View Full Version : Good Luck Bella

07-26-2001, 08:43 PM
If I remember correctly, Bella is getting fixed tomorrow? You'll be fine, sweet girl! I'm sure your mom is more nervous than you are!

And little Daisy is getting her hair cut tomorrow too, right? Be good Dais :D

07-26-2001, 09:58 PM
Gosh Aly, you remember EVERYTHING. :) :D :p I'm glad you do though, because I don't. :) Good luck Bella, and you too Daisy!

07-26-2001, 10:22 PM
Good luck, Bella!!

07-26-2001, 10:42 PM
Thanks for the reminder, Alyson.

Bella, I know you will be ok, but we will worry until we hear from your mom (hint, hint, Pam :rolleyes: ) We're cheering for you, Bella. I know you will get lots of extra lovin', as if you don't already get enough! LOL!!!

Good luck tomorrow.

Daisy's Mom
07-26-2001, 11:27 PM
Good luck Daisy! I am sure when you come out of it, you will look mroe lovely than before, if possible!!!

And Bella, don't you worry about a thing. When Daisy was fixed, everything went so smoothly that she was totally oblivious to the fact that she had just had surgery! She never slowed down. "Every little thing is gonna be alright..."

[ July 27, 2001: Message edited by: Daisy's Mom ]

07-27-2001, 06:27 AM
Thanks everyone! I posted a little note about her "big day" on the spaying topic but didn't see this in time. Yes, we will be leaving soon for the white coats. I think her Daddy is the most worried. This is "girl surgery" and he can't relate. hehe! She got lots and lots of hugs from him a few minutes ago before he went into the shower. I have my concerns too, of course, because one of my dogs (Ashley) had a bad reaction to the anesthesia and when she was coming out of it she bit the bars of the cage and broke off a couple of teeth! :eek: As it turns out the vet said he saw blood coming from her mouth and thought she bit her tongue but never investigated. Needless to say, he is no longer our vet. When Whitney came along we had already changed to Dr. Lee and all of my babies love him. He did a wonderful job of "fixing" Whitney (and also Trevor and Andy) and I know Bella will be in good hands. I'll keep you all posted! :) Also, good luck to Daisy today at the groomer's. We'll be thinking of you too!

[ July 27, 2001: Message edited by: Pam ]

07-27-2001, 07:19 AM
Oh good luck, Bella. You'll do just fine, we will be thinking about you.

Good luck at the groomers, too Daisy. You'll be all pretty and spiffy when you are all done :)

07-27-2001, 07:49 AM
Good luck Bella. We'll be waiting to hear how it goes.

07-27-2001, 08:09 AM
Good luck precious Bella...Try not to worry Mom!! And let us know everything's fine as soon as you get a chance!

07-27-2001, 08:36 AM
Hannah got up early to write Bella a private note this morning. It was best I not write because I don't deal well with surgery situations. I would have had Bella wrapping her legs around her mom's neck.

07-27-2001, 09:51 AM
Well she's there! She made friends with a little boy doggie there, touching noses and all. :) By the time they came to take her away she didn't even look back at me. :( I guess it was better that way. I can call after 4:00 today and pick her up before 7:00. Bella loved hearing from her idol, Hannah, this morning. I think having some encouragement from her "sophisticated" friend and idol put her at ease. :D The cats are gloating over this. They were talking amongst themselves about how they will have a little peace today without having dog saliva on their fur for a few hours! :D

[ July 27, 2001: Message edited by: Pam ]

Daisy's Mom
07-27-2001, 11:35 AM
Let us know how everything goes! We will be thinking of precious little Bella. You are lucky you can pick her up the same day. Daisy had to stay overnight. It was a very quiet, lonely night!

07-27-2001, 01:11 PM
We are thinking all good thoughts for you Bella, we are sure everything will be fine.
More Roses for the beautiful Bella for a speedy recovery.
Miss Daisy and Perry

07-27-2001, 01:20 PM
Aly, I think you should be voted Secretary of this group, you can keep track of everything going on, I sometimes have a hard time remembering what day it is. :D

Yes, Miss Daisy is with Neena right now, not very happy about it and I'm not happy about it until I get her home. Perry is depressed, he can't stand to be away from his sister and is a big moose laying in her bed. He can hardly fit, and I can hardly wait to get Miss Daisy back. :rolleyes: Thanks for remembering Aly.
Just took a look at Perry and he went up into our bedroom and got Miss Daisys red "night, night rabbit" and he is sitting in my husbands rocker with it under his chin.

[ July 27, 2001: Message edited by: jackiesdaisy1935 ]

07-27-2001, 03:06 PM
Jackie, poor Perry! :( Tell him his little sister will be home soon, prettier than ever! And Pam, it is now 4:05 and we're all waiting!!!! Yes, let's make Aly secretary...like she doesn't have enough to do!! :D You are truly remarkable Aly!

