View Full Version : When I Was Little... (fun)

09-01-2003, 06:49 PM
Just say something silly you did when you were little... like here's mine.

When I was little, I wanted to make a blanket out of the dryer lint cuz I thought it was soft.



How 'bout you guys?

09-01-2003, 06:55 PM
When I was little...
and my parents had friends over, they would all tell jokes. I'd always anticipate my turn to tell one and when it was my turn i'd get really happy and wide-eyed, on top of the table and say
"There was a guy...walking his dog..... IS THAT A GOOD JOKE?!?!!"

They'd all laugh, although i said the same thing each time it was my turn. I think it was because I USED TO be cute.

09-01-2003, 06:56 PM
When I was REALLY little, I used to sit on vegetable cans. (the small ones)
EDIT: I realize that I need to specify that I sat on ONE can.

09-01-2003, 06:56 PM
When I was little, and new to Hawai'i, I picked up a man o' war (jelly fish) on the beach because I thought it was a piece of fishing line. Then it started to sting me! Owwwwwww, it hurt a lot because it was on my sensitive hands and fingers! All I wanted to do was save any sea life from floating fishing lines!!! I have since learned to stay far away from man o' wars.

09-01-2003, 06:57 PM
When I was little I used to eat ketchup straight from the bottle

09-01-2003, 06:59 PM
When I was little, I wanted to grow up to be a mermaid :o

09-01-2003, 06:59 PM
When I was little, I tied my cat to the tree and washed her like I'd seen my dad wash the dog!

09-01-2003, 07:00 PM
When I was little I dropped a Hot Wheels tractor on my brothers head..! (He was like 1...) OOPS!

09-01-2003, 07:04 PM
When I was little...I wasn't afraid to run around naked.

09-01-2003, 07:04 PM
Kay that's so cute. (the joke thing). Lol. And Jen...LOL. I bet you had a huge buttache that night. :p

When I was little, I used to play with my mom's nailpolishes, giving them all a name and making them a family. Lol. :o :o

09-01-2003, 07:04 PM
When I was little... I called a ditch a *****... and I stuck my tongue to a metal door, just to see what it would do.:rolleyes:

09-01-2003, 07:05 PM
When I was little, I wanted to see what sticking up your middle finger meant :o so I flipped off a car full of teenagers driving by :o :o :o :o :o Then I went and told my mom and asked her what it meant :o

Trust me, I haven't done it to anyone since I found out what it means!!!!!!!!

09-01-2003, 07:06 PM
When I was little I used to keep unboiled eggs and pretend they were my babies.


09-01-2003, 07:06 PM
ALY!! Bad girl! LOL

When I was little, I ran through the house screaming "B!tch B!tch B!tch" a million times because I heard it on TV and thought it was a good word. :o My cousin was over too. :o

09-01-2003, 07:07 PM
WHEN I WAS LITTLE if I did not have a coloring book I would draw a large squiggle and then color each of the "sections" just like it was a picture.
(and no, I am NOT older than coloring books.....nor was I poorer than dirt.....I was just creative):p

09-01-2003, 07:08 PM
When I was little, I was mad and slammed the door and it bounced back open and made a hole in the wall... hehe

09-01-2003, 07:10 PM
Originally posted by aly
When I was little, I wanted to grow up to be a mermaid :o

You think that is bad Aly? When I was little... (this is really little) I wanted to be a snowman, and after that, I wanted to be a "cowboy" in a band.:o

09-01-2003, 07:11 PM
When I was little.... I learned to walk by my grandfather holding a 50 dollar bill out to me. I got up, walked to him and made my parents 50 dollars richer.

09-01-2003, 07:11 PM
Originally posted by jenluckenbach
WHEN I WAS LITTLE if I did not have a coloring book I would draw a large squiggle and then color each of the "sections" just like it was a picture.
(and no, I am NOT older than coloring books.....nor was I poorer than dirt.....I was just creative):p

I did the EXACT SAME THING! I think I still do when I am bored... lol

09-01-2003, 08:01 PM

When I was little my family and I went to a near by lake and had a picnic. I was always down buy the water catching frogs and stuff with my brother. My Mom called us up to eat and we ate and packed up. I was stairing(sp?) at my sister(Tweety_Pie) and a frog jumped on her shirt!!!! She let out a scream so loud my ears were ringing! It was so funny! I caught the frog and put him by the water! But still I was laughing very hard!:D

09-01-2003, 09:19 PM
When I was little, I had a beatle farm

09-01-2003, 10:11 PM
when I was little (like 4 i think) i thought the phrase was "hard attack" not "heart attack" so one day i was trying to button up my pants and i couldn't get them so i said "i think i'm having a hard attack" cuz it was too hard to button up lol:p

09-01-2003, 10:20 PM
When I was little, I was convinced I came from K-Mart. Later I decided I came from a garage sale instead.

