View Full Version : how do I get Tikeya used to the halti ??

08-31-2003, 01:00 AM
please help, she really doent like it, and my mom got it for me as an early birthday present because she knew how much I wanted one. now I am so dissapointed :(:(.. Tikeya doesnt like dog treats or food while she is stressed and the halti makes her VERY stressed.

I took the halti out of the package and then read the lil booklet thing, then took her out for a walk aropund the block with it on, she went about half way befor freaking out, I feel so bad.

I am such a stupid person, please help me fix this !!

08-31-2003, 01:05 AM
If she doesn't like it then just don't use it. Simple.

08-31-2003, 01:12 AM
i know but ppl were telling me to not give up, and not to bring it back because she will and can get used to it, but how??

08-31-2003, 01:31 AM
I guess just walking her with it and making her uncomfortable and stressed over and over she will eventually get used to it.

08-31-2003, 01:42 AM
Don't give up on it! No dog ever likes it at first. I have yet to see a dog who doesn't try to paw at it and get it off for awhile when you first start using one.

Just let her wear it around the house while you can supervise her. Don't start trying to walk her on it yet. When you put it on, be sure to give her lots of good treats. You can try only putting it on her when she eats her meals. That way she can start associating wearing it with good things.

Its important to never take it off while she's pawing at it or trying to get it off. That will reward her for doing that and then she'll always try to get it off. When she is calm and ignoring it, then you can take it off.

Don't worry, I'm sure she'll get used to it soon.

08-31-2003, 01:50 AM
Thanks Aly for your great advice! I was waiting for someone to step in here, with more experience than I, to encourage TM not to give up!

08-31-2003, 02:41 AM
ok she has it on right now, but she odesnt have the muzzewl part on, ugh she keeps pawing it downward and off. I am going to give her hoytdog with her halti :). thanks for the advise, keep it coming please ;)

08-31-2003, 03:00 AM
my mom hasnt actually seen a halti in real life intull like 5 min ago, I was trying to give tikeya hotdog while wearing her halti, and my mom freaked out, saying this "that is sooo mean, I dont like that on her, take it off, TAKE it off" she continued saying "take it off I dont like it" for the next 5 min, so I did. and she was like " I am taking it back it is mean", :( what a waist :(:*(

08-31-2003, 03:10 AM
Explain to her something about the Halti and how it works. Halti's can look like MUZZLES to those who don't know what they are! Explain that it does not restrict Tikeya's mouth movement at all and merely directs her head ! If you have a dog that pulls it seems to me to be a lot more humane to easily lead them from their head rather than tugging strongly on their neck and having them barely budge! Please have her at least read the materials that came with the Halti. If its some "knock off" brand there may not be anything helpful included, but look in whatever pamphlet for some data that will show you're Mom that Halti's are NOT CRUEL!

T_M, check out these links:

08-31-2003, 03:20 AM
I showed my mom thoughs sites. but she still doesnt care she doesnt like it :(..

I give up. the sites were good though thanks for trying to help ..

08-31-2003, 07:33 AM
Just like puppies need to get used to collar and leash, it takes some time for dogs to get used to the halti. I am a big believer in the halti/gentle leader type collars. I feel they are the most humane training collar. Taking the pressure away from the neck can prevent damage to the dogs trachea, especially if he/she is a puller.

08-31-2003, 08:05 AM
aww that sucks...I don't know if you still can convince her but maybe you should tell her how good it really was for us. I got the halti to take pressure off his neck. I noticed that Kai would 'weeze' after/during a walk. And Kater is sooo right. The halti doesn't restrict the dog from doing anything except pulling your arm off. The dog can still breath, pant, drink and bark. The thing only guides the head to where you want to go instead of trying to pull the dog back to you. If head goes to one spot, body follows.

08-31-2003, 08:10 AM
Bella is a successful Halti user and I couldn't be happier with it. Before the Halti she took me for a walk. She caught on to the idea very quickly. On our first walk using the Halti she got the idea by the time we got to the end of the driveway and walks are a pleasure now. She seems to forget about it while we are walking but if we are not moving, like sitting in the waiting room at the vet's, she tries to get it off. :rolleyes:

Haltis can cause problems with the vertebra in the dog's neck if used improperly and it is easy to see how that could happen with a dog who is really fighting it.

I have to laugh when I am walking her with this on. So many people will sort of 'stand back' when we go by because they think it's a muzzle and I am walking a terribly vicious doggie. :)

Here's Bella modeling her Halti. :)


08-31-2003, 08:30 AM
Hey Bella, remember....models get PAID! Name your price....

08-31-2003, 10:27 AM
Originally posted by tikeyas_mom
I showed my mom thoughs sites. but she still doesnt care she doesnt like it :(..

I give up. the sites were good though thanks for trying to help ..
Without talking back to her or being rude could you ask her to explain what exactly she doesn't like about it? Have her explain herself and defend her opinion. I honestly don't think she has any good reason not to like it if you have showed her that information. Perhaps she is worried about other people seeing Tikeya wearing the Halti and them thinking she is muzzled. The thing is, these collars are not new any more and are really quite common.

Ugh, I'm sorry T_M, I know parents can be frustrating sometimes. :(

Aspen and Misty
08-31-2003, 10:38 AM
Originally posted by aly
I have yet to see a dog who doesn't try to paw at it and get it off for awhile when you first start using one.

I have, he didn't really even care about it at all. LOL.

