View Full Version : Sims unleashed error

08-31-2003, 10:36 PM
I keep getting this stupid error "saving house, an error was encountered saveing house", I can't save the game anymore!! does anyone know how to fix this without reinstalling, This is the 3rd time it has happened to me :(

08-31-2003, 10:38 PM
heres a pic of the message I get.

09-01-2003, 01:29 AM
The IT guys said to delete this file Housetemp.iff & it works again!!!

I'm sooo happy :)

09-01-2003, 01:55 AM
My fiancee plays Sims Online, I don't think she has played Sims Unleashed

09-01-2003, 08:18 AM
Ur fiancee is missing out!!! Sims unleashed is all about pets, there r 15 dog breeds, 15 cat breeds, fish, birds, lizards & more. u can breed & sell, its so much fun, except when I got my error, I lost 5 hrs of game play :(

09-01-2003, 08:22 AM
My da stopped getting me exapansions :( Or else I would definitly go for UL. Anyways, since I don't have the game I can't help you. Sims crashes down a lot on me. If it weren't so darn addicting I wouldn't play it anymore. :p

09-01-2003, 05:34 PM
Wow they responded very fast!!
Heres what they emailed me

Hello Jess,

Thank you for contacting Electronic Arts technical support concerning The Sims. This issue is usually due to one of three reasons:

1. You are not logged in as the Administrator/Owner or your account does not have administrator access. This is only applicable if you are running Windows XP.

2. The folder for your game has been set to read-only.

3. The game is failing to export the HTML code that is written into your saved game.

Here is what I would suggest to resolve your issue:

1. If you have Windows XP, make sure that you are logged in as the Administrator/Owner or that your account has full administrator access. If you are not certain, contact the manufacturer of your PC.

2. Make sure to turn off the Export HTML feature. To do this, you need to go into the in game options by pressing (F5) or clicking on the icon resembling three periods in a row. Once in the options you will need to click on the icon for game options and then uncheck the option for Export HTML.

3. Try doing a Search for either house.tmp, houses.tmp, or housetemp.iff on your C: drive. If you find either of these delete the files and try saving again.

Something else you can do is to make sure that you have closed any programs or tasks running in the background as sometimes one of the programs can conflict with the game. Background applications such as anti-virus programs are often the cause of conflicts.

For Windows 95/98/ME:
· Hold the Ctrl and Alt keys down at the same time and hit the Delete key once.
· Single Click on each Program in the list and Click "End Task".
· The only two applications that you want listed here before installing or running the game are "explorer" and "systray".
· You will need to repeat this process after closing each application.

For WindowsXP:
· Hold down the Ctrl, Alt, and Delete keys at the same time
· Click the "Processes" tab.
· Click on the gray bar in the middle column that says User Name to sort by user name.
· Click on anything besides EXPLORER and TASKMGR for this User Name or other user names.
· Click on END PROCESS
· Repeat these steps until only explorer.exe and taskmgr.exe are open for this user profile.

Note that some applications may take multiple times before closing. Don't worry that you are permanently changing your system configuration; these applications will return when you restart your system. Once this step has been completed, please proceed to the steps below.

· Double click on "My Computer"
· Double click on the C: drive
· Double click on the "Windows" folder.
· Double click on the "Temp" folder.
· Hold the "CTRL" key and tap the "A" key to select all.
· Tap the "Delete" key on your keyboard and accept the "Are you sure you want to delete these files" prompt.

Give those steps a try, and if it still has trouble saving your house, send us a reply and we'll be happy to help you further.

Thank you for contacting Electronic Arts Online Support,

Frank L.
EA Technical Support