Cinder & Smoke
09-01-2003, 10:36 PM
Originally posted by zippy-kat
When I was little,
I was convinced I came from K-Mart.
Later I decided I came from a garage sale instead. :D

Dad always said He Found me Under a Rock! :p

/s/ Phred

09-01-2003, 10:44 PM
When I wuz little I put my nose on da counter an ate half a thing of hot dawgs den I found a clothez pin an chewd it to bits.

No wait dat wuz today.

Luv, NeBo

09-01-2003, 10:45 PM
Originally posted by allanimalswelcome
When I was little I used to keep unboiled eggs and pretend they were my babies.


http://stranglethecat.com/Uploads2/roflsmiley.gif http://stranglethecat.com/Uploads2/roflsmiley.gif http://stranglethecat.com/Uploads2/roflsmiley.gif ROFLMAO

09-01-2003, 10:56 PM
When I was little & I mean little, (my mom told me this) I was in my crib sleeping & whem mom came to check in on me, I had taken my diaper off & tossed poo poo everywhere & I was covered in it. Mom said it took her forever to convince her self it would be in our best intrest if she picked me up & bathed me... hehehe

09-02-2003, 12:14 AM
When I was little I wanted to be a kangaroo. So I put my favorite teddy bear into the elastic waistband of my pants and hopped around the house.


09-02-2003, 12:54 AM
I was too young to remember this but my told me that when I was very little I saw a skunk and I thought it was a cat so I went over to it and pet it. It sprayed me and I had to have a bath. :eek: Luckily thats all it did to me.

09-02-2003, 01:02 AM
When I was little, I would run around my babysitter's house because I wanted to find out what that 'stick' was on her boyfriend :o :p

09-02-2003, 01:07 AM
This is my friend Eric's response :p
when i was little i stole toys from my friends (my mom was a babysitter) and then she would cry and i would laugh and run away and hide in a toy box
:rolleyes: He's such a dork ;)

Ally Cat's Mommy
09-02-2003, 01:30 AM
I am SUCH a dork.....

- I used to tie a hairbrush to the end of a string and pretend I was "fishing" over the staircase

- I used to steal big chunks of cheese out the fridge and then not finish them, then a month later my mum would clean out my toy box and I'd hear her scream "JUUULLLLIIIIIIEEEEEE" and I'd know she'd found my cheese:eek:

- I once tried to pull a bauble off my aunts Christmas tree and pulled the entire tree over:o

09-02-2003, 02:25 AM
When I was little.................

I used to think doctors were evil because I thought they cut mommies open to take the baby out. :p Then I figured there had to be some other way because animals don't go to the docs! :p Then years later, I saw a deer giving birth on a nature program, and I was like :eek::eek::eek: Sigh.................I was so dumb! LOL

09-02-2003, 06:11 AM
When I was little, my friend and I used to put our shorts and shirts on and go barefoot and run up and down the road in the rain! What fun! I also used to play teacher in the basement. I also used to read all the time (Boxcar Children and Little House).

09-02-2003, 07:06 AM
When I was little a dog followed me home from my friend's house. Being the responsible little person that I was, I looked for a tag on his collar and sure enough there was one, complete with a phone #. I went into the house and called the #. The woman on the phone thanked me for calling and said "just give him a shoo and send him home." Here's where you can tell I was little. I went into my brother's closet and started my search for an old shoe. :o Fortunately he asked me what I was doing and when I explained he laughed out loud. Can you imagine if that dog had come home with a shoe in his mouth? The woman would have wondered what kind of idiot her dog had followed home. :p (My mom and brother still remember that to this day and believe me it was decades ago!!) :o

09-02-2003, 07:11 AM
"just give him a shoo and send him home." Here's where you can tell I was little. I went into my brother's closet and started my search for an old shoe.

