View Full Version : Dear Diary - I need some help!

Edwina's Secretary
09-04-2003, 01:32 PM
Dear Diary,

I'm told I am going on a excursion on Saturday. Blondie says after that I can go in the back yard (with a harness and leash.) So that is a good thing.

But then....why does HH keep laughing at me?????

I don't know why going to see a person who used to be in the army should hurt? It is not like they will pin a medal on me or something??? Is it????

Please Diary, help me understand? Should I go into hiding? HH is no help and just keeps snickering.....


:confused: :confused:


Cinder & Smoke
09-04-2003, 01:43 PM
Originally posted by Edwina's Secretary
... HH is no help and
just keeps snickering.....

Puzzled :confused: Eddie

Be a lil cauzhus here, Eddie!
Sumpin mite be *up*...

Purchance - duz HH know how ta :eek: Lock da Door??

Best ya should carrie yur Howze Key wiff ya!!

09-04-2003, 02:17 PM
Uhhh Eddie, a little birdie came flying by and told me what's up - but you don't need to worry a bit, You'll get some time to yourself, a nice car ride and lots of attention!! :D However, I think a needle may be involved, but be brave, I'm sure it won't hurt. ;)

Just think about your homecoming, you'll be spoiled rotten!! And miss Edwina will be waiting anxiously - or not. :confused:

Sara, how about 5 mg Diazepam (Valium) for him? That way you'll get him in the B O X. ;)

09-04-2003, 03:20 PM
Eddie, no worries. You just need to tell blondie that, while you'd love to go on the trip, Miss Edwina is more interested- you'd be willing to let her go in your place.

That should work.

09-04-2003, 04:05 PM
Eddie, when I hear a needle is involved, all I can say: Stay at home!

This is one of the rare cases Tigris agrees with me!

Yours Filou;)

Cinder & Smoke
09-04-2003, 05:02 PM
Originally posted by Edwina's Secretary
I'm told I am going on a excursion on Saturday.

Blondie says after that

I can go in the back yard (with a harness and leash.)...

Oopsie... :o

We jest read da fine print wun more tyme... :eek:

Sorrie, Big Ed - but we dont fink yur goin out inna YARD on Saturday...

Ya noticed a not-so-phunnie lookin BOX wiffa Handel On Top layin round?? BeWARE of treetz placed in said BOX... It'z a horribul CONN JOB ta get ya inna BOX!

An dont sweat da Howze Key -
yurz wont werk onna door yur gonna be behind on Saturday!

Wunner iffin yur White Coat wearz *white* - or mebbee Green Kammaflauze kuz he wuz inna Armee?? Prolly not gonna much uvva konsurn to you, tho...

Oh well; dont fite it - ya kant win! :rolleyes:
Mite wanna polish up yur Lollie Popz wun last tyme on Friday nite -
kinda doubt youze gonna have da oppurtoonitee ta ebber do it agin...

But don wurrie - ebberbiddie tellz us dey is jest
Extree Partz ya dont relee need! :p

OH yea ~ Eet a relee BIG Lunch on Friday -
kuz ya wont be gettin NO :mad: suppur!!

An tell em ya wunt a nice, *brite* kulor Kone to wear -
they gottem in Kulorz now! :D

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
09-04-2003, 05:15 PM
Not to worry Eddie, you've been through this before and it's no big deal. HH seems to have a problem with the old army guy, but you were a really good boy last time you saw him (actually it was a her last time I believe) so enjoy the trip and the extra attention afterwards...and then you can taunt HH right back because you will be able to invade her last sanctuary away from you - the outdoors!

And you'll have sooo much fun out there, just remember to be good on the leash and don't try and get away. Remember that you have it real good now and you don't want to go back to the street life.

I'm just so happy everything is working out so well for you. <happy tears> :D

09-04-2003, 09:16 PM
Originally posted by Edwina's Secretary

I don't know why going to see a person who used to be in the army should hurt? It is not like they will pin a medal on me or something??? Is it????

Please Diary, help me understand? Should I go into hiding? HH is no help and just keeps snickering.....


:confused: :confused:


Not to worry Eddie, it is sort of like a medal (the stick part)
Who knows, they might award you the Rabies Medal of Honor.
:D That comes with a very shiny medal. Just remember to keep
your eyes peeled for treats soon after the presentation.:)

09-04-2003, 10:17 PM
To make the very most of this "experience", make sure you act all tired and sad after you get home. You'll get lots of love from your hoomans and HH will be jealous. ;)

hee hee

09-05-2003, 06:54 AM
Be a brave guy, Eddie...they are always brave in the army...and I am sure you'll not only rewarded with that medal (ouch!:eek: ), but if you'll be brave you'll be rewarded with a look of disbelief in HH eyes by returning home!!!
And that's worth the visit...;)

Get your Armor of Bravery and be ready to face the V-E-T !!!
:) :) :)

09-05-2003, 07:29 AM
*choking up here* but hang tough Eddy me lad. And DON'T let HH try to get to you. You be the man regardless of your impending visit to whomever (white coats? Army person?) A man is a man from the inside, not necessarily what's "outside" :o

09-05-2003, 09:41 AM
We at the lost cats dont like to see these former army people , but after we go home , we feel a lot better! and we get treats from our Guardian , and sometimes Pretty Girls pet us on the Bus!Be Brave you will be better off for the experience.JJJ3.

09-05-2003, 10:15 AM
Eddie Eddie Eddie!

This is Rocky, yer friend. You gotta get outta there now! No good can come of this. I got conned into that stuff last month. Made me sick as a dog- and I don't know any kitty who wants to be a dog-.

See, they told me I was getting the medal too. Well, apparently some of us are allergic to da medal. I puked for 3 days. Den, I had to go back there again! The nerve of my meowmie. They game to 2 TWO more medals and den some fluid stuff under my skin. Made me all sloshy.

Run Eddie. Make somebody else go in yer place. It's a cruel cruel world out dere!

Yer Friend,
Rocky da Cat

09-05-2003, 11:12 AM
Eddie, I had this done some time ago, and let me tell you, nuttin to it! Only 2 seconds and you'll be able to go back home and rub it in HH's face, about what a brave boy you were!


09-05-2003, 08:54 PM
I know you will be fine. Don't let HH bother you one iota. She is just trying to get the upper paw.

09-07-2003, 02:43 PM
How are you doing Eddie?