View Full Version : Dreams

07-25-2001, 08:28 AM
As most of you probably know, my boxer Rocky, went to the Rainbow Bridge on May 7, 2001. I'm still dreaming about him every night. Is this normal? This is the first time I've experienced the death of a pet. I wonder how long this will go on? Every day something reminds me of him. I wish this would go away. :(

Dixie Belle
07-25-2001, 10:04 AM
Usually after the death of one of my pets I would have a dream about them. I always felt like they were just telling my goodbye. Yes, it is normal, I think. If it is not, then don't worry, because you are not the only one.

07-25-2001, 12:48 PM
It hasn't even been three months yet. That's normal. I was still "cryin' my eyes out in the shower" at that time. It takes a long time. Hang in there. We are all with you.

Daisy's Mom
07-26-2001, 01:35 AM
Tanya I am sorry you still have sad dreams :( We are all here for you okay?

When my beloved little hamster died when I was twelve, I dreamed about him for a while. Then in February of this year, one of my friends was killed in a car accident. He was in and out of my dreams for at least a month. I can't say that I mind; it gives you a chance to see your beloved friends once more. Keep your chin up Tanya. It does get easier.

07-27-2001, 03:38 PM
Tanya, Wow...your Rainbow Bridge letter has tears welled up in my eyes. I was hoping my husband wouldn't come into the room and see tears in my eyes because to explain why....he would not understand. I had a jet black cat when I lived on my own and then we moved to Las Vegas. On December 20th, 1993 I decided to go to the grocery store to get some stuff to make cookies. I walked outside and called to him and he didn't come and then I waited there a moment and he still didn't come so I went to my car and started it up. The car made a funny noise and for some strange reason I shut the car off and opened the door and I heard him "meow". He ended up dieing from being in the engine fan and that was the worst day of my life. Can you imagine something so terrible happening like that?? I also had dreams of him too and eventually they went away with time. I had the hardest time going to my car and starting up the engine. I would always smack on the hood and make some weird noise for the months after that (because the people who lived below us had a few cats). How horrible is that and to know that I caused his unbelievable death.
I wanted to make you a pet mat but in my prints I do not see a picture that resembles your Rocky. I would put the picture on the mat and then 1992~2001 with some paw prints on each side of the mat. Do you have a web page with your pets on it so I can see other pics of him??
Let me know and your letter was so endearing it nearly broke my heart!!

Daisy's Mom
07-28-2001, 12:45 AM
Purrfect Paws, I am so sorry! That must have been so incredibly awful for you! I am so glad you have sweet Lulu now to fill the void.

07-28-2001, 09:16 AM
PerfectPaws, what a horrible thing to happen to you. Here is my webshots album http://community.webshots.com/user/tanya1411