09-02-2003, 07:39 AM
When I was little, we went camping my brother and sister were supposed to be watching me....they didn't do a very good job as I ended up eating poison berries and had to rush to the hospital. :eek: No, I don't remember if the tasted good. ;)

09-02-2003, 08:53 AM
when i was little *a while ago* i thought i was adopted, actually i still think i am :rolleyes: and it did not help when my brothers told me i was.

and also when i was little *about 5-6 yrs old* my oldest brother tried to through me off a cliff at the beach on a windy day *thanks* consequently i have a fear of cliff edges now * i thought about jumping once though when i was alot younger*:rolleyes: so stupid

09-02-2003, 09:19 AM
When I was little I used to dress my dog Tinker up in my baby doll's clothes and make him sleep in the crib and ride in the stroller. He didn’t mind too much though, cause I always feed him, too. He would sit there and wait for his good treat. Usually I would spoon feed him some milk or mashed potatoes for his "baby food". :D

Oh, I would also hold his front paws up and make him walk while wearing a pair of MY baby shoes my mother had saved.

He was the best dog EVER and was my best friend until I was 21 yrs old. He lived to be 20!

09-02-2003, 10:30 AM
lol I love this thread :)

When I was little...

I had a hard time pronouncing anything that was p-u-r Instead of purse, I pronounced it pase. Instead of purple, it was paple.
(On that same token, the boy next door would always prounce anything with TR as F. Instead of Fire Truck, he'd say Fire F***. And of course, he'd get a reaction...usually adults laughing so he'd go around yelling Fire F***! Fire F***! Fire F***!

I loved paper bags. Used to hoard them. Carried one around with me always. What can I say, I was a strange kid.

When I was about 3, I must have overheard some bad words from the adults....or so my family tells me. For when I was going potty and I found there was no toliet paper left, I screamed out..."Where the f*** is the toliet paper?!" ROTF!!!

09-02-2003, 10:49 AM
There are some really good stories in here. Pam, that was so funny!!

09-02-2003, 10:54 AM
When I was little I thought that if you ate watermelon seeds, that a watermelon would start growing in your stomach. :o

I also thought that all girls already had babies growing inside their tummys so we had to be extra careful when doing things. :o

09-02-2003, 10:55 AM
This comes from one of my mom's fellow teachers---

It was the first day of school and the teacher said, "Ok class get out your paper and pencils." All the little first graders start digging through their stuff. All that is, except for one little boy. He sits there and watches his classmates then (loudly) asks, "Who the h_ll signed me up for this sh_t?!" :eek: :D

Poor guy. He's in for a long haul.

09-02-2003, 11:15 AM
When i was little...

I used to think the Television was called a Telescope...and i would ask to watch the Telescope.

When I was lilttle...

my friend and I used to get out our umbrellas (on a sunny clear day), and walk up and down our street singing Mary Poppins Songs... :)

09-02-2003, 12:04 PM
When I was little I had a favorite stuffed animal that went EVERYWHERE with me. But wait........this was nothing more than a brown, square piece of cloth. I am told, that it originally, it was a purple rabbit, hence its name "Dirty Rab". but too much loving caused him a bit of wear and tear.
Dirty rab was even know by all the people who ran the places my mom and I would go. They'd ask how he was, etc.
I wish I had him today, as proof, but he just disintegrated into the air, I think, string by string.
I miss dirty rab.:(

09-02-2003, 12:18 PM
When I was little, we were visiting a friend and while playing, I discovered their alarm system's code panel, and decided to play with it. :o I pushed a few buttons, and the alarm went off. I was so scared and ran and hid in the bathroom before the adults found out who did it. A few minutes later, the police arrived and asked what had happened, since the alarm signaled them to come asap. I ran out of the bathroom and to the door, and told the police "I DID IT! I didn't know toys can call the police!!" Then I started crying. :rolleyes: The police laughed and told me not to touch such things again. I was so embarrassed, seeing that there was a whole party at their house with like 30 families there, and I caused such trouble. :o I was only like 5 or so.

09-02-2003, 12:27 PM
When I was little I thought cats were female and dogs were male.

