View Full Version : Simba's trip to vet...

07-27-2001, 10:26 PM
Well to start thisjourney out there was a huge boxer trying to pick a fight with Simba. There was an Lhaso Apso (spelling?) that was just the sweetest thing and the owner of it kept saying how beautiful Simba was and how she loved his cute little floppy ears. Simba has actually lost 3 pounds. He was 49 and now weighs 46. We got a years supply of heartgard and the vet gave us Dermangen Ointment (Simba has allready used 2 bottles of this in the past) and he gave us a bottle off ChlorhexiDerm Flush for his ears. DR Mathews kept saying over and over is such good shaoe Simba was in and how nice and soft his fur and how good conditiom his skin was in. I guess im doing a good job after all! :D And everyone.. i could never be a vet when they gave Simba his shots and he whined.. i started crying.. and when he was struggling trying to get back to me when they had to bring him in the back for test. i was crying he was almost chokeing himself he was trying so hard to get back to me. So when they weighed him i walked him back there. I felt so bad thpoguh and when he came back in he ran right underneath my chair. Poor Baby :( But everythings good. Thank God!

Daisy's Mom
07-28-2001, 12:33 AM
Daisy here. I am glad everything went okay atta White Coat's. Now, here's my advice: when yer Mommy gets out that ear cleanin' stuff, RUN, and run fast. Trust me!

07-28-2001, 01:13 AM
SHHHHHH Daisy dont tell him that!! He's a good boy when it come to medicine and haveing me put stuff in his ears dont ruin him!!

07-28-2001, 09:19 AM
I'm glad everything went well and Simba is healthy. I'm the same way when my dogs get needles. My vet thinks I'm a big baby :D

07-28-2001, 09:34 AM
Three cheers for Simba, he is healthy and happy. I think we all could have predicted that outcome you are so good to him. Between you and Simba it is called "True Love".