View Full Version : A weird dream.

07-23-2001, 06:56 PM
Okay..a couple of days ago I had this weird dream...I don't understand it at all. I don't remember it all because it was pretty blurry.

I start out in my room I think...it looks a bit different, but I know it's my room because I see all of my dog posters hanging on the walls. Then I go downstairs and when I go outside I see the Irving Mall....only it also looks different.I go inside and I see my dog Tiger. He looks at me and then runs off into a dark store. I start to follow him and when I get inside the store. I see a lot of toys. I look for Tiger everywhere..but I can't find him. Then I see him walk into a closet. The door shuts and then opens again....but when I open the door, I see this blond-haired girl about my age. She looks at me then points at another door. I go to the door and open it to find Tiger. When I look back at the girl, she is gone. Then I see Tiger and he looks at me strangely. I walk out of the store and then I see a water park, but it also looks like a beach. I see my mom and I walk over to her. Then I hear someone say my name...I look behind me to see that same blond girl. She says her name to me, but I can't understand her at all. Then I follow her. She leads me to a play-ground. When Tiger see's her he runs off. When I look back at the girl I see a Labrador Retreiver. It has dark blue eyes and it started to bark at me. I ran away from it. But it followed me. I ran into a stadium of some sort. I look out the window and see the dog.It looks like it is trying to say something to me, but I don't understand it. Then I see Tiger right next to me. I pick him up and look back at the dog. When I look back I see the mysterious girl. Tiger see's the girl and runs away again. I chase after him. He leads me to some type of forest. I get lost and I can't find him anywhere. I call out his name, but I still can't find him. Then I see the girl again. She points near a river. I go over there and see my dog in the water....he can't get out. I try to help him, but it doesn't work. Then the girl walks over to me. I take my eyes off of her for a sec and I look back to see the dog again. The dog jumps in the water and then saves Tiger. I pick up my dog and hug him a lot. When I look to thank the dog, I see the girl. She walks over to me and smiles for the first time. See pets Tiger the waves at me and dissapears. :eek: Then all of a sudden, I wake up.

I don't understand my dream, but I think that the girl was the dog and I think she was trying to help me save my dog. I'm just glad that it was a happy ending. :)

[ July 23, 2001: Message edited by: DogFan77 ]

07-23-2001, 09:06 PM
Wow, thats quite a dream. It has so many elements. Let me think about it some and I'll offer my interpretation :)

07-24-2001, 02:35 PM
i know it is a strange dream......

07-24-2001, 03:24 PM
Wow, that IS quite a dream! Kinda freaky, too! Thanks for sharing it, DogFan77!!! :)