09-02-2003, 02:11 PM
This is kinda funny but gross at the same time.:D I would lick gummy bears and stick them to the oven door.:p

09-02-2003, 02:25 PM
When i was little... My friend Cici and I dressed her poodle, Sebastion(male) in dressed and put him in the old fashioned stroller and take him for walks aorund the block. Poor dog put up with everything from us but, we love him :)

09-02-2003, 02:33 PM
When I was little, I had 2 imaginary friends. My favorite one was named Lisa. Once my mom took me out for ice cream, and as we were leaving she held the door open for me, and there was a mother and daughter behind me. I went through the door and said "Come on Lisa, hurry up!" and the mother behind me looked suprised and said "How'd you know my daughter's name???". I got so embarrassed as my mom laughed and explained that Lisa was my imaginary friend!

09-02-2003, 03:27 PM
OOH I have a good one.

When I was little, my cousin and I (we were about 1 1\2) my mom used to put vasoline on her face or something... But anyway, I dug it out and my cousin and I rubbed it everywhere; our hair, face, clothing, windows, walls, floors, we were actually sliding in it! We had to replace the screen on the window cuz they couldn't get the Vasoline out.

:o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o

09-02-2003, 03:58 PM
When I was little....about 2 yrs old....

We went camping and in those days you actually had some trees around you and a big space to pitch the tent. I wandered off and Mom and Dad were frantic and almost called the police. An hour later they found me in the next campsite buried deep in the bush, lying on my tummy feeding peanuts to the squirrels. And I guess that's where my love of animals all started.

If and when I ever do grow up I'll make sure to leave a note next time..:D :D :D

09-02-2003, 05:40 PM
ok, please don't laugh at this one. Now I know how embarassing it really was. ok, I think I was about 4 or 5 years old. I'm not really sure. We went to the beach, and I think I fell in the water. I didn't bring a swimming suit too. So my pants and underwear got all wet. There was this pole sticking out of the ground, and my mom hung my pants and underwear up to dry:o LMAO!!!! Its so embarassing though, but at least I was little, hehe.

09-02-2003, 06:06 PM
Originally posted by slick
When I was little....about 2 yrs old....

We went camping and in those days you actually had some trees around you and a big space to pitch the tent. I wandered off and Mom and Dad were frantic and almost called the police. An hour later they found me in the next campsite buried deep in the bush, lying on my tummy feeding peanuts to the squirrels. And I guess that's where my love of animals all started.

If and when I ever do grow up I'll make sure to leave a note next time..:D :D :D

He he. Yeah I did the same thing, only I was under a clothes rack in Target playing with my matchbox cars (I was a little tomboy) and my parents did call the police. My Dad, still likes to tell the story, complete with all the gory details. :p

09-02-2003, 06:15 PM
When I was little I used to run laps around the house in my dipar, and after 2 or 3 I would get my dad's stethescope and listen to my heart, and then I would run around again and again and again etc. We even have a video of me doing it:o

When MY SISTER was little, she wanted to grow up and be a goat feeder at the zoo. Then she changed her mind and wanted to be a waitress at Buger King:p

09-02-2003, 07:03 PM
When I was little we had a cat named Skipper and I used to hold his frount paws and dance with him. He didn't mind...my other cat Molly did! I still have the scars!

09-02-2003, 08:56 PM
When I was little I used to put oranges in my top, so that I would have boobies, just like mummy did!!

09-02-2003, 09:37 PM
When I was little....about 2 yrs old....

We went camping and in those days you actually had some trees around you and a big space to pitch the tent. I wandered off and Mom and Dad were frantic and almost called the police. An hour later they found me in the next campsite buried deep in the bush, lying on my tummy feeding peanuts to the squirrels. And I guess that's where my love of animals all started.

If and when I ever do grow up I'll make sure to leave a note next time..


Heres my adventures with feeding chipmunks. I didn't have to run off & hide, my grandmother game me peanuts to feed them with. She said I never once tried to grab one, I loved feeding them.


09-02-2003, 09:44 PM
When I was little,I told my mom I wanted to grow up to be a dog or an elephant. I was a weird child! :rolleyes:

PJ's Mom
09-02-2003, 10:00 PM

09-02-2003, 10:35 PM
When I was little my friend and I used to talk to a car in our school parking lot that looked like KITT from Knight Rider.

My other friend and I used to run around on our hands and feet like horses and I would set up cushions like a show jumping course and jump over them.

I used to make my dog sleep in my bed with me and I read her stories.

This isn't really funny but my brother told me he buried his dead lizard in my sandbox and i never went in it again.

I used to sit on the counter and when i tried to jump down my shorts got stuck on the dishwasher dial thing and i was hanging upside down.

