View Full Version : I Miss My Kitty Boy

08-29-2003, 02:18 PM
He had to be put to sleep last year because of a stomache tumor. He was 12 years old. I got him the day after I had to have my Siamese put to sleep. She had lost the use of her back legs and I came home to find her laying at the entrance to my bedroom. My parents were out of town so there I was, by myself to take her to the vet. It was so hard. I had already been looking at Kitty Boy at the pet store. This was when I was just 18 and didn't have the knowledge I do now about all the homeless animals. I charged him on my Master Card. I held him for 30 minutes before I finally made the decision to get him. He purred the whole time. Here's one of my favorite pics of him.

08-29-2003, 02:19 PM
He's so beautiful, and just a sweet, sad story.
I'm sure he's happy at RB.

08-29-2003, 02:35 PM
What a beautiful boy! I'm sure you miss him very much.

Remember all the happy times and know he's happy and well at Rainbow Bridge.

08-29-2003, 03:01 PM
How sad... :( I know how you feel, I'm feeling the same every year on May 3rd, when I had to put my Katz to sleep...

You're Kitty Boy looks like an angel in that pics, he's so sweet!


08-29-2003, 03:03 PM
Yes, even though time passes, we never get over missing our very special furry friends.

You gave Kitty Boy a wonderful home, and he gave you wonderful love. A great combo!!!:)

08-29-2003, 03:43 PM
What a beautiful kitty boy. He looks like a male version of my RB Goldie, who I had to PTS this past April 10th from a liver tumor. I still miss her very much. Just know that you did the humane thing - my Goldie's back end wasn't working at all at the end. She dragged herself up to my bed the last night she was with me and I knew it was time to say good bye. <sniff>

We will never forget our furry friends who go over the Rainbow Bridge. There will always be a Goldie shaped/sized spot in my heart. God made them small so we could love more of them and that's why I took in my current two from a rescue shelter.

08-29-2003, 04:27 PM
Your Kitty Boy was very handsome. I'm sure he's waiting for you at Rainbow Bridge and that his spirit visits you often. I also know the pain of having to put a cat to sleep since I had to do the same thing this past Feb. to my Pepper.:( Just remember that as long as Kitty Boy remains in your heart, he'll live on forever.

Maybe it's time to adopt another cat. Since my Pepper passed on, I've adopted 2 more cats and they've brought a lot of joy and happiness into my life.:)

08-30-2003, 02:03 AM
What a cute boy he was!!!
...and what a sad story...

I hope you find comfort in knowing that you'll meet again one day!

08-30-2003, 06:36 AM
What a sweet kitty! I know how sad you must feel, without his love. He is waiting for you at RB!