View Full Version : I'M SO MAD!

07-24-2001, 08:26 PM
I am so angry, just venting. This man on one of my Schnauzer sites, has 7 schnauzers and 4 schnauzer puppies. He was asking what should he do?
The dog who had the puppies is called Chelsea and he has had her for seven years, now he had her spade and he says she is fat and just wants to sleep and he don't have time for her. He is a home breeder and a lady came to see his puppies said she wanted to buy Chelsea because it looked like her dog that died in May. He don't know whether to sell her or not to this lady. Mind you her dog was old and being treated for cancer and fell into her swimming pool and drowned.
I told him off and what I thought of him, I'll probably get kicked off, but I don't really care.
To top it off, he said the lady wanted Chelsea because she looked exactly like her dead dog, and he said to me if I could sell you a dog that looked exactly like your "Kona" ( who crossed the rainbow bridge in October)wouldn't you want her? I said no, it wouldn't have Kona's personality and it wouldn't be Kona. There was only one Kona. I guess it takes all kinds of people to make up this world.
The only true animal and dog lovers are on this board. Sorry to vent like this. :(

[ July 25, 2001: Message edited by: jackiesdaisy1935 ]

07-24-2001, 08:45 PM
You are right, this is a good place to vent. People here "get it" about animals. That is why most of us hang around here! :)

I wasn't a pet person up until 10 years ago, when I got my first cat. Since then, some of the most valuable lessons I've learned were about PEOPLE, not just cats. The way people treat animals reflects their true spirit, in my opinion. In some cases, its a pretty ugly picture.

We may not be able to save them all, but we can keep the light of true caring alive by trying to help. Keep trying...and keep venting!!! :mad: We will listen!

07-24-2001, 08:58 PM
I totally understand your point. A 'real' breeder wouldn't sell any of their dogs to somebody who lets their dogs drown in their pool. :rolleyes: You can vent here, we understand.

07-25-2001, 08:55 AM
I'm with you, Jackie! And this is the place to come to vent, for sure! There are people who SAY they love animals. Then there are those who live their lives as true animal lovers and protectors! Good for you, giving him a piece of your mind!! :mad:

07-25-2001, 10:01 AM
Jackie, I think the question is who would Chelsea be better off with? My reaction, given the limited information is somewhat different. He doesn't want her because she is old and lays around!! The lady wants her despite that. The lady obviously cared about her other dog because she was having her treated for cancer. Not every dog owner goes that route when a dog gets seriously ill. The swimming pool situation could have been a tragic accident, not necessarily an instance of neglect. No, wanting a dog that looks like another dog is not an ideal reason to get a specific dog, but how often we find once we have our precious beings their own unique characteristics which we are drawn to and love, even if we are looking for a replication of a previous dog. It may be just me, but I see this dog having a far better chance at a quality life and much more love and attention with the lady than with her current owner, who doesn't seem to have much of a heart. Again, this is just my reaction to the limited information we have. What are your thoughts?

07-25-2001, 12:11 PM
My first thought on this was anger that this was the man's very first Schnauzer, she was seven years old had done her job with having puppies for him to sell during these years - he had her spayed, she was getting fat (who's fault was that?) she wanted to sleep a lot ( who wouldn't, who was a baby factory for years)and now he wanted to get rid of her to this lady, mind you not the decency to give her away with a little dignity but sell her. I'll grant you she was caring for the dog with cancer treatments, but where was everybody when the dog drowned in the pool, do they think the poor dog could walk up the pool ladder?
If the lady has taken steps so that accident couldn't happen again and she spent a little time with Chelsea to see how they would react to each other maybe it would work out.
Just because a dog looks exactly like your dog who passed away, does not mean it will have the same personality and be the same dog. We must open our minds to each dog who has a personality of his or her own.

07-25-2001, 01:20 PM
I'm on the same wavelength as Rachel.

While, it is cerainly a tragedy that the dog drowned, accidents do happen. I know a lady who ABSOLUTELY ADORES her dogs. One morning she let momma dog and her litter of pups out too pee (all the dogs slept inside). They had not been outside for more than 30 minutes when she went to let them back in for breakfast. Unfortunately, one of the pups never returned. He fell victim to the same fate--he had drowned in the pool. She was absolutely devestated!

I agree that it is the carelessness of the owner yet, sometimes this 'carelessness' is either overlooked or taken for granted. Suppose the pool had been there throughout the dogs life and the dog never bothered it/went near it. Or maybe it could've been that the dog was near the pool and had a seizure or some type of reaction to the medicine he/she was on. The possibilities are endless.