07-27-2001, 06:02 PM
Daisy is back and I am happy and Perry is happy and she wanted to show you her new summer cut.

07-27-2001, 06:29 PM
Yea Daisy, welcome home!!! Play with Perry a little cause he missed ya! You look so beautiful with your cut. I'm sure its much cooler too. It keeps breaking 100 degrees here and Reece is happy he's naked now :)

Bella, we are all thinking about you. I'm sure you're recovering just fine. Give your mommy some kisses when she picks you up so she'll know you're fine. And this evening you can relax with Dad :)

Heh, I'm so out of my mind normally and forget all sorts of things... unless it has to do with animals. I can remember anything about anthing involving animals but I can hardly remember to put on pants before I walk out the door! So in a non-animal environment, I'd be the worst secretary, but here I'd be happy to be the Reminder Woman! :D :D :D

[ July 27, 2001: Message edited by: aly ]

07-27-2001, 06:43 PM
Good Aly, We are counting on you :D
Daisy says thanks and I hope all went well with our beautiful Bella.

07-27-2001, 06:58 PM
Well we are home! She did fine, and when she saw us at the vet's she was so excited she piddled right on the floor! :D Now the job will be to keep her quiet. Not gonna be easy tomorrow, I think, but for now she is sleeping. I hand-fed her some krunchies because the vet said to take it slow with the chow tonight. I also had a heart to heart talk with her about not chewing open her tummy like she does the tummies of her stuffed animals! :D :D Thank you everyone for your concern, and I too nominate Aly as Secretary! :)

Jackie...Daisy is beautiful as usual. I am sure Perry thinks she is a babe! and is happy to have his little friend back. ;)

07-27-2001, 07:07 PM

07-27-2001, 07:12 PM
ALY, YOU HAVE ME LAUGHING OUT LOUD!!!!!!!!!! Bella says to tell Reece and Lolly (and Shiloh too) that she sends her love and appreciation! They have very nice paw-writing. :D You folks on this board are the bestest on the planet!! Thanks so much for being there!!!!
Love, Bella and Pam

Cinder & Smoke
07-27-2001, 08:13 PM
Welcome Home, Bella :D ~

Here's some excerpts from letters I wrote to my Angel Mom Volunteers at the jail where Dad dopted me from, jest after my zipper got put in at Doc Mike's White Coat Lab:

Monday was pretty OK; I met the regular UPS man and didn't bark at him; and I was extra good in the basement while Dad went to Fire Drill. The Cat was in a hateful mood -- he got locked in the bathroom all day because Dad put the "roof" on his litter box to keep me out and wasn't sure the dumb cat would use it that way. But I don't know what's wrong -- he wouldn't feed me. I heard him talk to some lady on the phone about a "surgical cancellation" and no food after 6 PM.
We go out for our midnight walk and run, and Dad's trying to get me to go potty. With What? There's nothin' in there that needs to come out. He even took Boots' food away from him so we couldn't share. Now I'm hungry and have to put up with a mad Cat to boot (no cat-pun intended).

Uh-oh, we're not headed for work; this is that Doctor's place! Hop on the scale, Cinder; OK, so I still only weigh 34 pounds -- maybe I'm a Dwarf! What are we doing here, again? Doctor Mike's really nice, but I think he's up to no good. He just jammed a giant box into my ear; I know my temp is OK. Stop listening to my insides, I'm fine. Let's go to work, Daddy. What's a pre-op sedative -- why do I need one if it comes in that big a needle? It's gonna cost HOW much? Forget it and I'll never look at a guy-dog as long as I live. Oh yipes, I feel woozy. Dad, don't kiss me, take me with you...

Nurse Bev said she called Dad and told him I was OK and he said he'd come get me at 4:30. Why wouldn't I be OK? Hey, where's the fur on my front leg; and why is there a hole in my skin there? My tongue won't stay in my mouth. I can't pick my head up. Hey, I'm in jail, again; this cage is too small for even a cat! My feet won't work -- I can't make them stand me up. Why's my tummy feel funny? Let's check that out... Oh, my gosh, the fur is all off my tummy and replaced by a purple stain. And what's THIS -- I've got a ZIPPER where my belly button was!! And my tail's gone -- what's happened to me. I never meant to be a bad dog -- I'll be good if Daddy John will just come save me. Oh, there's my tail; but why won't it work right? My eyes don't even work right anymore -- the whole room is spinning around. I'm so dizzy...

