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View Full Version : Haltis, I got one for Tikeya today.

08-30-2003, 05:25 PM
Since I have herd so much good things about haltis I desided to get one to try out, I havent been out for a walk with Tikeya yet today because it is much to hot for her, but later on tonight we are going to try it out :D. I hope it will help with her husky instinct to pull and stuff. maybe this halti will help her with her submissive behavior towards me and my family .. :confused: who here has a halti???

08-30-2003, 05:34 PM
I haven't been able to find one that fits Darlin!! Plus, when we tried them out at the store, she tugged and pulled. She just hated it, so we're just gonna stick to leashes. ;)

08-30-2003, 05:37 PM
well I cant find a halti that would fit oscar either I mean shih tzus have a small lil muzzle with hardly any spcae to spare for a halti, so I can understand that ;), how it going with that GSD?? :confused:

08-30-2003, 05:57 PM
What GSD?? :confused: We never adopted one! :D
I'm not seto na GSD anymore, I just want to rescue a dog and that's it. Doesn't matter what breed. :)

08-30-2003, 07:32 PM
Yes, Ruby has a halti. She wasn't too thrilled about it at first, but it has been EXTREMELY helpful with her tugging problem. Sometimes she still gets annoyed with it, but I know she is still enjoying her walks. :)

08-30-2003, 09:56 PM
omg I just tookl her for her first walk with the halti, and I hate it, hate is a string words I know, buit I HATE this thing with a passion. Tikeya went nuts when I took her out with it on, she flipped out, she went crazy snarling with her teeth beared and It was soo hard for me to get it off of her without being bitten!! I almost got attacked by my own dog!! Tikeya isnt like this :(:(. she hated that thing so much :(:(. I am taking it back. :mad::mad: stupid halti.

08-30-2003, 11:03 PM
I have one for Kai. I only use it when we don't walk at busy places. He tries to pull back when we're around places he's not use to, including busy roads/sidewalks. He can slip out if he really tried. He's done it before.

At first, Kai didn't like it but he thought differently after a few sticks of pepperoni. If you haven't taken it back yet, why don't you just let her wear it in the house for a while? Just let her get use to it. Then you can walk around the yard or something with a leash attached.

Anywho, I love my halti. The only thing I don't like is that Kai can slip out with some tugging. Other than that, he walks WAYYYYY nicer. It's so much easier to walk with him when he's wearing it.

08-30-2003, 11:04 PM
tikeyas_mom u did it all wrong!!!!!
u can't just stick it on a dog & take it out for a walk & expect a merical!.. ur supose to put it on her in her home & let her run around for a while with it on. It takes time to get use to it, u really scared her. Get lots of treats or ppl food she loves & it'll take her mind off it. But u can't pull on it nor tighten it while shes getting use to it. She needs to learn not to fear it... give it alittle longer, before u return it.

08-30-2003, 11:08 PM
does these Haltis make is easier to go for walks if your dog is a puller, tugger?? Katie needs one!!

08-30-2003, 11:13 PM
Amber, yep. Kai was a MAJOR puller (and still is without the halti). When he wears it, he's an angel. He heels while we walk.

08-30-2003, 11:23 PM
cool, Katie is always pulling because she just "has" to get to that spot so she can piddle!! I swear katie always pees 21 times around the block!! Its crazy!!~ lol

08-30-2003, 11:27 PM
Oh ya I forgot to say this in my other post, it u have a small dog, u buy a big halti & u turn it into a choaker-harness, it did wonders to my x-neighbours & their pulling Snauzer (sp not a clue). Choakers choaked him too much & he was too small for a halti. So I came up with turning it into a choaking-harness, Heres some pics of how it should look.

Since I don't live with Max, I'll put it on Fred, my stuffy.

What a halti should look like on a dog.

& heres what it should look like as a choaking-harness.

Hopes this info helps :)

08-31-2003, 12:47 AM
I hate haltis. It did nothing to stop Timber from pulling. She works way better on her harness. She can also get out of it by pulling backwards. She pulls back, bends her head down so the straps goes up and it comes off. Which is dumb, considering this thing is too tight on her. BUT it works better when I take her to an area with dogs. On the harness, if she REALLY wanted to, she could drag me to China. But the halti, although she still pulls, her strength doesn't overpower mine. So it's better in places where she will want to pull but be too excited to remember how to get it off lol.

I've found that many people have had problems with the halti coming off. My grandma had one (she has a shi tzu, and she had one that fit :confused: ) but Tia kept pulling it off.

08-31-2003, 12:58 AM
I havent returned it yet, but I am gunna on monday.
the store is closed on sundays and it is past 5:00 pm here.

I have to wait till monday. ... .... .

08-31-2003, 11:13 PM
My friend's german shorthair, Lady, is the worst puller I've ever seen. She tried pulling harnesses and other things, which did not work. Finally she tried the halti. It worked WONDERS for that dog. You couldn't even take her for a walk before...

I have a halti for Nebo also. He walks perfectly with that on...with the exception of stopping every now and then to scratch at it. He's never even come close to getting it off, nor has Lady.

You need to let the dog get used to it, as well as praise and treats....not just put it on and walk them on it....

09-02-2003, 10:41 AM
I prefer the harness. Works really well and is very secure.