I ran away from my mom in the middle of the mall screaming "you're not my mommy!!" and when people looked at her she had to say "of course i'm her mother, would i be putting up with this if i wasn't"

That's all I can think of for now, I'll probably think of more when I'm trying to get to sleep, I'm sure my mom has tons that I don't particularly want to hear about.

09-04-2003, 01:25 PM
Originally posted by micki76
He he. Yeah I did the same thing, only I was under a clothes rack in Target playing with my matchbox cars (I was a little tomboy) and my parents did call the police. My Dad, still likes to tell the story, complete with all the gory details. :p

I'm not the only one!! My mother always tells the story of how she was frantic looking for me in Sears and found me happily playing in a clothing rack in another department.

09-14-2003, 05:05 PM
*BUMP* I think this thread is fantastic!!!

09-14-2003, 05:13 PM
When I was little, I thought I would get arrested for taking the tag off your matress you would get arrested, so when mine came off I hid it under the bed and hid in my closet and cried.


09-14-2003, 05:21 PM
I remember one year wanting a real xmas tree, as I lived on a farm, and the trees had just been topped this was a very real possiblity, so unknown to mum, I hopped on my little purple bike and rode on the dirt race all the way to the end of the farm, where the trees were, and found my xmas tree , tied in onto the back of the bike and dragged it home.

Now you can just imagine the state it was in by then, all covered in dust and a bit on the bedraggled side, my poor mum did not have the heart to say NO you cannot have that, so she gently hosed it down and yep we had our first real xmas tree courtesy of your's truely.

I also remember saving all the snails out of the pond, as I thought they were dying,only to find out these particular ones were water snails, oh dear.:)

09-14-2003, 05:43 PM
LOL My mom has the best stories of when she was younger..like how she was chased by a bull. Twice. Once, she managed to climb up a tree with no limbs, couldn't get down. The second she jumped into an old car which the windows were just rolled down a little..she again couldn't get out LOL

Another time, they had to wash the dishes, her and her sister, and if it wasn't done right they had to wash ALL the dishes. So they were really annoyed at having to do these dishes, so they decided to not to. They take the dishes and throw them outside lol..a pan I guess..Anyway, they back out of it later, go to get the pan, but see a porcupine eatting stuff in the pan or whaever LOL. My aunt told my mom that porcupines will throw their needles at you and they eat wood and such...so they got really scared (she honostly believed this) and my aunt being the oldest, took all her younger siblings up to the room, threw wood all over the floor for it to eat before them. They also had sheets tied so when it broke in the could put it out the window and escape. LOL My aunt said she'd give her own life to let them escape if it broke in (my mom and other aunts were crying their eyes out) You could only image what their dad thought when he came home lmao.

One other one. My mom and aunt never really had any toys to play with, so this girl they knew had this ball and they were all playing with it. My aunt threw the ball somewhere and pretended they couldn't find it, so later they could go back and get it..LOL this was really mean but funny. My mom said they loved that ball.

Anyway, I have sooo many stories but I won't bore you with them lol.

09-14-2003, 07:34 PM
When I was little, I thought that I was a unicorn. There was a field next to my house where I'd prance all day long by myself. I used to eat flowers and grass.

09-14-2003, 07:38 PM
when I was little little I used to take cups and put my hands in there (my hands where small enough) and walk around on the hard floor in the kitchen and make the clomy sound like I was a horse~* lol

09-14-2003, 07:41 PM
Hehe Amber.... I did that too lol

09-14-2003, 07:43 PM
When I was little, I would sit in front of my mirror and watch myself cry:o

09-14-2003, 10:35 PM
When I was little, I thought frogs and turtles were the same animals ... only turtles were the boys, so they had the shell. Same thing with lizards and snakes ... lizards were the boys, so they had the legs. I have NO clue where I got that idea. :rolleyes:

09-15-2003, 02:34 AM
When I was little..... I heard that you got warts from frogs peeing on you, so I would catch some frogs and chase my brother around trying to get the frogs to pee on him. And when that didn't work, I'd hide the frogs in his bed.

I hated my brother back then. ;)

09-15-2003, 04:30 AM
When I was little, my family would have bagels, but I called them beagles.

