View Full Version : PJ's new web page

PJ's Mom
01-07-2002, 07:50 AM
Hello everyone. I just dropped by to invite you all to see PJ's new website here: http://moomy.htmlplanet.com/index.html

I'm just getting it started, and for some reason, Netscape has a problem with the fish page. :(

We'll be adding more pictures soon, and PJ will continue writing in his diary daily (or close to it) :D

Don't forget to sign the guestbook if you drop by. :)

We hope you like it! :)

PS, PJ asks that if you usually buy things from Petsmart.com that you do so through his page. We get 15% commission on everything that is sold, and he's hoping to earn enough money for some liver treats. ;) :D

[ January 07, 2002: Message edited by: PJ's Mom ]

01-07-2002, 11:09 AM
WOW! Talk about a beautiful family! (And a great camera/picture taker to boot! ;))

(I'm the first one to leave comments in the guestbook! :p ) lol

;) :D

01-07-2002, 01:43 PM
Oh my gosh! What a cute site. I absolutely LOOOOOOOOVE the pics of Barclay. Such great photography and a BEAUTIFUL subject!!! I love the one with the mouth open at the fish, hehee. You have beautiful fishtanks too.

01-07-2002, 02:02 PM
It's all wonderful!! Thanks so much for sharing it with us!! :D

01-07-2002, 05:54 PM
What a great job!!! It's really so special. Thanks for putting up the link. I love P.J.'s diary!! And your photos are gorgeous :) Every creature is a beauty. Love to your group!!

01-07-2002, 08:16 PM
Great job!!! ;) I love the site! All of the pictures are sooo cute! And, I love PJ's Diary!

PJ's Mom
01-08-2002, 06:30 AM
Thank you all for the compliments! Thank you also, for taking the time to visit. I'm working on a totally new design for a new site without the banners and pop-ups. :)

01-08-2002, 07:34 AM
I love PJ's new website. PJ is so cute and I just love the diary. He!He!He! :D

PJ's Mom
01-08-2002, 08:59 AM
Thanks, Souraya. :D

I think he enjoys writing in his "diaree". ;)

01-08-2002, 10:10 AM
Hey PJ, any suggestions on things to do with the Cocker that I found 2 weeks ago running around the neighborhood? He seems to be older. Very bad teeth, although Mike seems to think that they are getting better since we found him. He growls and snarls, but never bites occasionally when you pick him up and he always does if Mike gets close. But, he always wants to sit on your lap or sleep by your feet or by your head if you're in bed. We're trying to find him a good home, because we both think he needs to be somewhere where he gets more attention than he can get here with 14 other dogs.

PJ's Mom
01-08-2002, 10:51 AM
Mugsy...he sounds just like my Opus! :(

What I should've done was call a Cocker rescue. What I did was try to keep him here. He had to be put to sleep. :( :(

PJ's Mom
01-15-2002, 07:17 PM
PJ's webpage has moved!! This page is bigger and better, and he had to come by Pet Talk to invite you all to take a look.

The address is
We hope you'll stop by. :D

01-15-2002, 07:45 PM
PJ- Your site is really cool! I have Kitty Siblings also! I see you are a Computer User also... me too.

- Louie

PJ's Mom
01-16-2002, 06:58 AM
Thank you, Lou. Welcome to Pet Talk! :)

01-16-2002, 09:04 AM
The new site looks great! I love the little dog houses. :D

PJ's Mom
01-16-2002, 09:48 AM
Thanks! They were PJ's idea. :D