View Full Version : Exercise Program for Dog Lovers

07-26-2001, 10:42 PM
I hope you all enjoy this...I got it from the OzDogRescue list. After these exercices, it should be the OzHumanRescue site!


We have all seen those ads on TV promising amazing results from all
sorts of contraptions. Well, there's no need to invest in fancy
equipment. If you have (or can borrow) a dog, you have everything you
need to get in shape now!!!
The following exercises can be done anywhere, anytime:

Inner Thighs: Place the dog's favorite toy between thighs. Press
tighter than the dog can pull. Do not attempt bare legged - dogs who
favor shortcuts to success will just dig the toy out. You could be

Upper Body Strength: Lift the dog --- off the couch, off the bed, out
of the flower bed, etc. Repeat, repeat, repeat. As the dog ages, this
exercise is reversed --- onto the couch, onto the bed, into the car
and so on.

Balance and Coordination, Exercise 1: Remove your puppy from
unsuitable tight places. If they're too small for him(her), they're
certainly too small for you. Do it anyway!

Balance and Coordination, Exercise 2: Practice not falling when your
dog bounds across the full length of the room, sails through the air,
and slams both front paws into the back of your knees.

Balance and Coordination, Exercise 3: (for use with multiple dogs)
Remove all dogs from lap and answer the phone before it stops ringing.

Balance and Coordination, Exercise 4: (alternate) For older
dogs, attempt to cross a room without tripping over the dog. Get off
your couch without crushing any part of a sleeping elderly dog.

Upper Arms: Throw the ball. Throw the squeaky toy. Throw the Frisbee.
Repeat until nauseous.

Upper Arms (alternate): Tug the rope. Tug the pull toy. Tug the
sock. Repeat until your shoulder is dislocated or the dog gives up
(we all know which comes first).

Hand Coordination: Remove foreign object from dog's locked jaw. This
exercise is especially popular with puppy owners. Repeat. Repeat.
Repeat. Remember, this is a timed exercise. Movements must be quick
and precise (think concert pianist) to prevent trips to the vet,
which only offer the minimal exercise benefit of jaw firming

Calves: After the dog has worn out the rest of your body hang a
circular toy on your ankle and let the dog tug while you tug back.
WARNING: This is feasible only for those with strong bones and small
dogs. Have you taken your calcium supplement today?

Calves (alternate): Run after dog - pick any reason --- there are
plenty. Dogs of any size can be used for this exercise. Greyhounds
are inadvisable.

Neck Muscles: Attempt to outmaneuver the canine tongue headed for
your ear, mouth, or eyeball. This is a lifelong fitness program. A
dog is never too old or too feeble to "French Kiss" you when you
least expect it.

07-26-2001, 10:46 PM
Hahaha!!!! I love that. Hope you don't mind if I copy and paste on another dog board. They will love it too.

Logan :D

07-26-2001, 11:08 PM
Pass it on, Logan, for all dog lovers to enjoy. And perhaps use to get fit (Ha! Ha!). :)

07-27-2001, 08:00 AM
Balance and Coordination Exercise 3! I do this one about 5 times a day :D

07-27-2001, 08:49 AM
This is soooo funny because it is sooo true. I do or have done every single one. When Hannah was a very little puppy, she would sink her teeth onto the hem of my blue jeans and I would walk across the kitchen floor with her hanging on.

I think you need to add one. I guess it would be for the thigh muscles: Every time you sit down in a comfortable chair, get up immediately to let the dog out. As soon as you sit down again, get up again to let the dog in. Repeat... to retrieve a unreachable toy for dog, to get the dog fresh water, to stop the dog from barking at the kids coming from school, to take away the underwear the dog has stolen, to pick up the shredded kleenex... until your are ready to start over with letting the dog out.

07-27-2001, 09:45 AM
That is so funny :D! We can ALL relate to that list! According to this I should be in Olympic shape! Wish that were true :(

I have been tripped (many many many times and even took a very painful spill outside one day), pounced on and lunged at, covered with 3 dogs when the phone is ringing, attacked walking thru the door, chasing one dog down as she bolts out the front door. In fact, that could be added to that list too!

Cardio Workout - Instructions:
Have running shoes on hand. Dog will bolt thru open front door and out into the neighborhood. Start running after dog with leash and treat in hand. Increase difficulty by calling (screaming) out for them to come back (try to breathe deeply) Increase your pace by 200% when dog sees cat and runs like lightning.

07-27-2001, 10:29 AM
This is so absolutely hilarious and so TRUE!! Add ROTFL after observing some sidesplitting antics these dogs get themselves into! (To illustrate: Killian (when he was well) picking up his food bowl, carrying it and dumping it at your feet when you forget to feed him on time!
Rachel, the jumping up after just sitting down and getting comfortable is a daily exercise in this house!! LOL

07-28-2001, 01:12 AM
We all relate so much to the dog-lover's exercises...& can ADD to them. That must make us all the fittest people on the planet.

One of our friends added a Hand Coordination Exercise. The hand moves to the wallet to take out money/credit card to pay vet. Repeat, again, again, again, again, again until tiny puppy becomes an old dog. Then get another tiny puppy, & start Hand to
Wallet exercise all over again.

07-28-2001, 10:49 AM
Angels3, I am personally getting a lot of that exercise!!!

07-28-2001, 12:02 PM
Angels3, I can't stop laughing at that one.

07-28-2001, 12:09 PM
Bella and I play an unusual indoor sport. It is played by running around and around the dining room table trying to retrieve the stuff that she has in her mouth that she just grabbed out of the trash can, while yelling "drop it." The yelling usually accomplishes nothing except to maybe burn off an extra calorie! :rolleyes:

07-28-2001, 07:31 PM
Pam, that sounds familar!!!Shai and I do the same thing, my house is in a circle. Its in the living room, bedroom, kitchen, living room, bedroom, kitchen!!! Until it dawns on me to shut the door!!! Yesterday I chased her around to put medicine on her butt and she ran into her crate and turned around and looked at me like "Ha ya can't get to it in here!!!"

[ July 28, 2001: Message edited by: shais_mom ]

07-28-2001, 10:24 PM
Yup, it's the same scenerio in this house. We have been having a grooming session in the morning, but before we can groom we have to catch. Hannah route includes under the kitchen table, because she knows it isn't that easy for me to bend down and reach under very quickly, giving her an opportunity to exit the other side.