View Full Version : Something really creepy happened to me last night...

09-02-2003, 07:44 AM
A neighbor of mine was getting rid of a Little Tikes work bench (a play bench for my son to play with his play tools)...so i picked it up from my neighbor and loaded it in my car ( a small Honda Civic) (it was dark outside at the time)...i am driving home and i look over and there is a wasp walking on it!!!:eek: :eek: Mind you, it is in the passengers seat and i am in the drivers seat, and my son is behind the passengers seat...so i drove faster...and i see 2 wasps!!!:eek: :eek: :eek: So i am thinking, "oh no, there was a hidden nest on here" (my neighbor kept it as an outside toy, and it hadnt been played with for some time.)...so i race home, my heart pounding and praying that they dont fly on me or my son...i throw it out of the car and see not 1, but 2 nests on it, with WASPS IN THEM!!!! 5 wasps total...i am SO thankful we didnt get stung...i had the creepy crawlies all night!! So it is outside in the the same postion as i left it last night, out in the grass, on its side. I might go out there in the rain today and see if they have flown away during the rain and flick off the nest...but ONLY if i am totally sure they are gone!!

We are all lucky we didnt get stung!!!

That was one scary car drive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


09-02-2003, 07:49 AM
God I don't know how I would be able to drive with a wasps nest next to me! Glad no one got stung.

09-02-2003, 07:55 AM
I know...if it wasnt in my own neighborhood and i wasnt like only 2 minutes from my house, i would have jumped out and threw it out on the road!! I didnt know for sure there was a nest when i was driving, if i did, i would have, for sure, been screaming and running from my car like a crazy woman!! :eek: :eek: :eek:

09-02-2003, 09:03 AM
Robyn!! You were lucky!!!! So glad it all turned out ok!!! :eek:

09-02-2003, 10:23 AM
Oh geez, that is pretty scary. I don't think I could have drove home, I would have stopped right then and there, especially if my son was in the car. Knowing him he would have grabbed one and stuck in it his mouth lol. :p I am terrified of wasps, bees I can stand. And that's only because I know that if they sting you, you die, and it really doesn't hurt that bad. But wasps can sting multiple times, which is why they scare me so much! :eek:

Glad you two are OK.

09-02-2003, 10:27 AM
Yeah, when i realized it, i was about 1 minute from my house...and i drove fast!!! :) I really am lucky we didnt get stung...i prayed that we wouldnt!!!! :)

09-02-2003, 10:38 AM
Oh my! Knowing me, I would have probably freaked and gotten into a wreck. Glad y'all didn't get stung. Scary. I hate wasps. One morning I went into the ferret room to feed the ferts before work. Just as I was about to open the cage, I notice a huge wasp crawling on the comforter on top of the cage. I have no idea how it got in there. I freaked and ran into the bathroom to grab a can of bug spray. That only ticked the wasp off. And I'm running screaming around the house like an idiot with a ticked off wasp after me. I swear it took a good 5 minutes for the spray to work before the wasp finally croaked. So not how I wanted to start my morning. But I sure was awake after that!

09-02-2003, 10:45 AM
I would have been a totol mess. Probably would have had an accident while freaking out. You handled it a lot better than I would have.