View Full Version : Trying something new today

09-04-2003, 08:13 AM
Zipper, our Golden Retriever foster boy, had a lot of mats, as I told you before, and I had to cut them off of him in chunks, so I told the adoption coordinator that with her permission, I would like to have him professionally groomed to even up his coat a bit. She said that was fine, but she also found a mobile groomer who agreed to do it at a reduced rate since he was a rescue. Well, she's coming today, and not only will Zipper get his haircut, Honey and Lilly will too! We'll try and get pictures of each of their "new do" tonight!

Anyone used a mobile grooming service before? I was pleasantly surprised that her regular rate is no more than what I have paid in the past when I took them to the groomer, and this way, Honey won't be so upset, hopefully! I'll let you know how it goes.


09-04-2003, 08:25 AM
My next door neighbor use to use a mobile groomer for years,
not sure why she stopped.
I think mobile is a good idea, if you can find
a groomer you are happy with.
I would think it is easier on the the dog, because when the grooming is done he doesn't have to wait around for the owners
to pick him up from the shop, he is already home. :)

09-04-2003, 08:30 AM
Oh, what a fun day Logan!!:D Zipper's going to love his day of beauty. He will feel so good after those nasty mats are gone! I hope Honey and Lilly enjoy the day, too! What a beautiful Golden trio you'll have when the day is over! There are several mobile grooming services here. My neighbor uses one, "Waggin' Wheels." She thinks they're terrific and her dog, who can become very frightened at the groomer's, absolutely loves the "at home" service!:) The only problem with this service here in the northeast, is that in the winter most people have their outdoor water source bled and turned off to prevent frozen, ruptured pipes. These mobile services usually need to hook up at your water source. PLEASE get pictures!!

09-04-2003, 09:29 AM
I used a mobile doggie groomer after I had knee surgery. The problem was that they didn't have their own generator and used power from my garage to turn the dryer on. Since the dryer was very powerful, they tripped the box every five minutes and I had to go to the basement to restore the electricity. Not a very good solution to my knee problems. Now I take Carina to a doggie day care place to be groomed.
I'm sure your girls and Zipper will look more beautiful than ever, if that is possible;) , after the shampoo and blow dry. Give them all a big hug from me.

09-04-2003, 09:36 AM
She is here and Zipper is "first". Her van is self contained and she even supplies the water for the bath. Of course, I checked it out completely before I took him out there!!! She said he husband is coming to help her in a few minutes since she is doing three big dogs for me.

I'll let you know how it goes!!


09-04-2003, 11:28 AM
I said this earlier: "I was pleasantly surprised that her regular rate is no more than what I have paid in the past when I took them to the groomer...."

The price was misunderstood!!! Sue, from rescue, told me $40, so I thought that was a deal, plus I understood that I would get a break on Zipper. Wrong!!!! When she finished, she said she usually charges $75/dog, but gave me a "break" and only charged me $70!! Thankfully it isn't necessary to groom very often!!!

But they all three are happy and look beautiful!!! We'll get pictures later and share them. What fluffy, good smelling pups they are!


09-04-2003, 03:28 PM

Didn't remember if you have a digital camera or not. Hope you do so you can post pics tonight. Don't you just love that fresh
clean smell of doggies? :D Bet they look & feel great.:D How did
Murphy get out of the bathing? Maybe she didn't need it. Hope to
see the beautiful girls & Zipper later.

09-04-2003, 06:07 PM
We're waiting for pics........PATIENTLY!!:D Glad they all had a good time! They must smell and look loverly!! I noticed that Murphy escaped the big day!:)

09-04-2003, 06:59 PM
Murphy is the "lucky duck". I felt she had been through enough this week with her vet visit. We just gave her a bath on Saturday, so she was in pretty good shape, plus those Labbies don't require the trimming that the Goldens do. Murphy thinks I am great because she didn't have to go get in that van!!! LOL!!!

On my way to take pictures now.


Cinder & Smoke
09-04-2003, 07:06 PM
Dad sed "eeeeeeYIPES! :eek: !!!"

THREE Dawggiez at $70 a Mutt!!?? :eek:
w:eek:w! $210... That wudda bot a LOTTA Bisquitz! :(

Guess dat's why we either get da HOZE inna garage;
or shuved offa dock atta BigLake den *soaped up*
an shuved off a few more tymes ta *rinse*! :p

You guyz get fancee bamdannaz wiff gold thredz? ;)

09-04-2003, 07:15 PM
Oh, Cinder and Smoke...........she should have stopped with Zipper. If she had understood the price, she would have!!! LOL!!! Dr. R clips toenails for free and they give good baths (when they do it :o ).

Believe me, Mom will be sucking it up for a while that she didn't ask more questions on the front end. But she confessed to Dad and he didn't shoot her or anything........didn't even fuss (after all Mom paid the bill), but she is a bit embarrassed.

Love, Honey and Lilly (with help from Zipper)

Cinder & Smoke
09-04-2003, 07:30 PM
Honey - Lilly - Zipp ~

Jest a lil siggestshun...

Tanite, when ya all go out fur da late nite poddie runz...
mite be a Reel Gud Idear ta *avoid* rompin thru ennie
:eek: Mud :eek: Puddelz inna yard...
Be a shame to see yur Mom havin a nerbus breakdown at mid-nitey. ;)

An OMG! Youze guyz got ennie of them Kiddy-Katz wiffa *white stripe*
on top!? Dont be sayin Hi! to nunna them fur at least a kupple dayz.

/s/ Yur Palz...

09-04-2003, 09:45 PM
$70 each? :eek: Wow, we only charge $33 for a golden retriever!