On the other hand, it does seem awfully cold-hearted of the man to 'dispose of' his 7yr companion!!!! :mad:

If you were to go back to the chat room, maybe you could suggest that he ASK what preventative measures the lady has taken to ensure that her future pets don't run into the same fate. Then, based on her answer, he could determine whether or not to 'get rid' of the dog.

Whatever the outcome, I hope the lil' dogs future begins to brighten.

07-25-2001, 02:24 PM
I did suggest that he set up a visit with the lady and Chelsea on a one to one basis to see if they were compatible and also ask her what measures she would take to see that something like that could never happen again, first time could be an accident, second time would be unforgivable.

I guess I am in my own little world, I could not imagine that 70% of people could give up their cats or dogs. What has happened to us, do we not care about any other living thing except ourselves?

07-25-2001, 02:35 PM
70% is way too high!!
Why would anyone give up their precious babies?! It seems so heartless! :mad:

Jackiesdaisy, will you keep us posted on what happens to the little dog?

07-25-2001, 02:56 PM
70% does seem high. Although I agree with much of the stuff PETA preaches about, for the most part they are far more extreme and radical then I agree with. There were some PETA supporters that went to a local dog show many, many years ago and slipped antifreeze into the water of all cages occupied by dogs because "a dead dog is more humane then a caged dog" (at least that's the story that I researched). They are very radical, and they don't agree with owning pets for any reason. "Animals should be free, not domesticated for the pleasure of humans" They love animals, that is for sure true, but they ban pet ownership in general. I don't trust the group, nor do I trust anything they come up with. Far too radical for my liking. I also tend to think they overexaturate (sp?) many things to prove a point. I could be way off though...the abandonment rate could be at 70%, it just seems pretty high to me. I somewhat see their point on animal domestication but only for non-domescated animals like birds, reptiles, exotic critters, marsupials, primates, etc. Dogs and cats are domesticated, and ferrets are pretty much domescated I think.

07-25-2001, 03:18 PM
I'm with you on this.....there's alot of cold hearted people out there....who could just "give away" one of your kids 'cause it didn't fit in your life anymore.....tough tittys....you make them fit.....I'm so sick of people that are like...I'm moving and the new place is too small to have a dog....(then get a bigger place dumbass)....people raise their kittens and puppies and you're literally their "parents" and then stupid people just "give 'em away" like nothin....and then the dog is confused and has behavior problems and scared and lost and everything he knows is gone...what the heck is that about...this Shnauzer guy needs to come to my house!!!!!!!!!!!! People like him should be sold to different countries.....see how they like it.....People really do disregard animal's feelings.....I just as soon step on 'em - than look at 'em..... :mad:
When you get an animal....you keep an animal.....that's just the bottom line....it shouldn't be an option....they're family and that's that.....We got one of those poll faxes here at work yesterday...I almost sent it back with a response....The guy who threw that dog into traffic 'cause he was fighting with the owner....I think somebody ought to throw his ass in to oncoming traffic....the bible says....an eye for an eye.....how wrong could it be? and like who cares if it is wrong? I don't....I love all animals...and will do whatever and take care of whatever and whoever comes my way!!!! Way to Go Spencer!!!!!! ;)

07-25-2001, 03:38 PM
I agree that the guy is an idiot and a total dweeb and should not own animals. But I don't think that the lady should be judged so harshly. Do we take away children from the parents who had a child drown in a pool. The dog, granted should have been being watched, could have been old and not feeling well due to the treatments, and accidently fallen in the pool. Of course, if the dog wasn't 100% or sick or had impaired vision it should have been watched, but does that mean she should never share her life with a dog again? At least she would be loved and given half a chance instead of being a washed up breeding sow, which is what she was for the guy.
Just the other night at 1am at work we had a 3 year special needs child come in via ambulance b/c she got sick and the mom put her in the bathtub, and went to clean up the mess, and the boyfriend went to give the other baby a bottle and when they went back in 3-5 min later she was seizing, blue and under the water. She has seizure disorder, diabetes and is blind. And the mom is pregnant again Now mind you that is 3 kids under the age of 3 with a special needs child. This was such a screwed up mess it was awful but noone is stopping her from having kids. And this woman who lost her beloved dog is getting a bad wrap.
Well, I am sorry to get on a tangent and I have probably said too much already, but the little girl was life flighted to a children's hospital and is doing fine. Thank God

[ July 25, 2001: Message edited by: shais_mom ]

07-25-2001, 03:45 PM
I think that bunnies should go on the domesticated list. Maybe not, but right now I can't see living w/out my Sophie. This has been a rough year for me and she's been my constant companion and comfort, offering plenty of bunny snuggles and kissies. Sweetie Girl!

