View Full Version : After bath & other pics..

08-28-2003, 07:32 AM
Well, I figured it had been a while since I've posted any new pics, so I thought I'd share some I took yesterday.
I'd given Angus a bath on Monday (sorry no bath pictures from him :p ). He looks so shiny and black now!
Sleeping after the big bath
My beautiful ol' man
Here he is asking for a treat

Now here's the grumpy Huney. So was so PO'D at me yesterday! She was good for the bath & figured that ought to be good enough:o
Here's one of her shortly after her bath, isn't she funny looking;)
And here's one of her after being brushed and trimmed up a little around the face, she wasn't a very happy camper.

08-28-2003, 07:33 AM
Here's a few pics of Roxey & Huney before drying off
And after drying off
And here's a few of all 3 (Huney just didn't want to look at me:rolleyes:

08-28-2003, 07:35 AM
And here's a couple pics of my pretty girl Roxey
Howling for a treat
Falling asleep sitting up
Hope you enjoyed!

08-28-2003, 07:38 AM
Very cute!! Huney did NOT look like a happy camper.

Hey, how far are you from Richmond, IN? I'm thinking about going down there on Saturday. A friend of mine who shows and breeds Black and Tans is going to be at a show down there. I thought if it was relatively close to you that you might be able to meet us.

08-28-2003, 07:44 AM
I couldn't tell you how far away we are, but I wouldn't be able to go anyway:( I have to work as usual Saturday evening...sorry, but thanks for asking.

And your right, that Huney, she was NOT a happy camper at all. She didn't want anything to do with me for the rest of the night. She even ran from me when I tried to give her a treat:eek:

08-28-2003, 07:55 AM
Woa talk about holding a grudge :eek: She's so hilarious!! :D I forget is she all Chow or a only part?

Falling asleep standing up...yes, Mickey has done that. It's really funny. :D

Great pictures! I just can't get enough of Huney though! The ways she is just avoiding the camera...lol.

Kona & Oreo's mom
08-28-2003, 09:24 AM
Those are great pictures! Angus is such a sweetheart!

Toby's Mommy
08-28-2003, 09:30 AM
Great pics I absolutly love all your dogs!

08-28-2003, 09:49 AM
Great pics as usual Anna! Your kids are so cute! That Angus! I guess I'll go ahead and admit that I used to loathe Rotties. please don't throw things at me people :) I wasn't afraid of them, nor did I think they were "killers". :rolleyes:
It was totally due to the fact that my ex husband had 2 and I just associated the breed with him. (naturally I don't like anything that has anything to do with him)

Angus has totally turned me around!! I love his expressive face and all the cute little things he does. I would love to meet the big ole sweetie and just kiss his face!!!

Now when I see Rotties at Petsmart and other places, I always ask to pet them! :D

08-28-2003, 09:51 AM
Awwww, look at Huney. He didn't look too happy, but I'm sure he'll forgive you.;) Roxey is so beautiful!:eek: I love the pic of her howling, and look at those eyes! Angus is so handsome! When are we going to see some more pics of him?:p

08-28-2003, 02:45 PM
What a riot that Huney is!!!!
You can totally tell she is annoyed in the pictures--she just looks mad!!! Riley won't come near me after I give him a bath, brush him, clip his nails, clean his ears, anything--he runs and hides under the table.
Kito holds a grudge too--he was mad at me all day yesterday because I took him to the vet--even though he loves her!! He had to get his shots though, so I suppose that's why he was mad. He didn't even greet me after work, and would only sit by his daddy.

Angus is sooooooo handsome!!!!
Roxey looks gorgeous too--I love her eyes!!!!!

Big hugs and kisses to Angus, Roxey, and Huney!!!!!

08-28-2003, 02:47 PM
Great pix Anna~! Honey is just too cute~!! She didn't even come to you for a treat....:eek:......wonder what was wrong with her?!? Your pups all look great......now their all clean n' pretty~!