Hi again, Angel Moms,
I'm alive and well, no thanks to Big Daddy and his buddy, Doctor Mike.
Last Tuesday, after they put the Zipper in, they woke me up in that tiny cell and said "Your Dad's here, it's time to go home", then they drug me out into the lobby before I ever figured out where my feet were. Somebody was petting me, maybe it was Dad, but none of my happy systems would work (my ears wouldn't stand up and I couldn't even feel my tail,), so I just peed. I heard Dad say it was OK and the Nurse got the mop. Doctor Mike had forgotten to clean my ears, so he romps up and sticks a rag into both ears as his final, parting shot for the day. I thanked him with another pee job on his office floor. That got me outside, finally. Doctor Mike came outside to talk to someone in a car, so I took the opportunity to show him and Dad how good I felt by throwing up three times. Doctor Mike says that's normal because of the "tube" he'd jammed down my throat, and reminded Dad not to feed me till morning. Oh, GREAT; I was starved since all last night and now I still
can't eat till tomorrow! Take me home.

The house was hot, so Dad decided I could stay in the cool basement for a while. Then What's-His-Face the Cat trots down and starts staring at me, knowing I can't chase him. Well, I made it up the stairs; Dad was
amazed. I staggered all around the house the rest of the night, looking for food.

We went to work Wednesday, but I didn't fell all that great. Dad was worried 'cause my ears stayed glued to the top of my head and my tail was still just hanging. I finally got my tail to respond, and then he offered me some food ... Ugh! The only way I could get it down was with him giving me one nugget at a time. It tastes better that way. My ears
finally started to work after lunch; that probably saved me from a return visit to Doctor Mike's place. By Thursday night I was back in the saddle giving Boots his exercise around the house.

Friday we had a little problem with the his and mine stuff. Seems Dad had put a plastic quart of oil beside the shop door to put in the car ... but forgot to tell me that it was a "his" thing. I picked it up and took it outside into the parking lot to look it over. I must have carried it back into the shop, 'cause Dad found oil in several places,
later on. Well, it took a while, but I finally got that pesky cap off and found the oil inside. Most of it spilled in the gravel, but I managed to work quick enough to be able to cover my whole head, ears, shoulders and paws before it disappeared. Then I started tossing the empty jug around -- he heard it when I bounced it off the car. Oops!

I met him at the door and he thought it was raining, so he ran over and rolled up the car windows before he noticed that I was the only thing "wet." That's about when he spotted the oil jug = Uh-oh, Cinder...this won't be a fun time. It didn't take him too long to figure out why I had the spiked hairdo. Took a lot longer to fix it, believe me. After trying
every towel and rag we had in the shop, Dad tried the computer's chat rooms for ideas. We didn't know it, but not all the Dog Chat rooms talk about 4 legged type animals -- I was too embarrassed to watch the screen, not to mention the fact that Daddy-O wasn't too pleasant to hang around just then.

We got home (I got stopped at my time-out wall; something about not suitable for the upstairs...) while Dad looked for a can or bottle of oil-off. Then he remembered that Shadow used to help him fix the fire trucks and she'd always help by wiping all the extra grease and oil off the bottoms of the trucks using her back. He fixed her with a box of
corn starch, which he found in the kitchen. It's probably not bad on your back, but it's the pits when you get a face full of the stuff! Well, half a box later, after a considerable amount of harsh rubbing and
blotting, I was allowed upstairs for dinner and bed. After Mr. Fist the Cat biffed me the first time he sat on the chair washing his oily fist for half an hour. I wished him a happy hair ball.

Friday is take the Zipper out of my tummy day, so I just bet it's also gonna'
be wash the mutt day, too. Hope he doesn't get doggy soap in my eyes or fill up my ears.

Boots the Cat is getting to be a real pain, what with him getting to the point where he almost never runs but just growls like I was killing him, so I get hollered at. He's been pretty hateful since Dad put the lid on his bathroom box and then turned it sideways. Seems I figured out how to reach in with one paw and get the good poop out even with the lid on. So now it's turned so Mister Fist the Cat has to slink into it past the human potty; and I can't reach in anymore. And I was just learning how to shake the litter off the brownies! Hope the Cat starts to get over this pretty soon, he gets pretty wild lately. This morning he decided HE wanted to sleep beside Dad and would not let me jump up onto our bed. He's hard to deal with, what with all those teeth, spitting like a fountain, and hammering on my nose with both front paws. Dad was no help, he just lay there grinning. But I lived through it all :D.

Oh, one thing, Bella ~ Leave yer Zipper alone - it'll be a lot quieter :rolleyes: wiffout yer Mom hollerin at ya like Dad did to me. Ebber time I took a *schlurrp* atta Zipper or pulled onna liddel sringy thingies Dad would start wiffa *QUIT* or *LEAVE IT* :eek: wurdz! I got so tired of hearin that stuff I jest quit botherin wiffa Zipper. An remember ta look reel sicklee an sluggish fer a day or so ~ you'll get a hole buncha extree buikitz an treats! Hope ya feel better SOON :)!

