View Full Version : Cookie... with a boyfriend??

01-10-2002, 05:00 AM
My Cookie is about... oh lemme see... about a year and a half now... and I think she may have a boyfriend! It's another Golden Retriever next door! I brush her once a day about the same time my neighbour walks his Retriever called Logan ( believe it or not!) she just runs away from me and nuzzles up to Logan and he nuzzles back and... I can't believe it! I gave her a dog biscuit once and she gave it to Logan. I'm like... OMG!! :eek: she gave up a biscuit! I'm a little jealous. She has a boyfriend before I do...

01-10-2002, 07:19 AM
He!He!He! Eudora, that story was funny! Drake has 2 girlfriends. Baby, a flat coat retreiver that lives next door (his steady girl). She is the only animal that can walk up to our door without Drake attacking her, she is the only animal that can come to our yard to play with him. All other animals are chased away. They play in the yard and he even lets her come in our house and share his kibble. It amazes me. He never shares his food with anyone. His other girlfriend, Chupa, Andrew's paent's jack russell. He won't let her share his food, but he will play with her. They fight alot though. It is hilarious to see coz Chupa is so tiny and Drake is a gaint!

01-10-2002, 08:11 AM
DRAKE!! What a typical male...he's got two girlfriends at the same time! What a player!
;) I wonder it there would be a "cat"fight if they found out about each other... :D

Duncan hasn't discovered girls yet! he thinks all other dogs are there for him to play with unless they are under 30 lbs and then they are for eating and/or chasing!

01-10-2002, 08:37 AM
Endora - Cookie spayed yet???? ;)

01-10-2002, 10:20 AM
Eudora, LOL!!

There was a Husky in Kia's Obedience class named Booger. She'd act nuts around him! So I guess she had a short fling. :D

Once, the neighbors Golden named Juan came running into our apartment. Kia made him pee himself. LOL!!! And she didn't even attack him! She just wagged her tail and sniffed at him. The neighbors were so embarressed that they cleaned the spot up right that second, even after we told them that it was no problem. Not like we don't clean Kia's messes. *grins*


01-10-2002, 12:43 PM
I have the same question. Is Cookie spayed yet?
If not, you may become a grandmother at a very early age. ;) What a sweet pup you have, willing to give her treat to her friend!!! Give her many kisses from me.

01-11-2002, 06:50 AM
Cookie takes them gladly! Yes, she's spayed, my aunt helped me get it done a long time ago... thank goodness. I don't think i'll be a grandmother for a long long time... but til then... Logan, your namesake (sorta) is still having fun with Cookie!

01-11-2002, 07:44 AM
I had to laugh when I heard the name of Cookie's boyfriend! LOL!! At least he has that going for him, of course, I'm a little biased!! :o There is a Chocolate Lab in our neighborhood named Logan and Honey and Lilly love him. In fact, they worship him and are quite envious of his lifestyle. His mama lets him run off leash when they are walking and he gets to swim way out in the pond without his leash, and poor Honey and Lilly get their 16 ft on the extension leashes and that's it.

Give Cookie a huge hug from me. And Eudora, I'm so glad you're back!! :D

C.C.'s Mom
01-11-2002, 08:14 AM
My Cookie (who got spayed a few hours ago and is still at the clinic) has a group of female dog friends, and there's one male: Blue. It's his harem of girls and since he's a sheepdog all he does is making sure his girls are around him for the 2 hours we go for our walks. No other males are allowed otherwise Blue barks our heads off.

Sundays we walk with a Rottie and a Terrier, both male dogs. They're deeply in love with each other. It's true love, no matter how many female dogs walk around.

01-11-2002, 07:13 PM
aww!! thats so cccute!