View Full Version : So there I was, minding my own business...

09-02-2003, 06:11 PM
I noticed a peculiar smell of cat poo coming from the cat room. I figured it was time to remove the solid waste (I use Feline Pine) from the boxes (I do this twice a day, in the a.m. and p.m. everyday). As I was looking in the boxes, BAM!!! I stepped in a large cold pile of cat poo :eek:. Nothing like a little cold cat poo to wake you up.

This happened once before (not stepping in it but finding it outside the box). I thought maybe it got stuck to one of the long-haired girl's tushie's, so I picked it up and forgot about it.

They were pretty big, so I assumed it was Doogie who did it. But with 8 cats it's a little difficult to pinpoint exactly who the culprit was. I'm assuming it was an accident. Sometimes my cats sabotage each other while they're doing (or trying to get IN to) do their business, or they felt the box wasn't clean enough.

Not much more I can do except keep an eye on it and see if it happens again.

*sigh* Ah the wonders of multi-cat households.

09-02-2003, 06:31 PM
I almost just sat in barf....Thank god I looked before I sat down! But of course now there's nice barf wetness all over my recliner, I hope it doesn't stain the fabric:o

09-02-2003, 07:01 PM
Try using Woolite Pet Stain Remover and a stiff hand brush. It works wonders!!!

Cinder & Smoke
09-02-2003, 07:20 PM
Originally posted by moosmom
So there I was, minding my own business...
Nothing like a little cold cat poo
to wake you up. :eek:

Ahh yess ~
Another attention-getting "NOTE" left by one of the *darling* Fur-Children...

I've noted before da Kat's quickly-penned notes...
*sploosh* as socked foot hits warm puddle of Kat Pee :eek: convenienty *left* in front of his Sandy Box (and right where my left footsie lands when *I* address MY sandy box!) :mad:
That's Kat Short-Paw for
"Dad; I'd preciate it if you'd Attend to da Box... It STINKS!"

Never to be confused with his "other" notes...
*squissssh* as bare :mad: footsie lands on :eek: recently *hurled* wad of HAIR BALL deposited mid-way tween BigBed and baffroom - ALWAYS found at 3 AM!
That's Short-Paw for
"Dad; I hadda a lil :rolleyes: Hare Ball - but I took care of it. :p"

The "joys" :confused: of being *owned* by Pets...

/s/ Phred

09-02-2003, 10:44 PM
Yes, I too can relate. This morning I performed a nice acrobatic slide across the laundry room floor in some fresh cat puke. Ripley, who throws up at least once a week, had left me a real slippery banana today. Thanks goodness for washable slippers.

09-02-2003, 11:14 PM
I've also had many experiences of stepping in cold wet hairballs. :eek: http://www.gifs.net/animate/thecatsign.gif

09-02-2003, 11:36 PM
Ok so my little reminder of "stinkiness" wasn't cat or dog, Wee One my 13 yr old bunny is on my table due to the smoke in the air from the fires. But male bunny pee is not nice at all. Needless to say he got his tray emptyed and cleaned. I swear he was smiling after wards.

09-03-2003, 07:25 PM
Oh Phred,

You are a hoot! Your take on the joys of being owned by pets made me giggle!!

Fortunately it has not happened since. Must've been a real accident.

09-07-2003, 08:37 PM
The culprit, as I posted in another thread, was Doogie!! I figured I'd try switching back to the scoopable litter that I used before. Never had any problems.

I had cleaned and filled a box with the new stuff and put it in the room. As I went back in there to put the lid on, there he was with a pile of poo on the floor, making the motions of trying to cover it up. I guess he was impatient and couldn't WAIT till the box was filled.

Now since I've changed them back to scoopable (I left 2 with Feline Pine till it's time to dump it) everything has been fine. I even keep going in there to check.

I'm just greatful it wasn't a behavioral problem.

09-08-2003, 06:54 AM
Just because cat #1 was trying to cover the evidence does not mean that cat #2 isn't the culprit. I too find poops on the floor at times (sometimes they ARE hang-ons that drop, and sometimes they are accidents) but either way, some cats will just walk away and other cats will then try to cover someone else's mess. So never assume unless you actually SEE the deed being done.
The one time I tend to find the "accident" poops is when the level of the scoopable is too shallow. Something else to keep in mind as a possibility.

