View Full Version : I Hate School

09-02-2003, 06:39 PM
Ok #1, I was not put in the same class as my friends (it's hard to explain but we aren't like a regular middle school that switches classes throughout the day). I cried at first but now when I talk to Mallory and Kaitlin they act like such little kids. Mallory wants me to have NO OTHER FRIENDS. She doesn't understand I'm not going to jump up to talk about Harry Potter anymore. I have new friends and I'm not sure I want to be friends with them anymore. I can't tell them that though because they'll cry and tell the teacher:rolleyes:. Once when I was mad at Mallory she got her mom to yell at me:mad:

#2 I feel like I have no real girl friends(girls as friends). All the girls in my class are so self involved and they all paired up already leaving me alone to mingle with the boys. They all think I'm strange because I don't like rap. They were talking about how cute Nelly was and how they wanted to marry him. They asked me what I would name our kids and I was like "Um his music is okay I guess but he's just not my type of person" and now they all hate me:( They think I'm retarded because I love Monty Python and I listen to the Beatles and I watch the Simpsons ("But it's soooo gross!")

#3 Upstairs there are some boys who I really dislike. They say swears a lot. I have no probelm if it's like "I had a crappy day" or when you're joking around. These guys say it so casually it really disturbes me. They also talk about really nasty things. They also show like no respect for some of the teachers. They called Mr.Basset "Mr.Bassterd" and they were talking about how lame my teacher is and how he really needs to take a look in the mirror. And "His nose looks like he messed it up picking his nose" I mean honestly!

Sorry...just my little rant of the day.


09-02-2003, 07:04 PM

09-02-2003, 07:07 PM
Having no classes with your friends, you just gotta learn to deal with it. DON'T TAKE ME WRONG. I am NOT IN ANY WAY being rude to you. It will happen a lot thru school, so learn to deal with it now to save yourself trouble.

09-02-2003, 07:17 PM
Megan has a point but I feel as terrible as you. I have no friend sin any of my classes for the 2nd time. Last year was bad but this year I need to be more open to the other people. In college and university it will only get worse. My sister eats lunch alone because she is in the Sciences and in a high school. Her friends aren't.

All I can tell you is that if these people are gonna base a friendship on which singers you like and what TV shows you like to watch, well it's their problem. My best friend and I don't even share the same music interests.

About those boys who swear non-stop I hate people like that. All you can do is ignore them. If they aren't showing respect for other teachers it's their problem.

Hope it gets better for you. :)

09-02-2003, 07:34 PM

I know and I am. And now that I just wrote that out I'm thinking I really don't care if I have friends or not. I'll be incredibly lonely but...I'll live. At least animals don't base you on what music you like.:)


09-02-2003, 07:36 PM
Yeah, I have no friends in any of my classes either. It sucks, but it has been the same since Middle School. I have made a few "friends", by that I mean people I hang out with in class only. Don't worry, you forget about it after awhile. I didn't want to sound mean.

09-02-2003, 07:47 PM
#1. Not having classes with your friends is a good thing. this was you're able to make new friends AND you're able to get your work done because you don't have someone close to talk to and fool around with. I've made a few new friends because of not having friends in my classes! :)

#2. SIMPLE. Tell them they are wasting their time. Nelly and I already have wedding plans. If they do not know the brand of toilette paper he used and his weirdest eating habit, they have no chance! :p

#3. Welcome to school. I assume you got to public school. It's just how kids are. :) Even in some private schools. I cuss sometimes, not all of the times. I think kids in school "do it just to be cool" or they can't think of anything else to say. Don't go near them if you don't care to hear it and if you HAVE to go near them, ignore them.


Toby's Mommy
09-02-2003, 07:49 PM
I feel really bad that you don't have any classes with your friends. I would really hate that if my life was like that.
I hope you make new friends I am sorry you had to start your year out like this.:(

09-02-2003, 08:32 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
#1. Not having classes with your friends is a good thing. this was you're able to make new friends AND you're able to get your work done because you don't have someone close to talk to and fool around with. I've made a few new friends because of not having friends in my classes! :)

I realized this too and it's a good thing...just that when the teacher says pick a partner to work with, I'm always all alone. Plus it's no fun being alone when your in gym class or computer class where it's mostly free time.

09-02-2003, 08:44 PM
Originally posted by primabella
I realized this too and it's a good thing...just that when the teacher says pick a partner to work with, I'm always all alone. Plus it's no fun being alone when your in gym class or computer class where it's mostly free time.

That's when you get up and ask someone if they'd like to be your partner. :)

My math class is with a bunch of Freshmen Which, i'm a Sophmore. I think I have the best partner because she and I are probably the only ones that actually do our work. We both do the work alone and if we have a problem we don't get, we ask each other. :)