07-27-2001, 10:11 PM
I'm so glad to see that Bella is home where her mama can take good care of her!! And Smokey, I'm sure Miss Bella learned some valuable lessons from reading your letters. Hope she didn't bust her zipper from laughing though :eek:! I think I would have. Maybe her mom will wait and have her read it later!

You take care, Bella. You sure have had lots of people thinking about you today. We will say a prayer that you start feeling better real soon.

Logan, Honey and Lilly

07-27-2001, 10:50 PM
Glad you're okey-dokey, Bella. Me an Killian are "fixed" too. I didn't feel broken :confused: either! Take it easy and rest a bit. When I was fixed, I was kept inna kitchen soes I wouldn't be jumpin upndown the stairs. I felt good and didn't like it, so I jumped over the baby gate to go play with Killi! Mom thought I mighta hurt myself, but I didn't. I was okey-dokey, too.

Daisy, where did ya get your hair done? I love it, GirlFriend!!

Shiloh (the dog)

Daisy's Mom
07-28-2001, 12:28 AM
I am glad everything went alright with Bella. Give her some extra kisses for me! Aly, Lolly and Reece are just too kind to send Bella a nice little letter. That's adorable :) And Miss Daisy, you look simply lovely! Poor Perry! He sounded so miserable. Extra kisses to all five of you tonight!

07-28-2001, 08:22 AM
Bella, I'm sure the well wishes will be pouring in. Soak up all that extra special attention the next few days and don't undo your zipper!! :D Love and kisses to the most precious little poodle patient! Love Sandra, Cody and Star

07-28-2001, 09:33 AM

07-28-2001, 12:31 PM
To Reece & Lolly, Killian & Shiloh, Honey & Lilly, Daisy, Graham & Cassie, Fritz & Hans, Star & Cody, Hannah & Tucker, Perry & Daisy, Spencer, Cinder & Smoke, and Molly.....Bella here! I'm doin' pretty good today. I don't like goin' up and down the stairs but my mom said that's good 'cause the white coats said to take it easy. I just sorta find a comfortable spot and stay there. The cats are in hog heaven 'cause I'm not pestering them at all, except they are a little jealous of all the special treatment I been gettin'! My mom even sat on the floor today and fed me my crunchies out of her hand. :) Trevor and Andy were grumbing to each other something about it being disgusting that I was bein' waited on. They got the zipper surgery too but I guess they forgot how it feels. Then again, they are built different from me so maybe it wasn't so bad for them. Anyways, I just thought I'd pound on this keyboard for a bit so you all know I liked hearin' from ya and I'm doing pretty good. Soon I'll be up to my nawtee dog stuff again. Your friend, Bella

07-28-2001, 10:19 PM
Bella, it's me, Hannah. Don't let them cats get you down. You'll be feeling like your old self right soon with Mom's http://plauder-smilies.de/person/nurse.gif loving care and all the attention from your dad. Just tell mom to keep a close eye on you because after I had my zipper put in I didn't feel so well and had to go back to get some medicine. That did the trick real quick. I was kinda glad mom did all that hovering around. She knew something wasn't right.

Megan Stewart
07-29-2001, 09:26 AM
im glad there ok :D

07-29-2001, 12:15 PM
Morning Bella. Cody and Star here! Glad ta hear yer feelin pretty good today :) Take it slow now!! Let yer mommy hand feed ya and take lotsa naps! Before long you'll be up to all yer ole tricks! Rest up pal Bella! Hiney wiggles and kisses to you. Love, Star and Cody

07-31-2001, 04:15 PM
Hi Bella! You are you doing little one? Hope you're on the mend!! Love and kisses to you precious. Love, Aunt Sandra, Cody, & Star!

07-31-2001, 04:20 PM
Even if you feel good, don't do too much yet. Take it easy and relax!

07-31-2001, 05:48 PM
Thank you for asking. Bella is back to her old self and has been since yesterday. She keeps bringing the ball to us and dropping it at our feet and when that doesn't work she takes it to the door and squeeks and looks at us. She is raring for a game of catch but we are waiting until the stitches are removed. I will personally feel she is healed when they are out. She is bothering the cats like always and once again they have puppy saliva on their fur. :D

07-31-2001, 08:50 PM

Daisy's Mom
08-01-2001, 12:12 AM
I am glad everything went okay, Bella! Lots of kisses to you!

08-01-2001, 01:27 PM
Good girl Bella, it sounds like play time is just about here. I'm sure your Mom and Dad are so relieved that you are doing so well, pretty soon you will be back to keeping those cats exercising. Hugs and kisses to Bella from Daisy and Perry.

08-01-2001, 08:53 PM
Just thought I would add my 2 cents in and I liked this pic that I copied from another site.
It displays a great message, huh?