09-08-2003, 07:01 AM

Good point! In any case, there hasn't been an accident all weekend since I changed the boxes, so I guess that's a good sign.

09-08-2003, 06:16 PM
You mention the temp of the poo...how did you know...gawdforbid you were barefoot!

09-08-2003, 09:02 PM
It was cold and yuky!!! :eek:

09-10-2003, 09:26 AM
I can comply with all who step in messes. I hate those mornigs when you step in that cool mess and you wonder what it is under your feet. OOOOOOOOOO what a feeling to wake up to for our furry friends to leave us to wake up to sometimes.

09-14-2003, 12:26 AM
Several months ago our cat, Pixley, was very sick with what I can only describe as the kitty flu. He was hot, lethargic, and wouldn't eat even the most tempting of morsels (not even when I warmed them up for him). My husband took him into the vet's office and as the doctor examined him he mentioned that he wanted to get a fecal sample. No sooner had these word come out of his mouth than Pixley wiggled off the exam table and presented him with a very nasty, loose stool on the floor (My poor baby was SICK!!!). He then proceeded to try to "bury" it on the linoleum floor. Some injected fluid and 10 days worth of medication later he was right as rain but, at the vet's office, they still kid about Pixley being their only patient who can produce a fecal sample on demand! ;>)

09-14-2003, 04:16 PM
at the vet's office, they still kid about Pixley being their only patient who can produce a fecal sample on demand! ;> )

LOL This is too funny. :D I'm so glad to hear that Pixley is fine now. BTW welcome to Pet Talk. I'd love to hear more about and see some pics of Pixley. :)

09-16-2003, 10:20 PM
Hey all, I'm new here, but I just read this post and couldn't help but register and reply.

When I first got Isis (almost 2 years ago now) I had just lost 5 cats all at the same time. I was, of course, heartbroken. So then here's this precious little kitty in need of a home and, me being me, I had to take her home. I had to buy all new kitty stuff for my new baby. I saw this litter calle Feline Pine. I bought some. I had never seen it before, but it sounded like a great thing.

When I brought Isis home I found out she was only about 3-4 weeks old and she had wet tail. She wasn't old enough for shots or much medication. The lady that I had recieved her from said that she was old enough to be away from her mother, but I found out she wasn't. I fed her kitty milk through a little bottle and weened her onto canned food, and eventually got her to more solid food.

Anyhow, back to the main point of my story. I bought the Feline Pine thinking that it would be great! I lived with a boyfriend on 2.5 acre plot of land with 2 dogs and 1 cat (it was 2 cats, but 1 cat was kittynapped):( My boyfriend and I lived in the "Mother-in-law quarters" on his mother's land. Isis, my new baby, I was to learn did not like the Feline Pine. I was, of course, her mother and trying to teach her to use the litter box. Since her Mother didn't have a chance to instill this in her. I had always recieved cats that knew what a litter box was. My Isis had no clue.

I woke every morning to find lots and lots of runny, wet messes all over the place. This went on for quite a few months. I eventually switched to the scoopable stuff, and miraculously she started using the litter box.

Isis will turn 2 years old on Sept, 18. (This Thursday!) Now she's just my sweet little crazy kitty, who knows how to use the litter box. We've always stuck with the scoopable stuff since she was a baby!!

09-17-2003, 03:22 PM
Since I switched to the Premium Scoopable Cat Litter I haven't had a problem yet! Had to be the FP.


09-18-2003, 04:44 PM
I use an unscented, dust free, scoopable litter with baking soda. Sometimes I add extra baking soda. Isis really likes to get into food that she's not supposed to get into (our food!). My husband and I will eat dinner one night and sometimes we won't do the dishes right away and we may have food left on our plate, Isis will eat it. She doesn't care what it is. It's horrible when we eat something spicy.

~Pink & Isis~:p

09-21-2003, 06:25 AM
Originally posted by mlycat
at the vet's office, they still kid about Pixley being their only patient who can produce a fecal sample on demand! ;>)

LMAO! That's hilarious! :D :D (Welcome to Pet Talk)
Luckily for me, Tux has never had an accident outside his box. He has only puked once, after eating too much cat grass and of course I HAD TO STEP IN IT! :) :rolleyes:

P.S. Phred youse a funny guy!

Van10 - Tuxie's meowmy