View Full Version : Wilbur and allergies

PJ's Mom
09-05-2003, 04:17 PM
As my lovely daughter told you, I got a new piggy for my birthday. His name is Wilbur. :D

Anyway, turns out I'm allergic to him. :( If he touches my skin on my neck or face, I get itchy welts. If I touch him, then touch my nose or eyes...well, let's just say it's not pretty. :eek: :D

I still find ways of spending time with him. When I carry him, he's all wrapped up in a blanket. After I'm done playing with him, I have to wash my hands really well and cross my fingers. ;)

Does anyone else have a pet they're allergic to? If so, how do you handle it?

09-05-2003, 08:19 PM
I'm allergic to my ratties and my cat, but my allergies are mild enough to ignore as long as I wash my hands and face afterwards.

09-05-2003, 09:23 PM
I'm alergic to dogs, cats & horses. cats make my eyes water, dog make me icky & horses make me sneeze hard & painfully. I do nothing about it, I don't care, I know I'll get use to it & my body will figure it out on its own. But ragweed makes me really sick, I can hardly breath, I take alergie pillsw for it & it helps the swelling a bit.

09-06-2003, 09:56 PM
aww my dad is allergic to his piggie to, the problem is my dad can only spend a few minuts with him every few days, you would think I could care for him the rest of the time and I can but I cnat handle him, he loves my dad, but if anyone else goes near him he bites, hard, so when it comes time fr his occasional visit with my dad I have to hold him away from me, and keep his head between my fingers so he cant bite! poor little guy:eek: