View Full Version : how did you get your dog?

08-31-2003, 08:16 PM
Tell us how you got your dog!!

08-31-2003, 08:20 PM
Last summer my parents gave us the okay to get a dog so I researched my breeds. I really wanted a BC but I knew it wouldn't fit my lifestyle so we decided on a Sheltie. We checked the shelters for Shelties or Sheltie mixes but no luck. We responded to every ad too. 2 months later we looked up a good breeder in our area and kept in touch. That December we picked up our precious Mickey. :D

08-31-2003, 08:30 PM

08-31-2003, 08:32 PM
I searched Pet Finder (www.petfinder.org) for a female medium-sized adult dog in my area. I looked at photos & read stories about probably hundreds of dogs. When I saw Ruby I fell in love with her. I filled out an adoption application & drove nearly 2 hours to her shelter so I could meet her. When I did, I knew I had to have her. I gave the shelter my application, they looked over it, visited my house, and in a few days called and told me that I could come and pick her up :D One of the best days of my life :)

08-31-2003, 08:36 PM
I've been wanting one for years! I researched my breeds in those 12 years and really fell hard for bcs. I still love them but my mom decided on a sheltie over my begging for a bc. We looked at ads and called up a breeder about 5 hours away.

08-31-2003, 08:37 PM
Hurray for Petfinder!! Duke was abandoned along with 4 other dogs(one his brother) out in the middle of nowhere. I don't know how the lady got them but she took care of all of them until they found homes. I was originally looking at Duke's brother. I was bent over looking down at him. Then he jumped up and kissed me right on the mouth! Well, I don't like those kind of doggie kisses so I chose Duke instead. How happy he's made my life. He and I have both been through difficult times(his he still hasn't forgotten, which breaks my heart). I have spent years trying to make him forget. I love him so much and I'm glad that he knows it.

08-31-2003, 08:51 PM
We adopted Simba from the St Petersburg SPCA.
We adopted Nala from the North Pinellas Humane Society.

I Love Brian, Forever <3
08-31-2003, 08:56 PM
Bart came from a puppy mill in Kentucky. After his mate had died, he was severely neglected, was flea infested and left outside 24/7.

Rose was bought from a breeder in GA, who lived in a single-wide trailer and kept the Rottweiler pups under the front porch.

Molli was found roaming the streets around my middle school, back in GA. She had the mange and was going to be put down until the vet said there's a slim chance she could recover. Molli had a collar on that she had clearly outgrown and had all sorts of lacerations on her from obvious abuse. She was also very thin.

Zoe was found running through the mud and rain on a very busy street in GA, after my mom had dropped me off at school.

08-31-2003, 09:14 PM
I got Disney at our local animal shelter about 10 1/2 years ago when she was about 1 year old (guessing). She was wild and ran under everything when we let her out of the cage. My husband really protested and didn't want her but I won out. She and her sister were there together and another couple adopted her sister at the same time we adopted her. They were named Sugar and Spice (Disney was Spice). I didn't think that fit her and after about a week I came up with Disney because she was kind of in her own little world.

08-31-2003, 09:17 PM
Leo is from a breeder. He was the last puppy she had left and the only boy, the only tri-color, and took the most annoying trait from his mom-the hate for doors. She bang on the door and Leo bites them.

Patrick is from a Pet Store and I do feel bad about this. But he was a big puppy in one of those tiny things in the wall and my mom bought him and carried him away from that horrible place.

(both our shelties)

Sylvie our deceased mutt was about to be put to sleep at a pound but a postal worker saved her becaused she was so sweet, named her Fluffy and put an ad in the paper. My parents came and looked at her and then brought her home!

Our next dog will be a mixed breed and from our pound. I can't wait:D


08-31-2003, 09:18 PM
Aww !!!!! :)

08-31-2003, 10:56 PM
My friend was on the phone, talking to her niece, saying "Another? another?" and I impulsively said "Save me a male", thinking the pups were pure bred G.Rs. There was a house emergency in the family and they called to say we'd have to pick up the pups earlier than expected, so I got Cody at 4 weeks. His dad was a Yellow Lab, turns out. After much sadness after Cody passed, I walked into the local SPCA, gave all the dogs "sit" &"down" commands and Logan was the only one who complied easily. We made eye contact and that was IT! She's also a velcro dog!!

09-01-2003, 12:13 AM
We got Molly and Daisy from breeders. We searched in our local shelters first, but then turned to breeders. Molly was from a BYB, who treated her very poorly, so you could call her a rescue. Daisy was from a responsible breeder. My mom had always loved collies, so thats how we got Molly. I, as people know love golden retrievers, so we got Daisy. :)

09-01-2003, 12:36 AM
I was 2 years old when my parents got Smokey......he came from a breeder, but I don't really know anything about them. I do know he was one of the last pups and my mom chose him because he had funny teeth and a weird back. She felt sorry for him.

Reggie came along several years later. We weren't looking for another dog. A guy my dad worked with had a schnauzer with pups. They had one pup that was older that nobody wanted. My parents had always liked schnauzers.......so we ended up getting him. He was free.

And then there was Nebo....;) I've been obsessed with siberian huskies since I was born I think. My parents would never let me get another dog. Finally, last summer, my parents said I could! I really wanted a puppy, as Reggie and Smokey are grouchy and don't get along with dogs much. We looked at several different litters of puppies. I was planning on looking around more, and I really wanted a black and white female. Well, I fell in love with a bratty little red boy, what more can I say? :D

09-01-2003, 01:02 AM
Smudge I got from some idiots in the paper, who moved to an apartment that wouldn't allow dogs. Which is good because he probably wouldn't have lasted long in that house, like I said the were idiots.

Winter was a rescue from some people who didn't want her because she wasn't perfect, so they called up my friend who thought of me and called me up and the rest was history.

Tama is still techinically a foster until the breeder makes up her freakin' mind weather or not she wants him back or if it's okay for my friend to rehome him.

09-01-2003, 03:28 AM
My first dog, Spike, was the product of an "oops" litter of a family friend.

My second, a cocker named Dusty, was a senior doggie who was abandoned on the freeway and found by a friend of mine. Her two energetic Boston terriers had too much energy for him, so we took him.

Star and Wilbur came from the same local rescue.

Star they took in from the HS because they were going to put her down immediately due to health problems. One of the angels at the rescue took her, got her open heart surgery, and she was declared perfectly fit!

I don't really know Wilbur's story, except that we got him very quickly after the foster mom did. (He was with the same Foster mom that Star had!)

09-01-2003, 08:27 AM
Wow, these are great stories!:) thanks for sharing!~

09-01-2003, 08:32 AM
i got my Jesse for christmas. my parents went to a shelter or a petshop, (i don't remember which) when she was three months. for about 2-3 days she had to stay at my dad's construction shop, then on christmas morning; she came! my parents planned to put her in a wrapped box with the lid able to flip up. but she ended up jumping out and running around. (thats what woke me up on christmas, the click clack of her nails on the linuliem.) :rolleyes: :D :p

09-01-2003, 09:24 AM
We got Jake from a breeder. They were keeping him to show, but then realized he was going to be oversized, and they decided to sell him. He's extremely large for a Sheltie.

We got Pepper from our local shelter. She was a sweet little black poodle/terrier mix. She was older and apparently had been well-loved at one time, because she sure was spoiled!

We got Max from a shelter about 2 hours from here. Our shelter didn't have any dogs we felt a connection to, so we drove to another one which we heard was good and we met Max.

09-01-2003, 10:01 AM
penny was a freebie*mum met a woman who had JRTx pups*

clover was $20 out of the newspaper, mum was a pure rotti who got *knocked up* by a red heeler

and theodore *so ashamed* was from a pet shop, we got him about 12 months ago, he is suppose to be a pure bred chihuahua but is ALOT bigger than he should be .

and our next dog is coming from working stock from a sheep farm, they are border collies :D cant wait

Toby's my baby
09-01-2003, 02:06 PM
We got Thumper (sisters horse) for our birthday several years ago.

We got Cassie (my cat) off the street in and trailer park.

Mittens (sisters cat) is cassies baby

I dont know how we got Boo boo (our dog) because he was here when I was just a baby

and we got Austin ( my horse ) from a horse racer in Fargo, ND

09-02-2003, 06:50 PM
We got our Buddy off the street. He was abandoned I guess cause nobody claimed him after we put up flyers, ads in the papers and reported him to our S.P.C.A.
Fortuately for us, whoever owned him, was their loss but definitely our gain.
He is a Lhasa Apso and we've had him now for 10 years.
He is the most lovable little dog anyone could have. He is definitely a mommies boy as he is stuck to my side no matter what room I am in. If one of the cats come near me, Buddy will literally pushed them out of the way and pluck himself right on me.
He's such a silly little doggie and I love him sooooo much.

09-02-2003, 07:04 PM
a lady had 3 dogs two were related*sisters* Tikeyas aunt was spayed, and Tikeyas dad and mom mated and had tikeya and tikeyas sister and two brothers. I got her from the lady when she was 5 weeks old.

Dixie Belle
09-03-2003, 01:08 PM
Blue Boy is my husband's dog. His mom had a litter of Dalmation puppies, and let my husband have one. It was my husband's aunt that picked Blue out. He's been in the family for 11 years now.

We got Dixie Belle from a breeder. My husband and I each had pets coming into our marriage, but we wanted one that belonged to the both of us. My husband had picked out this really big male puppy, but there was Belle, sitting at my feet looking at me. I told my husband that I wanted her, and he laughed at me and told me the only reason I did was because she seemed to like me better than him. What does Belle do? At that comment, she gets up and walks over to him, sits at his feet and looks at him. Who could say no to that?

And Missie came from my husband's aunt and uncle. They had gotten her from a breeder. Missie's mother had died during birth, so Missie was totally hand raised. His aunt and uncle really didn't have time to spend with her and wanted to find her a home. My husband had been to their house and played with her, and when he found out was quick to tell them we wanted her. I never saw her until we picked her up. She has become my little princess, especally since I lost Prince.

09-03-2003, 02:01 PM
my thunder came as the result of a bad divorce settlement involving the breeder. The terms of the divorce said they were to sell the pups and divide the money, in order to keep her ex from getting a dime she gave me thunder..half of nothing is nothing, but thunder is priceless.

09-03-2003, 09:31 PM
shadow- well me, my mom and my brother were in west bank one summer, when my naighbors(and still good family friends even though we have not benn naighbores anymore for years now) anyway she was found wandering the allie, but she was soooooo small when she was found that my naighbor could not keep her, as they had 8 large breed dogs, and 20 cats(they later rehomed most of the animals with relatives, since they could no longer handle that many) so shadow was given to my dad, since he knew we had been looking for a dog anyway.

happy-I had been wanting my own dog since I was 8, I was told when I was older, so at 13 I wanted that dog now. I started researching breeds, and looking at the shelter, etc.. now at first I wanted wither a sky terrier, a silkie terrier, or a cavaleir king charles spanial. then I almost adopted a german short haired pointer, but he was gone by the time we got there with shadow. so we kept searching, while my mom was looking at ads at western feeds, she saw an add for border collies, so my mom went to the bank took out the right amount of money, and told me when I got home from school what she found and took me that night after dancing, we drove all the way to keystown, and found the kennel, then I got to see the puppys, happy crawled on my lap right away, and her sister punch came to play, happy just wanted to cuddle, and was very submissive, I fell in love with happy, and begged my mom, she finally agreed and all the papers and garentees were typed up and printed for us, along with a large bag of food, etc.. and happy came home with me(she still crawls on my lap now like that now :) )

perky-well after happy started flyball my mom wanted a flyball dog of her own, so she went to the shelter and fell in love with perky, we brought shadow and happy to see her, and home she came(she bite me the day we brought her home, so we were not on good terms from the start lol)

Ripley- well my mom hated seeing perky always bein gcarried around so she went to the shelter and found Ripley, she called my dad at work and my dad ordered her to take Ripley that instant, he is now the flyball dog not perky lol.

misty- my mom decided that I needed another dog, so she started looking, and found misty also at western feeds, she called and we came to see them fell in love with misty and put a deposit on her until she was old enugh to leave her mom. :D

09-04-2003, 09:41 AM
Sierra I found at a GSD Rescue through Petfinder.

Buddy I found at a local kill shelter, they had keept him 8 days longer than they should have.
(The big man upstairs must have told them I was comming!!)

;) :D