Thanx for sharing~!:D :D

08-28-2003, 03:37 PM
Yay! Pictures of Angus, Huney & Roxey!:D Anna, I just love your dogs, all three are so gorgeous.:)
Thanks for sharing!
Please give them all a hugs and kisses from me, (extra big ones for sweetie-pie Angus:D )

08-28-2003, 03:39 PM
Great Pics Anna!! Such beautfil dogs (Sorry, Angus, I guess you're handsome!!)

I asked Spot if he wanted to get a bath since "his girl" is all cleaned up, but he ran :rolleyes: Oh well :)

Sadie is always falling asleep sitting up! Silly pups, Lay down!! :)

08-28-2003, 04:15 PM
Great pictures Anna! All of your babies are GORGEOUS, but I can't get enough of Roxey! She is just a beautiful example of a husky. :D:) Molly's just like Huney after a bath...she hates getting one, but when shes all nice and poofy, she thinks shes all that, and shows off! :p:rolleyes: Anyway, they all looks GREAT! Thanks for sharing! :D

08-28-2003, 04:23 PM
I don't know if theres a more gorgeous pack of dogs than your three, Anna. All three of them are stunning, and I especially love Huney! Great photos, thank you for posting them! :D

08-28-2003, 04:28 PM
You're three kids are gorgeous!! I especially love Honey! lmao.

08-28-2003, 04:55 PM
My favorite is Angus. All your dogs are beautiful, of course, but Angus looks like he has such character!

08-28-2003, 05:29 PM
You really have yourself a trio of gorgeous dogs! I can't pick a fav because they're all too cute! Thanks for sharing these :)

08-28-2003, 05:30 PM
Aww!! They are all squeaky clean!!

Poor Huney! She looks so sad!! :( Has she come back around to her usual goofy self yet?

08-28-2003, 05:36 PM
You and your happy (and grumpy!!:D) trio have made my night, Anna! Seeing your beautiful Angus always plucks at my heart strings. What a precious boy!:) Huney's pics just cracked me up!! Strawberry blonds are famous for getting just a tad cranky after a day of beauty!:) Roxey, nodding out sitting up must be a Husky thing! My Cody does that too!:D

08-28-2003, 05:52 PM
Great pics, everybody looks so beautiful.
Even grumpy Huney. lol

P.S. I could not tell she looked grumpy, but
boy does she hold a grudge when she would
not take a treat from you. :p

08-28-2003, 05:59 PM
Oh, Anna, your pack is ABSOLUTLY GORGEOUS!!!!!!!:D

All three are gorgeous, I love them all, so beautiful:)

Great pictures, I love to see them:)

08-29-2003, 12:35 AM
Gorgeous Pics!!
Keegan gets the same Krinkles that Huney does!!! :D

Did you explain to her that she has to look pretty for her friends on Sunday?


08-29-2003, 12:45 AM
AWWW great pics!! They don't look very *thrilled* about the bath! Heheh. Nebo just sits there and glares at me, but puts up with it--he knows he'll get treats later.

Wonderful pics of your very very adorable dogs! :D

08-29-2003, 02:05 AM
your dogs are really cute!They look nice and fluffy after their baths!

08-29-2003, 07:44 AM
Originally posted by shais_mom
Did you explain to her that she has to look pretty for her friends on Sunday?
Ya know, I tried...but she wasn't buying it:p

Originally posted by cookiebaker
Has she come back around to her usual goofy self yet?
Yep, finally:D

Originally posted by micki76
Angus has totally turned me around!! I love his expressive face and all the cute little things he does. I would love to meet the big ole sweetie and just kiss his face!!!
I'm so glad to hear your not holding a grudge against them anymore;) And Angus would absolutely love to get kisses from you!

Originally posted by Dogz
When are we going to see some more pics of him?
I've attached one just for you!

Thanks everyone, they really are big babies & love all the attention they are getting. Hugs & kisses have been distributed from everyone of you:D

08-29-2003, 09:23 AM
Aww! They look great! Huney looks so funny!! :D
And look how handsome Angus is!
Roxey is one beautiful girl. Looks like she enjoyed her bath?
Give them all big hugs and kisses from me! :D Great pictures! More please! :)