View Full Version : This makes me fuming mad!!!!

08-28-2003, 06:58 PM
This is what I saw today at animal control while waiting to pick up Chance. This whole family came in, including a poor baby with nothing on but a diaper(why are people like this allowed to breed?) They wanted to get the dog spayed but something kept them from doing it. Turns out, this dog has had two litters back to back. And then the woman says :"I've got 5 big dogs at home. We feed them every day." I was so angry I couldn't hardly stand it. I told her that if she couldn't afford to take care of a dog, she shouldn't have one. I told her it would be better off being put down than how it lives now. Her defense was the just having puppies thing. And I surely feel sorry for that baby. Just look what it's going to learn. I am thoroughly disgusted.

08-28-2003, 07:14 PM
:mad::mad: :mad: Looks like the owner keeps herself well fed!:mad: OMG! Look at her hip bones!! Didn't the shelter say anything? Shelters usually work closely with animal control. That dog should be removed from that home! She is emmaciated!NOTHING makes me madder than people who use dogs as breeding machines...or don't care enough to spay them or keep them apart from the males! Was she coming in to have her spayed?? Was she surrendering her?

08-28-2003, 07:17 PM
I wish she was surrendering her. Nope, there's 5 other dogs home, as well. I wish I knew where she lived because I would most certainly turn her in.

08-28-2003, 07:54 PM
OMG!:mad: :mad: :mad: Poor baby.:( Look at the hip bones, I can't believe people like this. It makes me so pissed!:mad: God people sometimes. This poor pup will be in my prayers, and all of ther other dogs that she owns. Oh, right I really believe that she feeds the dog everyday. It sure shows.:rolleyes: :mad:

08-28-2003, 09:01 PM
:mad: :mad: :mad: That is disgusting! Look at that poor girl!! Can you imagine her pups? They're probably all dead now, because they weren't fed well enough!!! :mad: Poor poor baby..that just..UGH!!! Pisses me off...

08-28-2003, 09:06 PM
Ugh. I hate people. :mad: Poor dog.....:( That disgrace to a human being needs to be put in jail! How can people be so cruel? :( She feeds her dogs?! Pfft. Whatever. Next thing you know, shes starving her baby if she already isn't. What goes around comes around, and I hope something happens to that AWFUL, DISGUSTING person to make her regret what she has done. :mad: :(

NOTHING makes me more madder then people abusing dogs. NOTHING. There is NO EXCUSE for that. If I saw her, ooooo someone would get hurt.:mad:

08-28-2003, 09:43 PM
That makes me SICK. That is inhumane and stupid. We need a law people have to go thru a class or something to prove they can be RESPONSIBLE and own a pet.. Gosh that makes me SO UNBELIEVABLY A*N*G*R*Y!!! That person should be put in JAIL for what she has done and have her pets AND her kids taken away. Apparently she isn't RESPONSIBLE enough to even take care of a dog, much less HER OWN CHILDREN. *omg...* I would like to see what conditions this dog lives in. Someone SHOOT her.

08-28-2003, 10:53 PM
Words can't even explain how much that disgusts me. You are a strong person to not choke that lady to death. I don't think I could have kept my hands off of that idiot.

08-28-2003, 11:07 PM
This really ticks me off. That poor dog is abused.
She is skin and bones.
I agree with Sandra,
WHY DIDN"T the shelter do anything, like report this woman???
Why not go back down to the shelter and talk to them
and air out your concerns.
The shelter should still have the information on this woman
since she was going to spay her dog.
Maybe than the shelter will contact the authorities to
have the woman investigated. I wonder what
her other 5 dogs look like!!

08-29-2003, 02:02 AM
that is so sad! It burns me up when people get dogs and can take care of of them and dont even care! they should be put in jail for life and see how they like being abused!:mad: :mad: :mad:

08-29-2003, 03:29 PM
Why on earth would a person like that have 5 dogs? Why would you want another dog if you can't even take care of the ones you have? I can just imagine her house is filthy, and her kids are filthy and fed on McDonalds every day.

The dog looks so sweet, too. Look at the poor thing - all her calories are being used to make milk. Doesn't the woman realize she needs extra food and care now?

Did the people at the shelter say anything at all to her?

08-29-2003, 04:27 PM
i know that dogs that just had pups look really skinny, but that isn't normal! her bones are showing!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:

08-29-2003, 04:55 PM
About the only thing the woman at animal control told her is that she needed worming and spayed. I don't know if she wasn't allowed to say more or what. I could say what I wanted and did. When they left, the employee was angry. She said doesn't matter how much you feed them if it's that Ol Roy slop. I guess they're not allowed to say too much. I sure couldn't work there. I hate even going there to pick up dogs but at least I know they're getting the $@!@# out of there!

08-29-2003, 06:56 PM
So was she dropping the dog off at the shelter or what? Surely she didn't bring her in to have her spayed while she was nursing?

08-29-2003, 07:02 PM
Oh yeah, she was. But I didn't find out why they couldn't get it done. According to her, she had already "gotten rid" of all the puppies. No telling what happened to them.

08-29-2003, 07:54 PM
I looked at that pic for about 5 min wondering how on earth a human can do such a thing to a poor animal. :(:(

I hope she doesnt suffer and I hope one the ;ladies naibours turn her in....

:(:(:( poor dog :(:(:(

08-30-2003, 10:29 AM
Thank you dukedogsmom for speaking your mind when animal control couldn't or just didn't.