I love my Haltie, I wouldn't trade it for the world. We have trouble with Nova because we rollerblade alot in which I encourage her to pull by say "Go, Go, Go" and she will pull harder and harder (I do help her out btw) But when we go out places I find that Nova needs to be reminded she may only pull while on her Harness. So I use the hatlie for pobly about only 10 to 15 mins at the begining and she is pretty good the rest of the time. She is learning quickly not to pull on her chocker/haltie and to pull while on her harness. It's funny, I let people who don't now much about the Haltie walk Nova on her Choker and then we'll stop and put her Haltie on and let them walk her on that and then in about 5 mins put her back on her choker and they are all amazed at how well she does afterwards.

I love the Haltie and Nova has to because she goes on walks every night now because of it.


08-31-2003, 11:08 AM
Looks like I need to get Katie a Halti, Katie is a 100% puller. Poor thing is always wheezing and painting heavily because she gets choked by her collar when she pulls. I have a question-
Where can you get Haltis that let you bring your dog to try it on? kinda like petsmart or petco? We dont live close to them. Does anyone from Ohio know a closer place? Thanks :)

08-31-2003, 11:16 AM
I found this map on petsmart...Maybe it is close to me...

Im located were it says St.Marys can sombody help me? where is petsmart at?

08-31-2003, 11:30 AM
Nearest PETsMART to St. Marys, Ohio:
Huber Heights, OH
8281 Old Troy Pike

Nearest PETCO to St. Marys, Ohio:
6655 Sawmill Road
Dublin, OH 43017

To get step-by-step directions from your house you can use
http://www.maps.yahoo.com OR http://www.mapquest.com

08-31-2003, 12:05 PM
TM - If you think you absolutely can't convince your mom, then I'd recommend getthing the Sporn No Pull harness. It goes under the shoulders. Be sure to get the padding that you can put on the straps.

Here is a link to what it looks like:


08-31-2003, 12:36 PM
Aly, the harness I use on Bob isn`t the same brand name but other than that is exactly the same!! :)

TM, Bob is a very strong dog (it is little know fact that Springers have been used to pull sledges!), anyway, I have found that particular harness very good to use on walks where I don`t want to keep him very close but still retain control.
As for a head-halter, I find it to be invaluable in taking Bob out when I want to keep full control, amongst people/traffic etc. I don`t use the Halti, though I have done, the one I use is called a Komfi Dogalter and has a padded nose band. The one I want to get is this one...


....but it is a bit too pricey for me right now! :)

08-31-2003, 12:46 PM
Thankyou Kater for the info!! :)

08-31-2003, 01:26 PM
Aly I have a no pull harness :).

08-31-2003, 01:32 PM
Originally posted by tikeyas_mom
Aly I have a no pull harness :).

Does it work for Tikeya?

08-31-2003, 07:16 PM
Max is so big and strong that, one day when he wasn't wearing his halti, he took off after a cat and got my fingers caught in the leash and shattered my left ring finger. At first we thought there was only 1 break, but when I went back for more x-rays we found three breaks! I had to have surgery and everything.

He also injured my husband and both of my children while they were trying to walk him. He's not a bad dog - he just occasionally tries to take off unexpectedly. With the halti on, even a little kid could control him.

He absolutely hated it at first. We just left it on him day and night until he got tired of fighting it. Now he doesn't even notice it. In fact, he's lying at my feet right now with it on - sleeping! Now we enjoy walking him and playing with him so much that he goes everywhere with us and has so much more fun. His life is much more enjoyable now that we enjoy taking him so many different places.

08-31-2003, 11:29 PM
My dad didn't like the look of the Halti, but he thought it was a hell of alot better then choaking the dog.

I was in TO a few yrs back & almost every single dog I saw was wearing one, even jack russles.

Max only rubs hin muzzle when I take it off, hes fine when hes on walks, & he has never been able to get out of it. Hes 9 1/2 yrs old & he'll sit there & wait untill u put the halti on him.

09-01-2003, 03:44 PM
the halti I have smushes Tikeyas eyes :(:(. it hurts her :(. I dont really like it :o. My mom hates it ...

The no pull harness is ok!.

09-01-2003, 04:12 PM
Originally posted by tikeyas_mom
the halti I have smushes Tikeyas eyes :(:(. it hurts her :(

Sounds like you have the wrong size.

09-01-2003, 05:43 PM
You might need the smaller size, if it closing her eye.

Max has gotten use to that, I don't have much choice in getting the bigger one for him, the one made for him doesn't fit his muzzle. Max has a very thick muzzle & a large mouth.

U should tell ur mom what is on the market for dogs that pull

1. choaker (doesn't work well)
2. spiked choaker (works mericals)
3. halti (takes time but also works mericals)
4. harness's (didn't work for me, nor the other dogs I tried it on, however I've seen it work fine on smaller dogs)

09-01-2003, 06:02 PM
Originally posted by tikeyas_mom
the halti I have smushes Tikeyas eyes :(:(. it hurts her :(. I dont really like it :o. My mom hates it ...

The no pull harness is ok!.

It shouldn't do that at all. You probably have it fitted wrong or need to get the next size bigger. They are very hard to fit properly the first time you do it, so you might want to see if you know anyone that can help.

09-01-2003, 06:22 PM
The one I have for Nebo is a size smaller then what it says for huskies...same with Lady's...

I believe they are both a size 2. You may have too large of a size if it's in front of her eyes.