View Full Version : We're getting a mutt!!!!

08-31-2003, 04:45 PM
Some of you might remember how my mom was really hoping to get a Westie. Well she took a Westie Profiler online which is supposed to determine if you are a sutible owner for one. Well she got a 60 out of 100.

After that she decided to think it over and decided we will be getting a mutt from my local pound.

We are going to wait for a bit because we are doing some renovations.

The only thing we are shooting for is a girl and a golden coat color.


08-31-2003, 04:56 PM
That's so great you guys are rescuing. Good luck and keep us updated. :)

08-31-2003, 05:24 PM
That's wonderful news!!!:) Just think of the lucky rescue who ends up with your Mom!! Please let us know how the search goes!

08-31-2003, 07:08 PM
I'm glad you chose to rescue rather than to buy a dog from a breeder. You'll be glad, too! Mix-breeds have such personality and charm.

08-31-2003, 09:05 PM
Yea I'm happy we're rescuing too! I don't have anything against good breeders but thinking of all those poor dogs who have to be put to sleep...it really makes me sad.

Even though my mom said she wanted a girl with a golden coat she was saying how she would probably fall in love with the first dog she sees. That's fine with me! I'll just be happy to have another dog to love!

Though are first place to look is at the pound we will also we looking on Pet finder.com just to see if any dogs on there catch our eyes.


08-31-2003, 09:20 PM
That is great. I'm always happy to hear about another rescue adoption.

08-31-2003, 09:26 PM

I feel in love with this happy girl! My mom is watching a tennis game so I'm going to print it for her. :D


08-31-2003, 11:11 PM
Hooray for you! I love mutts cause you get the best of breeds combined! You'll know the right dog. I also was looking for another golden colored male. All the pups were fabulous and lovely, but when I made eye contact with Logan and she did a sit/down on commands, that was it! I think she was on her best behavior that day!!! :D :rolleyes: No regrets at all!! I always doubted "you'll know" but it's very true....they actually find YOU! Logan pegged me for a sucker from the start!!! :p ;) :D

09-01-2003, 09:15 AM
Winnie looks beautiful and sweet! Is she in your area?

Everybody's right when they say "you'll know" when you meet the right dog at the shelter. I got Max and Pepper (now deceased) from the shelter. Both times, I felt it immediately.

The people at the shelter were puzzled when I chose Pepper. They didn't think anybody would want her - she was all matted and dirty. But when she saw me her little butt started wagging - she just went crazy! I couldn't take her right away because they had to give her former owners time to claim her, so I brought in some blankets and a dogloo for her (the shelter is very cold in the winter). I asked if I could bring her home and introduce her to Jake before I made up my mind and, since I had visited the shelter so many times, they trusted me. I got her out to the car and she jumped in right away. She was such a smart, sweet little dog - with so much character.

When I got Max, the people at the shelter didn't think I'd be able to handle him. He's big and extremely strong. But I felt such a connection to him. When I tried to walk him at the shelter, he saw an open truck door in the parking lot. He took off like a bat out of heck and pulled me right down on my face! Then he jumped in that open truck and sat there waiting for somebody to give him a ride. They were right - he is extremely hard to handle, but he's worth every bit of effort and training. He's the best dog anybody could ever ask for. Beautiful and strong and courageous and loyal and playful.

I got Jake from a breeder. I love him and he's a sweet dog, but he doesn't have half the character of Max and Pepper.

09-01-2003, 10:13 AM
Yup Winnie is in my area!

I'm hoping we'll go and check her out!
