View Full Version : Don't drink and drive.

09-05-2003, 03:05 PM
If you have a weak stomach please to not view this. Please do not drink and drive.


Poor Girl. She is very lucky yo be alive.

09-05-2003, 03:10 PM
I didn't look at the pictures, sometimes my stomach can't handle it.

Last year we had a paramedic/motivational speaker come in and gave us a presentation on drinking and driving. The pictures I saw and the stories and tapes I heard, still haunt me to this day. I will sometimes remember the sounds of the mother crying when she found out her daughter had died, or the pictures of the poor man who burned to death. It is so terrible and the whole subject upsets me. I was crying at the assembly. The speaker told us of this young girl who was "perfect". She had a good husband and family, a good job, volunteered at the gym to help older people...and one day some college boy went for a drive after a party and killed her. :(

Please everyone, do not drink and drive. :( :(

09-05-2003, 03:16 PM
omg!!!!!! i'm crying, it is reasons like that that makes me wish that alcohol, drugs, and cigarettes were illegal. :eek: :mad: :( :eek: :mad: :( :eek: :mad: :(

My Peanuts
09-05-2003, 03:22 PM
I looked at the images and they are disturbing, however if more people saw them maybe they would use their heads. My fiancé got hit be a drunk driver in June and luckily he was ok, but his Jeep was totaled. That's a small price to pay for such stupidity. That poor girl has to live her life in pain because of the that boys actions! To make matters worse he was underage. :( I have gotten into full out screaming matches with people at bars about drinking and driving. No one thinks it will happen to them. Since last October I have known 4 people from two separate car accidents that died from drinking and driving, and one of my friends smashed his car into a gas station and almost died. It seems like this problem is getting worse and worse. :(

09-05-2003, 03:36 PM
I won't say I have a strong stomach, but I had to look at the pictures and I will say it just reaffirmed my belief. I am so adamant about not drinking and driving. I posted a while back about the fact that my 38 year old nephew was riding his motorcycle home from Bullhead City, AZ to Orange, CA when a drunk driver hit him. He was life flighted from AZ to Las Vegas. They almost lost him 3 different times.

He's (by the grace of God) alive and mentally OK; but his left leg was torn off just below the knee. He has since lost all but 3" of the leg through surgery and infection. This is a man with a wife and three kids. His life, his family's lives and our lives will never be the same because of a stupid decision someone else made.

The really ironic part of the whole thing is he's a recovering alcoholic. He had just celebrated 3 years of sobriety. And he had worked hard to get to that point.

09-05-2003, 03:36 PM
Being a nurse, having worked in the OR/RR and ER, having cared for many severly burned accident victims, I thought I was prepared, but those photos sucked the breath from my lungs; not only because of the sheer horror of her injuries, but the juxtaposition of the image of the beautiful, young, vibrant woman next to unrecognizable form she is now. The amazing thing I have found, treating severely injured patients/victims of drunk drivers in the hopsital, is that incredibly, the drunk driver often walks away with minimal injury; just like this guy. I feel badly for him as well. He has to live with what he had done every minute of his life.

Robinh, Diana, your stories were heartbreaking. I'm so sorry:(

09-05-2003, 03:45 PM
The pictures didn't make me sick, but what happened to her did.

09-05-2003, 03:51 PM
Originally posted by tatsxxx11
I thought I was prepared, but those photos sucked the breath from my lungs.

Exactly what happened to me.

That is just so scary, having to deal with something like that, your whole life. 45 seconds in pure flames... how terrifying. It's crap like this that makes me want to be alcohol free. I don't want to be drunk, I don't want to be uncontrolable. Who would? That is disgusting. But in a way, I also feel sorry for the man who hit her. He is obviously so very sorry for what happened to this young woman and he should now realize the effects alcohol has on people. I am not willing to take that risk.

Robin and Diana, I am so so sorry.

09-05-2003, 04:28 PM
That's horrible. I should have never looked at that right now. I'm about to leave work to drive home...and I'm a paranoid driver to begin with. *sigh* Poor girl.

09-05-2003, 04:35 PM
That is absolutely horrible! Poor girl. If i were her, I think I would rather be dead. Don't know if I'd have the courage to go on.

09-05-2003, 04:37 PM
That is crazy. Seriously..why can't ppl just get a life and not friggen drink and drive?! How many ppl end up like that, or worse, die? Just because of someone who felt the need to drive..

09-05-2003, 04:40 PM
Yes..this is absolutly horrible. I can't imagine what she has to go through...It must be so incredibly hard. I admire this girl. What a fighter.
Look at her..she is still so beautiful. :)

09-05-2003, 04:42 PM
Those pictures were horrible, that poor girl. I don't understand what is so hard about drinking responsibly. Yes, I drink and I go out and party. But I go with a group of friends and we ALWAYS have a d.d. We all take turns being the d.d. I don't understand what is so hard about that, it takes like a minute to plan.. all it takes is saying hey tonight it's your turn to pick me up and not drink. Or spend $10 and take a cab home. If you can afford the money for booze you should be able to afford the money for a cab.

09-05-2003, 08:47 PM
What a horrible thing to happen. I admire her, shes a fighter. I wouldn't have been able to handle what shes going through. I feel sorry for the driver that hit her...he has to live with it. What a strong girl.

09-05-2003, 09:32 PM
At my old high school, they showed what drinking & driving does to someone. they showed lots of dead & mangled bodies.

Saddly a good guy at our school was driving to his co-op (sober) & a drunk driver hit him & killed him. The poor guy only had about a month until he was finished high school forever.

09-05-2003, 10:35 PM
That's just horrible. Poor girl. What an awful thing to have happen to someone. :( :(