View Full Version : Stupid

08-29-2003, 07:11 PM
There are these three girls in my homeroom at school.

Complaint #1
There are two african american boys in my class. No big deal. At art today I was sitting with them and this other girl and we were laughing and everything and the three girls kept looking at them and rolling their eyes. When one of the guys asked what was wrong they all just ignored and :rolleyes: again and when he stood next to them when we were leaving for lunch she was like "Could you please get out of MY way"

Complaint #2
Noah, Adam, Kevin, Max, and Matt are these really funny guys in my class I've been talking too. Whenever they make a joke everyone laughs BUT those three girls. "Is that supposed to be funny"
And when one of them wore a shirt today that said "Eat people not animals" they did not get it was a J-O-K-E and avoided him all day and talked about him like he was actually a canabal.:rolleyes:

Complaint #3
Mr.D our teacher is really cool and is very passionate about the book we are reading Lord of the Flys. They talked about how scary he was and how they wanted to switch classes and be with a more sane teacher really LOUDLY and he looked like he heard and was sort of quiet for the rest of the day.

Sorry but I just needed to rant. I have a feeling no one else does like them....such a shame:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
