View Full Version : Wish Me Luck

09-05-2003, 03:55 PM
The first football game at our HS is tonite, and the band plays! Wish me luck, I'm a little nervous... but our HS needs the luck! We are battling against our main competitor, East. It's the Log game, kinda like a huge battle.

Wish us luck!

09-05-2003, 04:00 PM
Rah, rah, go team!!:D:D:D Hope you guys beat East!!:) Have fun! Are you playing in the band??

09-05-2003, 04:11 PM
Go Margarita!!!!!
Play the h*** out of that french horn! lol

09-05-2003, 04:29 PM
You're in the band right? lol:p Good luck and have fun!!!!:D Hope you guys win!

09-05-2003, 04:39 PM
The five years I spent in marching band watching our football team lose game after game will always stay with me. The whole town would turn out to support our football team, yet no one cared about the Cross-Country team that went to states, the chess team, the math team, anything else but football. Sigh.

Good luck to you and your team! What do you play?

09-05-2003, 04:45 PM
I play French horn... It sucks, I know.. lol. I need a Mellophone, but I doubt I could play it.

09-05-2003, 09:06 PM
Well I just got home, we left in the middle of the third quarter, 28-0. We basically lost, no hope of winning, cuz we got home and there were 3 mins. left, and... oh well. I had fun! Except the fact I am royally PISSED OFF because my mom didn't want to come, our first big performance and she's to damn lazy to get up and come. Whyyyyyy? I wanted her to be there so bad... but no, she doesn't WANT too.

09-05-2003, 09:09 PM
Our big game against our rilvary team (Eastlake Eagles) was cancelled because of the storm. So were all of the games in countrys aorund us. I could careless though, I'm not much into sports. :p

My friend was going to be playing in the band though. I think she plays the french horn as well.

09-05-2003, 09:13 PM
My friend was going to be playing in the band though. I think she plays the french horn as well.

Hehe... rock on!

The game was so sad... horribly sad... we couldn't even get within 30 yards of the field goal without them intercepting it or fumbling. *sigh* Oh well... lol