View Full Version : Beautiful Blonde Babe, but shes taken by Sim!

01-10-2002, 07:11 PM
Yup thats right my boy Sim has a girlfriend, her name is Brandy and she a a Beautiful *blonde* :D Lab!!!!! Shes turning 3 the 17th! http://community.webshots.com/storage/1/v4/9/38/89/28993889AzoHUJPyYF_ph.jpg

Is so funny though cause shes 5 times bigger than Sim!
Now heres one of my handsom boy.
Sorry girls, hes taken!

01-10-2002, 07:23 PM
Awwww! I'm in Labby Heaven! :D Sandra will love her! She's sooo georgous! Lucky Simba!!! :) Simba looks soo adorable in the last picture! Great pics, thanks for sharing them!

01-10-2002, 08:22 PM
So, KayAnn, is Brandy yours now? She is a real looker. Congrats if you did get to get her for yourself. Love the picture of Simba on his back...ours do that all the time. Does he ever sleep that way? We have about 6 of them that spend the night like that.

01-10-2002, 09:21 PM
nah i wish she was mine, shes my mom's friend's dog Sim sleeps on his side...snoring.

01-10-2002, 09:43 PM
KayAnn, she's precious. Just look at that sweet face, with the ears back. She must be very gentle. At least she looks like she is!! I'm in love....of course, I love Simba more!! :D What a great friend for Simba!!! :D

01-11-2002, 12:15 PM
Oh Simba!!! What great taste you have!!!!! Now that is one gorgeous blond bombshell of a labbie girl!! Of course, Simba, the WonderDog, wouldn't settle for anything less! How neat that Simba has such a sweet labbie pal! Smooooches to Simba and Brandy!!! (Do I hear wedding bells??? :D)

Dixieland Dancer
01-11-2002, 12:45 PM
Wow! There sure are alot of romances going on in Pet Talk lately! :D

Simba you have excellent taste in girls! She is a beauty. Remember to whisper sweet somethings in her ear and she'll melt for you every time you come near! LOL :rolleyes: