View Full Version : what is the best site to........

01-07-2002, 06:57 PM
Can you guys tell me what is the best and easiest site to do your own personal web page?? I have 1 through msn communities and the other with homestead. Homestead wanted me to pay and I said "forgeeettt about it" and it took forever to do anything on the site anyway. MSN communities is just not user friendly, I find. So I would like to hear what you have all found to be the best one, okay??

01-07-2002, 07:39 PM
I had the same problem, when I tried to make Sadie a webpage! Try www.geocities.com (http://www.geocities.com) , I think it's still free, and it's easy! ;) Good luck! :)

01-07-2002, 08:36 PM
Carla, I have a community on msn and I haven't had any trouble at all, it has picture albums, and you can do all kinds of things. If you want to look at mine its http://communities.msn.com/fortheloveofdogs
I kept my Homestead, but it did cost me 29.95, but I think I will just let it expire. Too many free places to go to. I tried Geocities, but it was too complicated for me.

01-08-2002, 11:00 AM
I've used geocities.com (http://www.geocities.com/) for a long time, but I can't stand their ads anymore. I just made a website with tripod.com (http://www.tripod.com) and I like it very much! :)

01-08-2002, 11:30 AM
Like many of us, I have my albums with Webshots.com. It's still free and very easy to use.

01-08-2002, 11:46 AM
I have websites on Geocities and Tripod. They are nice for being free.

I'm having a hard time with Webshots. It's only letting me have two albums. And I can't find a link anywhere to add more. Do I have to pay to have more albums?


01-08-2002, 12:14 PM
I have made two websites on geocities my Hound House website (wich you can see by hitting one of the banners below)

and my brothers website (wich Im still working on) at Exciter Designz (http://www.geocities.com/exciter_designz) for his air brushing

I have had no problems with them at all, its free and very easy.

Geocities (http://www.geocities.com)

01-08-2002, 03:36 PM
I love making pages :] Geocities is good, but it gives those annoying geocities things in the corner. www.Envy.nu (http://www.Envy.nu) is good, probably one of the better ones i've used. Hmm..most you have to pay for now >:[ www.brinkster.com (http://www.brinkster.com) i think is free. Hmmm..yeah..Envy is probably my fav, but it can be slow, and doesn't allow offsite linking

01-08-2002, 03:55 PM
Dear Kim,

The easiest way I know of to add albums on Webshots is click the tab that says "My Photos". Leftmost area is labelled "Add a new album" and follow directions from there. No additional charge for new albums that I've seen.

Good luck. Feel free to e-mail me if I've been unclear. (Note: slow response to e-mail, drat it. Home computer's hosed and work blocks personal email access...)

[ January 08, 2002: Message edited by: AmberLee ]

01-08-2002, 03:59 PM
Hi again sry. Here an example of the pages envy.nu allow or whatever ;] lol, an OLD oold..very insane page of mine.. lol

01-08-2002, 04:31 PM
Good suggestions everyone. I really have to get my backside in gear and sit down and finish one for a change!! LOL!

Sarah, what happened to your signature???

01-09-2002, 01:10 PM
Well, I thought it was a little too big, but I'll add something else to it! :)