View Full Version : How can you tell?

08-30-2003, 03:40 PM
How can you tell if a dog has been abused? I adopted Zeke when he was around 6 mnths old..I've never hit him or anything, ever. Small things that i wouldn't think scare dogs, scare him..for example, I took the broom out to sweep. He just finished eatting so I went to let him out, just holding it by myside and he ran to the door and looked scared..After he came in, he ran upstairs and was in his bed..he seems to do that when hes scared, like if I vacuum. When we first got him, if he was bad I'd clap my hands loud together and tell him no in a firm voice..he didn't like it if you yelled at him..it seemed to scare him too...he doesn't do that now, just puts his ears back..Do you think hes just afraid? If we go to pat him he doesn't lower his head or anything like we're going to hit him..just things like that..he shouldn't be afraid of a broom, it doesn't make a noice, it was raised like it was going to hit him or anything..I don't get it..

08-30-2003, 05:29 PM
well I saw an akita today with his owner, and the akit was VERY hand shy, he looked very nerviouse when My hand went near his nose so he could sniff it, I think he was hit in the face when he was a baby. :eek:, My dog Tikeya, I think she has a scary insident with a gun or somthing befor we got her because when ever my brother has his cap guns out, she hides :eek:.

Lil things that scare a dog you should look out for, that can be a HUGE sign that it was abused in the past. But you never know, some dogs even though they were abused, dont show any signs of it :).

08-31-2003, 08:19 AM
And some dogs who never were abused act as if they were.

I say this because my Tizzie, who was born in my house and never spent a day anywhere else was always such a sensitive soul. Whenever we would get out a fly swatter to go after a fly, she would turn tail and slink away. My husband and I had to laugh because she acted as if she had been beaten with it, yet she had never known anything but love and tenderness. We had to even be careful not to use a tone of voice that was too stern, because she would be crushed.

I'm not saying that many dogs aren't abused because I know they are, but there are a few who are just very sensitive and need to be treated with much care and restraint in correction. I guess that is the same way that you need to treat those who have been abused.

08-31-2003, 08:39 AM
I have had Sierra for 1 1/2 years, she was dumped and left by someone who had more than likely abused her. She is very head shy (if people go to pet her on the head, she'll duck and weave her head out of the way of the person's hand) And if you raise your hand to do something, sometimes she thinks your going to hit her, and she'll pin her ears back and squint her eyes.
It's so sad to see, but when it happens, my husband and I still stop what ever were doing and pet her and tell her she's okay, and give her lovins!!! It's been a long time since she's been here at out house and she still remembers being beat!

08-31-2003, 08:48 AM
posted by Rachel:And some dogs who never were abused act as if they were.>>>>>>>>

It is very possible that Zeke had a bad experience before
you adopted him.
At the same it could be as Rachel suggested.
Dog's have a genetic map, and some are just
timid and others are not.

Sheba is on the shy side, socializing helped.
It took me 3 months of work, to get Sheba to walk over
a man hole cover. :eek:

08-31-2003, 08:53 AM
As Rachel said, some dogs are just "born" shy. The Sheltie where I work does NOT like anyone reaching over his head, will turn his head, back up - do anything to avoid it. He's never been abused, came straight from his breeder into a loving home, just DOESN'T like a hand near his head. If you reach from the side, you can pet his head all you want, just not if you reach over his face. He is also afraid of a lot of things. Never abused, just born a scaredy-dog!

Perhaps Zeke is just that way, or perhaps he was abused, we'll never know. Is the broom usually out where he can see it? Miss Hoppy attacks the broom if I leave it out, but it IS made of straw - aka HAY! :)

08-31-2003, 12:10 PM
It is virtually impossible to tell for sure if a dog has been abused. Most of the time you can determine a pretty accurate guess. But there are lots of people who jump to the conclusion that a dog is abused when usually it is just unsocialized. If the previous owner didn't take the puppy out of their house, or even out of their backyard, there will be lots of things the puppy has never been exposed to. Also, for dogs that grow up in shelters and aren't socialized by the staff/volunteers, they can wind up with extremely fearful personalities. Its really sad. People just don't understand the importance of socialization.

08-31-2003, 12:44 PM
Rachel is right. Dogs who have never been abused are afraid of certain things. Carina came to live with me from the breeder's house at the age of six months and never had anything but love in her life. However, she's also afraid of the broom and brown paper bags.:rolleyes: Whenever I come back from grocery shopping and put the bags down on the floor, she runs away, although she knows there's always a treat for her. She has to wait until I take everything out and put away the bags to come back to the kitchen.
P.S. Ever since she was a puppy, Carina has been afraid of squeaky toys and balls larger than a tennis ball.

08-31-2003, 12:57 PM
He is fine around people and dogs. I wouldn't say he was abused in the fact that he's so happy and seems so happy weather you just pat him on the head, or big him a big hug and snuggle. He loves everyone and loves playing with dogs.

The broom is always out where he can see it :x lol He seems to be afraid of a lot however, esp. loud noice..which makes sense, Jo is somewhat afraid of loud noices too. But a broom..I don't know..he looks so afraid when I was holding it, and I've never hit him once.

08-31-2003, 05:34 PM
Ringo's afraid of the broom and the Vaccum cleaner:rolleyes: :D

08-31-2003, 10:19 PM
Nebo doesn't like people petting him that he doesn't know.....even people he knows sometime. I wouldn't call him "hand shy" but if some stranger just reaches down to pat his head, he'll move his head away like "what are you doing?" A lot of dogs don't really like to be petted on the head first. And Nebo does not normally care for strangers, especially men.

He's also afraid of the vacuum cleaner....and Reggie is afraid of any loud noises, and odd things like balloons. Many dogs are afraid of noises like thunder, gunshots, fireworks, etc. and it's not necessarily because they had a bad experience.

Neither have been abused, we've had them both since they were pups....I think sometimes it may just be the way a dog is born, or of course, how socialized they were. After meeting Nebo's mom again, I can tell he's a *lot* like her in personality. His dad was very very friendly with us, and she wasn't...she didn't know us.

08-31-2003, 11:05 PM
I totally agree with Rachel, it's genetic mapping. But I shamefully admit that even though I had Cody at 4 weeks and he was afraid of absolutely nothing, he wasn't well socialized, as I didn't know better :( :o Logan hates cameras..even the sight of one-it's amazing I even got pictures...stares when lights go on (kept in a dark garage at night) and panics at flashlights, which I carry if it's a late night walk. Above all, is PETRIFIED of the soda can with pennies, which I only have to mention! I take her everywhere so she's getting used to noises and people and is doing really well!!! I don't think she was mistreated, but Lord only knows what happened.