Then once when my siblings and I were a little older, we were playing Trivial Pursuit and I asked my sister a question. The answer was the book Grapes of Wrath, but she called it The Wrath of Grapes..:D

09-15-2003, 06:58 AM
Originally posted by Sevens
The Wrath of Grapes..:D

LOL! One thing you never want to do is get your grapes angry! :D

I love this thread. Keep 'em coming! :)

Dakota's Mommy
09-15-2003, 09:52 AM
Oh, these are really cute and funny! Thanks for sharing everybody!

09-15-2003, 10:32 AM
When I was little, I loved to play with my sister's doll. I was not even allowed to touch it, as it had a breakable head...! Guess my joy when one day, my mommy let me touch the doll, to take this pic:

When I was little, I invented new songs; Why? My grandma payed us some money for every song we could sing! LOL

09-15-2003, 11:34 AM
What a precious picture!

09-15-2003, 01:02 PM
I love this thread!

When I was little, I believed that blueberries were Smurf Eggs and I would cry whenever I saw someone in my family putting them on cereal. :o :D

09-15-2003, 01:17 PM
When I was little, I wanted to grow up to be the cashier at the grocery store..... because I saw the money when her drawer popped open, and I thought it was all here. To a little girl, that's a whole lot of money and that will buy a whole lot of candy bars.

09-15-2003, 02:28 PM
When I was little, our family bought a brand new car. It cost $3,000. I thought that was just about as much money as anyone could ever have in the whole world ever, even the richest people.

Today, the same kind of car would be $30,000! :eek:

09-15-2003, 04:28 PM
When I was little, I played school with my stuffed animals and rented out books from my book shelves to them when it was library time... :o

I also put em on time out if they were bad... lol

09-15-2003, 05:19 PM
I thought that too, about watermelon seeds KAK! LOL

When I was little, I wanted to be a paleontologist. I used to know all the scientific names of all the dinosaurs and what era they lived in. For the life of me, I can't even fathom knowing all of that at such a young age. I have totally forgotten, but my mom and dad and relatives always talk about how I would come into a room and start talking all about dinosaurs to family guests and such and bringing out my dinosaur collection for all to see :rolleyes: LOL

09-15-2003, 06:07 PM
When I was little, I asked my friend if the people on TV could see you. She said yes. So I never sucked my thumb in front of the TV again. :o

09-15-2003, 06:15 PM
When I was little, like 4 or 5 years old, I was sitting with my dolls and toys on the kitchen floor, watching my mom run back and forth, kitchen to living room to garage, busy working for hours..........

*We were having a party the next day so.......*

I watched and watched, thinking *why* the whole time. Finally I blurted out:

"Mom, I'm never growing up."

Mom: "Why?"

"Because parties mean fun for kids and torture for grown ups."

Mom: "You're saying I'm torturing myself?"

Me: "That's what grown ups do best!"


I remember saying that because I really meant it. I thought I had some special powers to keep me from growing up. :rolleyes:

Now whenever my mom remembers, she asks me why I grew up when I promised not to. :o


09-15-2003, 06:25 PM
LOL everyone!!!

When I was little, I swallowed a watermelon seed, and did not sleep the entire night, for fear that I was going to wake up with a watermelon tree in my belly!!!

--I used to hide out in the clothing racks in the stores

--my aunt used to always take me shopping, and every time we went, she would buy me a purse. Once, my little sister came with us, and she said she couldn't get me a purse that time, so I tipped over the cart, sister and all.

--I used to be fascinated with keys. I had a keyring with a pink 'E' on it, and my dad gave me all of his old keys and I would carry them everywhere!!

09-15-2003, 06:44 PM
When I was little (about 10), I stole a candybar from the store. So they took me to the police station in the back of a police car.
Guess where we lived? Right across from the station:rolleyes:
Didn't take dad long to get there!

09-15-2003, 06:56 PM
When I was little, I went through an evil stage (sure everyone has been there). When I was four, my friend wouldn't let me on her swingset, and so I threatened to hurt her. She said no again, so I grabbed her by the hair and took her to a post that help up the carport. I bashed her head against the nails that were sticking out. :o There was blood everywhere. I blamed it on her brother even while she was screaming that it was me. My mom spanked me. (I totally deserved THAT).

To this day, only Renee and I remember it. Our parents don't even remember lol. And she has the scars to prove it! :o :o :o Atleast I'm still her best friend lmao.

09-15-2003, 07:04 PM
*slowly walks away from Jordan... holding her hands in the air...*

09-15-2003, 07:21 PM
When I was little...

