View Full Version : Snapped the Leash

09-03-2003, 05:08 PM
I was just walking Bailey and Guinness on the Sporn Double Leash, which we have never had problems with in the last month and a half. Here's a pic:


Well, Guinness saw a squirrel and started pulling, Bailey got in on it too and they snapped the leash!!! I'm running after them with a bit of leash in my hand and luckily, they got tangled around the tree the squirrel hid in.

They were still attached together....just not to the piece in my hand.

Anybody had this happen before?

**sigh** off to Petsmart for another one, I guess. And the no pulling halters.

09-03-2003, 05:17 PM
I'll bet you were scared! But, it paints a funny picture. So comical that they got stuck around a tree.

09-03-2003, 08:07 PM
:eek: We've had ours for months and never had a problem. But then again, we have smaller dogs. :)

BTW - I LOVE the no pull harnesses. They are the best. Make sure to get the Sporn brand of the harnesses. We've tried all kinds and find they work the best and have the best padding to protect against rubbing the skin raw.