Can't wait to see pics! :D

09-05-2003, 06:30 AM
Originally posted by wolf_Q
$70 each? :eek: Wow, we only charge $33 for a golden retriever!

Can't wait to see pics! :D

Yikes Logan! That would have made me weak in the knees, almost twice what you expected to pay! We live and learn! :) I only pay $50 for Bella for a bath and clipping and she gets her ear hair plucked and toe nails done too! Believe me when I tell you this is a bargain as I often do her myself, and it is back breaking work for me (I am no spring chicken! LOL!). Ripley on the other hand is a piece of cake! :)

09-05-2003, 07:34 AM
I took pictures. I promise! But I cannot get them off the camera to save my life! I'll keep snapping and Scott can do it for me tonight. Sorry! :o

09-05-2003, 11:56 AM
$70.00 per dog doesn't seem like much of a break to me either. I know Hannah and Tucker are a bit smaller but they each get quite a bit of clipping done as well. We pay $42.00/per dog and I tip another $4.00/dog because she does such a nice job.

09-05-2003, 01:08 PM
Oh, Logan, things are expensive in SC!
When I used the mobile service for Carina, I paid only $40, the same I now pay the groomer at the doggie day care place.
Anyway, can't wait to see the pictures of the girls and Zipper after their beauty treatment.:)

09-05-2003, 08:26 PM
:( We have a problem. The part on the computer that reads the memory card from the camera is not working. Scott said he had a problem with it the other night too. I think it may need to be replaced. I'm trying, folks!! The pictures are there, just not where I can show them to you! I may have to go back to my camera and get a disk!


09-05-2003, 08:44 PM
The USB port?

09-05-2003, 08:56 PM
Originally posted by Pam
Yikes Logan! That would have made me weak in the knees, almost twice what you expected to pay! We live and learn! :) I only pay $50 for Bella for a bath and clipping and she gets her ear hair plucked and toe nails done too! Believe me when I tell you this is a bargain as I often do her myself, and it is back breaking work for me (I am no spring chicken! LOL!). Ripley on the other hand is a piece of cake! :)

We only charge $36 for a standard poodle......lol

And people complain about *our* prices! We're cheap!

09-05-2003, 08:59 PM
Well, it's the thing that attaches to the USB port, KayAnn, not the USB port itself. The part that connects to the USB where you slide in the card from the computer must be malfunctioning. The pictures are there on the camera, but the computer is not recognizing them. :(

I hate this stuff. We'll retrieve them, one way or the other.


09-05-2003, 09:00 PM
Oh, so you have a car reader? What kind of camera do you have?

09-05-2003, 09:05 PM
We're getting awfully close to being too technical for me, but it is an Olympus C700 Zoom.

09-05-2003, 09:50 PM
My parents uses mobile services for Chilli in Hong Kong. It is more convenient for them, as the groomer will go to their house. She charges according to size... since Chilli is a 20lb Shih Tzu, she is considered to be LARGE :rolleyes: (heehee). That cost my parents $600HKD ($1USD=$7.8HKD approx.). But that include bath, groomer and trimming the nails and all that. And they use the service abt once a month... depends on how "dirty" and "smelly" the big girl is.

**In a little bit over a month I will be in HK seeing Chilli!!! Yay!!!**:D :D :D

09-05-2003, 10:40 PM
Originally posted by jenfer
My parents uses mobile services for Chilli in Hong Kong. It is more convenient for them, as the groomer will go to their house. She charges according to size... since Chilli is a 20lb Shih Tzu, she is considered to be LARGE :rolleyes: (heehee). That cost my parents $600HKD ($1USD=$7.8HKD approx.). But that include bath, groomer and trimming the nails and all that. And they use the service abt once a month... depends on how "dirty" and "smelly" the big girl is.

**In a little bit over a month I will be in HK seeing Chilli!!! Yay!!!**:D :D :D

20lbs!!! WOW! Aneko is about 10 now, but was only about 7 when we got her. She was extremely thin, though. She's very small boned and has the tiniest little head!

She was just groomed yesterday and it was $24! :D And, believe me, she's horrible! We've had 2 groomers refuse to do her! :eek: And there's no way I'm doing it!

09-06-2003, 12:48 AM
Micki: Why did the groomer refuses to groom Aneko? Chilli is 7 years old and close to 20lb. She is definitely NOT a miniature ST. And I strongly believe she is just BIG BONE with a few extra pounds. haha... But she really is longer than regular ST too. And we love her very much no matter how big she is...heehee... :D

09-06-2003, 02:31 PM
Originally posted by jenfer
Micki: Why did the groomer refuses to groom Aneko? Chilli is 7 years old and close to 20lb. She is definitely NOT a miniature ST. And I strongly believe she is just BIG BONE with a few extra pounds. haha... But she really is longer than regular ST too. And we love her very much no matter how big she is...heehee... :D

Aneko is long, too. Really long. I think Chilli is adorable. I actually wish Aneko was bigger. She gets trampled by big ole tubby Millie all the time, poor baby. :(

The groomers refused to groom her because she's awful. She tries to bite (very few teeth, but all it takes is one!) and she fights like you're trying to kill her the entire time. I used to groom and I refuse to groom her! She's REALLY bad!

09-06-2003, 03:16 PM
Chilli tempted to bite a few times (not really biting, but showing her teeth), so the groomer put a leash on her and one time she put the cone on Chilli. Naughty girl. I do hope to see more pic of Aneko. :) Maybe if she eats a little bit more she will be bigger? I wish Chilli could share her little extra fat with Aneko. :D heehee...