*I hated peas. If mom made them for dinner, I would stuff them all in my mouth and go to the bathroom and spit them out in the toilet! :o LOL (this also worked for other foods us kids didn't like)

*My sister and I would sneak into the kitchen cupboards and get out a tub of icing when mom wasn't home. We thought this was a huge sin, which I guess is why we did it...just to see if we could keep it secret. We would get 2 spoons and go into my sister's room and proceed to eat the whole tub of icing! :eek: I can't imagine doing that now! :rolleyes:

*When I was really little, I wanted to marry my dad when I grew up. LOL LOL

09-15-2003, 08:48 PM
When Meg (ILoveMyAbbyGirl) and I were younger, well actually it was like just a few years ago lol....we went around the neighborhood and wrote down the names of all the dogs in the neighborhood, and if we didn't know their name we'd make one up for them. Like there was one house with two of the same type of small dog (i dont remember what kind) and we didn't know their names so we just called them Pip and Pop lol and there was another house with two of the same type of dogs and we called them Sonny and Cher :) We went around the neighborhood when we were younger than that too. We would go door to door asking people if they needed their dog(s) walked (and we were like 10 at the time) and if they needed anything from the store that we could go get them lol :p

09-15-2003, 08:52 PM
Originally posted by wolflady
*When I was really little, I wanted to marry my dad when I grew up. LOL LOL

That reminds me! When my (boy) cousin, whos like a year and half younger than me, and I were really little like 4, we sort-of married each other lol we dressed up and his older sister who was only like 8 or 9 at the time married us lol

Also, the same boy cousin and I would always play the Lion King when we were little. He would be Simba, I would be Nala and his little sister, who's like a year and a half younger than him, would be Simba's mom :p

09-15-2003, 09:26 PM
Originally posted by Dogz
You think that is bad Aly? When I was little... (this is really little) I wanted to be a snowman, and after that, I wanted to be a "cowboy" in a band.:o

Cowboy in a band ........... excuse me, are you a member of the Village People???? :D

So cute

09-15-2003, 09:29 PM
Originally posted by Pam
Can you imagine if that dog had come home with a shoe in his mouth? The woman would have wondered what kind of idiot her dog had followed home. :p (My mom and brother still remember that to this day and believe me it was decades ago!!) :o

Oh Pam ........... thank you so much, I really needed a laugh ....

09-15-2003, 09:43 PM
Ok - I have read all of your "little" adventures ........... so cute and so funny ........ I have chuckled all morning.

- I used to call a Hippopotamus a HippoThomas (because I had an uncle called Thomas) .......... He wasn't that big tho ..

- I truly believed that if you were pulling an ugly face and the wind changed your face would stay like that FOREVER. (I will not embarrass myself by telling you how long I believed that!!!!)

- I believed that babies came from your LEG!!! I saw a book with a woman cut in half (like a drawing), and the baby comes out of her leg!!!!! PROMISE! (Have a look at those books that teach kids - you will see!!)

- My mum told me that if I bite my nails and swallow the bits, my stomach would be cut open and I would BLEED to death!!! (hmmmm, abit mean my Mum!!)
But I answered - Then why is Dad still here????? (he bites his nails!)

09-15-2003, 10:10 PM
When I was little, I liked to mix my foods together. One time, I put apple jiuce in my noodles. I hated it, and my mom made me eat it. :(

09-15-2003, 10:22 PM
Originally posted by captain
- My mum told me that if I bite my nails and swallow the bits, my stomach would be cut open and I would BLEED to death!!! (hmmmm, abit mean my Mum!!)
But I answered - Then why is Dad still here????? (he bites his nails!)

That's a good way to get your kid not to bite their nails! LOL :eek: That has got to be my worst habit, biting my nails. Ugh

When I was little, my sister and I would make prank phone calls :o It was "living on the edge" for us. We thought it was funny to call people and tell them that they won a prize. When the person asked what it was, we would say panty hose! I don't know why, but we used to laugh and laugh about that.

Another time we called people and would sing to them. I'll never forget this older (sounding) woman that I got on the phone. I sang You are my Sunshine, and she kept saying "Thank you! Well, thank you!" LOL :)

09-15-2003, 10:27 PM
when i was little, i used to call hotdogs, dog-lohs i have no idea why and neither do my parents :p i would call the remote the memote

one time my family had a golden retriever and our friends had a golden retriever too and i wanted them to get married so we had a small ceremony lol