! But I'm sure you're going to do great! And after you're more accustomed to the on line protocol and scheduling your day to fit in study time, perhaps you can fit in more classes next go round! You should be so proud of yourself! Hang in there!:)