I agree that PETA is very extreme! I've seen the 'sex and the kitty' video. While I didn't find the kitty "orgy" to be all that offensive, I definitely don't think it should've been aired on TV. Some parents aren't ready for their kids to see that--regardless of whether it's nature-taking-its-course. :eek:

And I must have "SUCKER" written across my forehead! There's a man who (sometimes) sits out in front of our local petshop and hands out PETA pamphletts to those coming out of the store. I ALWAYS end up getting one (and it's ALWAYS the same pamphlett)!

07-25-2001, 09:22 PM
WHOA!! Wait a minute. I must have missed something in all this..Jackiesdausy is mad
(rightfuly so) about an uncaring Schnauzer
person who would consider selling a 7yr old
dog that had 'served him so well) by producing a lot pups in her lifetime.I agree
it is heartless...but is after all a business
to some breeders.
BUT.. How did we switch to talking about
Kitty Sex Videos on a PETA website ????

PETA is very radical in it's attempts to
get people's attention to Animal Rights in

P.S. About the antifreeze in the drinking water...Show Me when and where this happened.
Newspaper article,press coverage,etc.The
only time some misguided individual might
do such a thing is in the case of Lab animals
who are used and abused and suffer terribly
until they die. PETA is radical in the
way issues are presented to people, but with
the 'today's culture' sometimes the 'hit in the head with a 2 by 4' is the only way to
get their attention.

07-25-2001, 09:52 PM
Yeah, we got off subject again...that seems to happen often here :p

Jackie, that man who ownes the schnauzer, by the way you describe it, seems to have no concern as to where his 7 year old companion goes to live. Sad. So sad. I do know that the woman who's schnauzer drown in a pool may have been just a horrendous acccident, leaving her completely empty, guilty, and grief stricken inside...or maybe it was not. The man should meet with any prospective owners and make 100% certain that they are true dog lovers. Sadly, not all people care enough to do what is right for their pets. And pets are the ones to suffer. I can understand your rage.

Daisy's Mom
07-26-2001, 02:27 AM
I think that the schnauzer would be better off with a woman who would care for and love her, rather than stay with a man who used her as a puppy-making machine and doesn't like her because she was boring and fat. Daisy can get as fat as she wants and sit around and do nothing all day, and there would still be NO WAY that I would give her up! As for the woman's other dog drowning, you can't be so hard on her. We don't know the whole story and it could have been a horrible accidetnt. Whether it was her fault or not, you still have to feel bad for her... her baby died and she misses it so much she is going for another dog that looks like it.

As for PETA, I also think they are a bit too radical. I never heard that antifreeze story. That's just wrong. Some people go way too far to make their point.

07-26-2001, 04:55 PM
Well most of the responses on the Schnauzer board were telling the man he should let Chelsea visit with the woman to see if they were compatible and also that he should ask if she has made some changes to her pool area for the safety of the dog.
His last answer was that he had not made up his mind yet whether to let Chelsea go and that his priority would be whatever would be best for Chelsea. I guess that's a step in the right direction. That is the last post he made.

07-26-2001, 10:06 PM
Originally posted by RachelJ:
<STRONG>Jackie, I think the question is who would Chelsea be better off with? My reaction, given the limited information is somewhat different. He doesn't want her because she is old and lays around!! The lady wants her despite that. The lady obviously cared about her other dog because she was having her treated for cancer. Not every dog owner goes that route when a dog gets seriously ill. The swimming pool situation could have been a tragic accident, not necessarily an instance of neglect. No, wanting a dog that looks like another dog is not an ideal reason to get a specific dog, but how often we find once we have our precious beings their own unique characteristics which we are drawn to and love, even if we are looking for a replication of a previous dog. It may be just me, but I see this dog having a far better chance at a quality life and much more love and attention with the lady than with her current owner, who doesn't seem to have much of a heart. Again, this is just my reaction to the limited information we have. What are your thoughts?</STRONG>

Gosh Rachel, I didn't even think about it that way. Really, very good point there.